Who says the post-90s generation is not good? Their design has been praised by countless people

Who says the post-90s generation is not good? Their design has been praised by countless people
09:45, April 30, 2019 Sina Fashion

   Introduction: Zhihu has a hot question: what can I do at the age of 20, which will benefit a lot in five years? (Source: Puxiang Industrial Design Station)

Among the high vote answers, some people said that exercise, read and learn professional knowledge; Some people say that they should try to do something well. Some people say that we should settle down and find ourselves without being clever or eager for quick success.

What about students who love design? What should I do now to make myself closer to my dream?

There is a group of young people who set an example for everyone with their own experience. They tell everyone that youth and inexperience are not excuses. We should act and use our knowledge to help change the world.

   Three girls in Taiwan

Eat an ice lolly and protect water resources again

Do you want to have a bite of this beautiful and artistic popsicle?

If you look at the big picture carefully, you can't eat any more. Inside this popsicle, it is clearly sewage and garbage! No. 5 Popsicle contains snails and pink eggs; The 95 # ice lollipop made from Hualien Stream water contains heavy metals, waste wood and pulp.

Yes, "sewage popsicle" is the topic of three Taiwanese graduates of visual communication department.

"When you see sewage popsicles and associate them with swallowing and illness, you can feel the environmental problems such as sewage." They spent a whole year taking water from 100 polluted water sources in Taiwan to make popsicles, numbering them, and then making 1:1 polyester "popsicles" models.

 Hong Yichen, Guo Yihui, Zheng Yudi Hong Yichen, Guo Yihui, Zheng Yudi

In order to get water, the three girls not only have to face the foul sewers and polluted ditches, but also have to sneak into the sewage treatment plant.

They designed a beautiful package for the popsicle, but after tearing it, they revealed the truth that the water source was being naked.

The "Sewage Ice Making House" was shared on the Internet, instantly attracting 1.85 million people to watch, 25000 people to praise, and was collected by Youzhang Art Museum. I believe that more people will realize the importance of protecting water resources.

   Swedish student Pontus

Struggle with plastics to the end

It's a pleasure to order takeaway. After 20 minutes, those disposable plastic tableware will end their mission. Then, it will take 450 years for them to degrade! The earth is almost occupied by plastic!

This problem is difficult to stop even the world's top scientists. Pontus T ö rnqvist, an industrial design student from Sweden, gave a solution - potato plastic.

Pontus, 23, who is about to graduate, chose "biodegradable thermoplasticity" as the research direction of his bachelor's thesis. When the experiment was at a loss, an accident opened up the situation.

"I accidentally spilled a mass of water and potato starch on the table. When they dried, they solidified into plastic film!"

Pontus successfully made a biodegradable "plastic" from potato starch.

 potatoplastic.se/ potatoplastic.se/

This potato plastic is only composed of potato starch and water. It can be used to make any tableware and can be completely degraded within two months after use.

It uses thermoplastic process, but it does not need extreme high temperature. Plastic can be used as a mold, which greatly reduces the development cost compared with metal mold, and also opens up many design possibilities in shape and appearance.

According to his investigation, the carbon dioxide emission during potato production is only 0.1kg/kg (from agriculture to supermarkets), while polypropylene is up to 2kg/kg.

Potato plastic has not entered mass production yet, but when conditions are ripe, potato plastic can not only be used as tableware, but also can replace plastic bags.

   Singapore student Kevin

Vulnerable groups also deserve good use of products

It takes ordinary people some time to learn cooking, let alone the blind. In fact, blind people do not want to rely on others. They want to take care of their meals.

Then, we can restore the scene of blind people cooking to see how difficult it is for them. It is necessary to carefully touch the blade to cut vegetables, and confirm with hands when pouring water into the cup. For them, it is common to touch hot water and be scalded by the steam in the pot.

On the market, there are countless new tableware for the healthy people to choose from, but why not give the blind a little choice?

As a future product designer, Kevin Chiam of the National University of Singapore decided to design better products for the blind.

The blind are more developed in touch, and Kevin Chiam decided to take this as a breakthrough. It is dangerous to hold the hand when cutting vegetables with a knife. This special prop allows the blind to predict the position of the knife edge.

At the beginning, Kevin thought of a fork shaped fixator. After numerous versions of deliberation, he chose this optimal structure. In the experience of the blind chef, cutting vegetables is not only safe, but also faster.

When the container for serving vegetables has a clear boundary, it will become more convenient.

When pouring water, it is impossible to know whether the water has overflowed. Add a buoy on the spoon to avoid the unsanitary action of touching the water surface.

The container for side dishes is integrated with the lid of the pot, and an obvious handle is added, so that the dishes can be poured in easily after being opened to prevent scalding by touching.

The beauty of design should also be enjoyed by special groups.

   American self-study boy Easton

Protect the dignity of the disabled

Easton LaChappelle, an American boy, gave up going to college and devoted himself to studying the 3D printing robot arm controlled by brain waves, hoping to help the disabled people who cannot afford high cost artificial limbs.

When he was a child, Easton was a fan of Transformers. At the age of 14, he invented a robot arm. The teacher thought it was good and recommended him to participate in the science and technology expo.

There, he met Jenny, a 7-year-old girl with no arms, who changed his fate.

Her prosthetic limb implanted into the spinal cord costs as much as 80000 dollars, but it is difficult to even open the door. With the growth of age, artificial limbs still need to be replaced, which brings great family pressure.

Previously, he just thought the robot arm was cool, but the girl who lost the arm touched his heart: his invention might change the life of this group of people!

He plunged into his garage and did things that experts dare not think of. He wanted to do brain control, and all families could afford the robot arm!

"In the past five years, I have done countless experiments and experienced numerous failures and setbacks. From 3D design of mechanical arms to automatic control devices and microprocessors, motor signals, etc., I have to learn from scratch."

At the age of 19, he succeeded! 3D printing technology not only makes the arm very light, but also reduces the cost to only 500 dollars! Before that, the cost of a set of artificial limbs was usually about 100000 yuan.

Wearing a perception device, even if you use an electric drill and throw a ball, as long as you think about it, the robot arm can easily complete.

Remarkably, he opened up his research results! The dexterous robot arm plays a major role in many fields, for example, it makes people no longer risk their lives to dismantle bombs.

Easton was invited by many universities with scholarships, and was also invited by NASA to develop project projects, and was personally interviewed by Obama.

Now, he has established his own company Unlimited Tomorrow, and the first product has also been launched on the crowdfunding platform.

This generation of young people, see my blood boiling, their own inner impulse to do design more surging! I believe that every designer has a dream to define the future!

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