Foreign Minister Wang Yi: China and the United States need not be rivals but partners

Foreign Minister Wang Yi: China and the United States need not be rivals but partners
02:17, March 9, 2018 Beijing News
 Yesterday, at the press conference of the first session of the 13th National People's Congress, Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists on "China's foreign policy and foreign relations". Photographed by Xue Jun, a reporter of Beijing News Yesterday, at the press conference of the first session of the 13th National People's Congress, Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists on "China's foreign policy and foreign relations". Photographed by Xue Jun, a reporter of Beijing News

   Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered the reporter's question that Xiong'an New Area will be introduced to the world this year

   China and the United States need not be rivals but partners

Yesterday, Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists on "China's foreign policy and foreign relations". Wang Yi introduced that this year China will hold four major home events, namely the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Meeting, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit, the Forum on China Africa Cooperation Summit and the China International Import Expo, and will introduce Xiong'an New Area to the world.

Wang Yi also revealed that from today on, the cost of consular certification for Chinese citizens will be significantly reduced by up to two-thirds. In addition, the legislative work on consular protection and assistance is under way and will be publicly solicited after the "two sessions".

   [Diplomatic highlights]

   This year, China's diplomacy has four major home events

People's Daily: 2018 is the first year after the 19th National Congress. Can you reveal the highlights of China's diplomacy this year?

Wang Yi: The highlights of China's diplomacy this year are mainly reflected in the four major home events.

First, the annual meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia was held in Hainan in April, with the theme of reform and opening up. This year coincides with the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. This annual meeting will summarize the successful experience of reform and opening up, and show the new prospects of deepening reform and expanding opening up in the new era.

Second, the SCO Summit was held in Qingdao in June, with the theme of promoting the "Shanghai Spirit". The expanded SCO will review the "Shanghai Spirit" and start a new journey of SCO's development and growth.

Third, the Forum on China Africa Cooperation Summit was held in Beijing in September, with the theme of "the Belt and Road". The brothers and sisters of African countries will take the summit as an opportunity to participate in the construction of the "Belt and Road" in an all-round way and inject new impetus into China Africa comprehensive strategic partnership.

Fourth, the first China International Import Expo was held in Shanghai in November, with the theme of market opening.

   The Peninsula Issue

   The "double suspension" initiative is the right remedy

Reuters: What role can China play to encourage direct negotiations between the DPRK and the US? Does China believe that the US should withdraw its US troops from South Korea?

Wang Yi: The DPRK and the ROK seized the opportunity of the Winter Olympics to launch a series of intensive interactions, and the north-south relations quickly thawed, injecting a long lost warm current into the situation on the frozen peninsula. During the Winter Olympics, North Korea did not conduct a new nuclear missile test, and the United States and South Korea also suspended military exercises against the DPRK. Facts have proved that the "double suspension" initiative proposed by the Chinese side is a good prescription to suit the situation, creating the most basic conditions for improving relations between the North and the South.

Now, the settlement of the Peninsula issue has finally taken an important step in the right direction. The next key is for all parties to actively respond and form a joint force to jointly bring the situation on the peninsula back into the track of peace and stability and the nuclear issue on the peninsula back into the track of dialogue and settlement. To this end, we call on all parties, especially the United States and the DPRK, to conduct contact and dialogue as soon as possible. All parties adhere to the goal of denuclearization of the peninsula and actively build a peace mechanism on the peninsula along the "dual track" approach.

   China US relations

   China will not and need not replace the United States

Bloomberg: As for the US China trade war, the US side expressed its willingness to take all tools to prevent China from undermining international competition. Is China willing to take all tools to fight back?

Wang Yi: As the largest developing country and the largest developed country in the world, China US cooperation will benefit both countries and the world. China and the United States can compete, not as rivals, but as partners.

