The most fashionable cycling retro style men gather in the clocking mecca

The most fashionable cycling retro style men gather in the clocking mecca
19:40, May 5, 2019 Sina Fashion

Introduction: The Tweed Run is the most "dream well" cycling activity in the world. Every first weekend of May in London, the annual "The Tweed Run" retro cycling will be held as scheduled. (Source: Taige Youwu)

This activity, which originated in 2009, was launched by a group of retro cycling culture enthusiasts from Britain, aiming to remember the 19th century gentleman culture, and now its influence has rapidly expanded to the global scope.

Just last Saturday, May 4, 2019 The London Tweed Run arrived as promised. Enthusiasts dressed in exquisite and elegant retro costumes - tweed made gentleman's clothes and block shoes, rode their classic old bikes to participate in the event.

Of course, the routes of each session of retro cycling are also carefully selected. Participants ride in the streets with the best posture and pass through the famous landmarks of the city.

This year, the route from Clerkenwell to South Kensington covered the Parliament Building, the Natural History Museum, Buckingham Palace and other famous landmarks. The route was 12 miles long, and the gentlemen could stop for a tea break or picnic.

At the end of the event, various awards will be selected, including "Best Dressed for Men", "Best Dressed for Women", "Best Vintage Bike", "Best Bike Style", "Best Beard", "Best Headwear", etc.

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