Men wear this way when traveling, and girls don't think you are vulgar anymore

Men wear this way when traveling, and girls don't think you are vulgar anymore
19:35, May 5, 2019 Sina Fashion

Introduction: Fat friends, although I don't know if you have done a good job, I will take a vacation next week! Many girls dress up meticulously when they go on holiday, and they are graceful and very beautiful. However, the men who follow them are slovenly, and they just want to walk around with big shorts and black T-shirts. (Source: Taige Youwu)

 You are responsible for the beauty You are responsible for the beauty
 And I can only carry bags? And I can only carry bags?

Today, I will take the opportunity of packing to introduce some different styles of men's holiday and share some interesting personal things. Boys and girls, let's start from the journey and wave up! The advantage of summer vacation is that you can pack light. For this four-day trip, I prepared five pairs of three styles according to different occasions, including four shirts, one polo, two shorts, and one pair of trousers:

 Clothes of different shades are ready for flexible matching Clothes of different shades are ready for flexible matching

Panama straw hat, a summer necessity, can match any style from round neck T to formal suit. You can also add interest by matching fish bait, feathers and other trinkets, but do not exaggerate.

Although it is called Panama straw hat, the best hats are hand woven with Paja Toquilla grass produced in Ecuador, which has bright beige and exquisite knitting technology.

Wearing proportion: In summer, I most admire the method of long sleeves (rolling up sleeves) on the upper body and shorts on the lower body. The advantage is not only sunscreen and cool, but also the feeling of laziness during vacation. The most important thing is to appear tall and long legs.

 The hem of the coat should not be too long, and the shorts should not be over the knee The hem of the coat should not be too long, and the shorts should not be over the knee

Here are some common holiday styles:

   1. Tropics Style

How can we lack printed Hawaiian shirts in summer? This year Prada and other brands have launched Hawaiian style themed items.

But unfortunately, we lack big long legs, six pack abs and bright skin color. We usually wear these loose cut, bright and full-bodied shirts instead of being modest. I yearn for flowers but I am sad. This time, I chose a less exaggerated pattern and a slim cut shirt, which is very suitable for the body proportion of most men in Asia.

Carhartt wip, controlling the proportion of different colors is the key to selecting printed shirts.

   2. Riviera Style

Different from the passionate tropical seaside, the Mediterranean style seaside resort can be matched with refreshing blue, white, stripes and other elements.

At any time, you should choose clothes at the right time. Never wear flip flop vests in galleries, museums, restaurants and other places regardless of the occasion. The striped dress shirt+Bermuda shorts can easily cope with the situation without being rude.

 The dress shirt has a long hem, which should be pressed into the pants and decorated with small metal objects. The dress shirt has a long hem, which should be pressed into the pants and decorated with small metal objects.

When sorting luggage, buckle up to protect the collar from deformation. When wearing without tie, loosen the collar and collar.

 PT's cotton bermuda shorts have many exquisite details, and the fabric also has rich texture changes. PT's cotton bermuda shorts have many exquisite details, and the fabric also has rich texture changes.

Here is a special introduction to Bermuda shorts: Bermuda shorts, which adopt suit technology and cut the leg to the knee, have been accepted as tropical formal clothes since colonial times, and are still part of the Royal Navy uniform today - although it seems that only underwear is worn with suits.

When Prince Philip visited Bermuda in 2009, he received a green pair of shorts as a gift. To what extent do Bermudians like the shorts? The entrance ceremony of the Winter Olympics should also be worn.

 The red pants and the red nose can be said to complement each other The red pants and the red nose can be said to complement each other

The Mediterranean style can also be created by using soft cotton shirts and white shorts. If you don't go to formal places, leather hand toe clipped slippers are strong and comfortable, which is a good choice, and also avoids the embarrassment of plastic slipper straps that are easy to wear and tear off. Pay attention to personal hygiene when wearing slippers.

Omnigod blue dyed work clothes shirt will have a very natural color after years of wearing. Blue and white are the most basic colors. Everything depends on tailoring and details. The color has a sense of weight: use the light and breathable blue bottom white striped trousers (large area) to offset the black weight of the Polo shirt (small area of short sleeves), and the overall visual balance will be achieved.

 Singapore brand Biro uses Japanese red ear fabric, which is light and full of details. Singapore brand Biro uses Japanese red ear fabric, which is light and full of details.
 Expose a few colorful handkerchiefs to brighten the color. Expose a few colorful handkerchiefs to brighten the color.

   3. Safari Style

Safari style was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, and gradually formed as the hunting use of upper class society in Africa at that time. It integrates military uniform and outdoor elements, with khaki as the core.

The picture above shows Hemingway and his wife Mary hunting in Africa. Every boy has a dream of 'uniform' in his heart. However, when you wear military/Safari and other uniform styles, you must avoid the whole set of matching. It will add a lot of fun to mix and match some of these elements. Several years ago, I ran into an acquaintance in a subway station. At that time, this elder brother was full of US military jungle camouflage+helmet+full set of equipment (just one gun short), and his embarrassment was unforgettable all the way. Camouflage shirt+light beige shorts+khaki suede shoes make a compromise between military and Safari styles:

Mr, the branch line of Bape. Bathing Ape ape camouflage shirt has the fashion taste of street brands, and also has the rigorous tailoring of men's formal clothes.

   Small carry on items: A few small things with details make travel more interesting. Travelers' Note notebooks and portable pens can record what you see and feel on the way at any time. The following figure is located in the Imam Square in Isfahan, Iran.

   Travelling bag: It's embarrassing to wear a black computer bag neatly, and a versatile backpack can add a lot of points.

Billykirk, a 16 inch denim doctor bag that has been used everywhere for 6 years, is small in size but large in capacity. It can be used for travel bags and daily commuting.

All the clothes above can be easily put in, and the metal skeleton hidden in the opening can ensure that the backpack does not deform. The above are some simple but insightful wear tips, so friends, work hard~I'm going to the airport.

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