China will stick to the development path of its own choice, and China's development and revitalization are unstoppable, which has been widely recognized by the international community. Some people in the United States believe that China will therefore replace the United States in the international role, which is a fundamental strategic miscalculation. China has a long way to go to realize its own modernization, and will not and need not replace the role of the United States.

As for the trade friction between China and the United States. Historical experience and lessons have proved that fighting trade wars is never the right way to solve problems. Especially in today's globalized world, the choice of trade war is the wrong prescription, which will only harm others and harm ourselves, and China will certainly make a legitimate and necessary response.

   [China Russia relations]

   China Russia cooperative partnership is as stable as Mount Tai

Russia International News Agency: Russia will hold a presidential election on March 18. What's your expectation of the election results? How to view the prospects of China Russia relations?

Wang Yi: The Russian presidential election is a major event for the Russian country and people. We see that under the leadership of President Putin, Russia has made important achievements in its national development in recent years, and President Putin has always been firmly supported by the Russian people. We believe that the Russian people will make the right choice again, and the Russian nation will continue to stride forward on the road of national revitalization.

As for the prospects of China Russia relations, we are full of confidence. Our confidence comes from the deep friendship and mutual trust between the two heads of state, which will be the fundamental guarantee to continue to lead the development of bilateral relations. Our confidence also comes from the deepening of practical cooperation in various fields between the two sides, from firm mutual support in each other's core interests, from close cooperation in international affairs, and from increasingly frequent exchanges between all walks of life of the two countries. In short, China Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination is as stable as Mount Tai. Please convey a word to your Russian friends that there is no end to deepening cooperation between China and Russia, and there is no best but better China Russia relations.

   [The "Belt and Road"]

   The "Belt and Road" is a global public product

Kazakh News Agency: In the past five years, the "Belt and Road" initiative has made great progress. However, some Westerners also have doubts about the transparency of the initiative and whether it conforms to international rules. How does China respond?

Wang Yi: The "Belt and Road" is a sunshine initiative put forward by China. Jointly discussing, building and sharing is the golden rule to promote the "Belt and Road". In other words, both the planning of cooperation blueprints and the implementation of specific projects will be discussed by the participants, and everything will run in the sunshine. No one is dominant, but all parties participate equally; There is no black box operation, but insist on openness and transparency; No winner takes all, but seeks mutual benefit and win-win results.

In May last year, representatives of more than 140 countries attended the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which is the "vote of confidence" and "vote of support" of the international community for the "Belt and Road". The "Belt and Road" is a global public product, which certainly complies with international rules; The "Belt and Road" is an international cooperation platform, which naturally acts in accordance with market rules. We sincerely welcome all parties to make suggestions and suggestions for the "Belt and Road" and jointly build and promote the "Belt and Road".

   [South China Sea Issue]

   Accelerate the consultation process on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea

Singapore's Straits Times reporter: The situation in the South China Sea is calm, but some people worry that China's construction of islands and reefs in the South China Sea will lead to militarization. Is it possible for China and ASEAN countries to reach a code of conduct in the South China Sea this year?

Wang Yi: The first thing facing the South China Sea is opportunity. The situation in the South China Sea is clearly stabilizing and improving. China and ASEAN countries have reached a high degree of agreement and are willing to jointly maintain the hard won stability by formulating the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea.

At present, the main challenge facing the South China Sea is that some external forces are unwilling to calm down the wind and waves in the South China Sea. They always want to stir up right and wrong for fear that the world will not be chaotic. When it comes to militarization, they often send fully armed ships and aircraft to the South China Sea to show off their force, which is the biggest interference factor affecting the peace and stability of the South China Sea.

In the new year, together with ASEAN countries, we will seize the opportunity, expand cooperation, remove interference, resolve challenges, cherish the results of our efforts, accelerate the consultation process of the guidelines, actively explore the establishment of cooperation mechanisms for coastal countries in the South China Sea, and jointly build the South China Sea into a sea of peace and cooperation.

According to Xinhua News Agency

Editor in charge: Li Jian SF163

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