Where to go in December? If you haven't played enough this year, please look here!

Where to go in December? If you haven't played enough this year, please look here!
10:34, November 22, 2018 Sina Fashion

   Introduction: The direct sunlight point gradually moves south, the days in the southern hemisphere are longer and longer, and the northern hemisphere begins to enter winter. December is a colorful month. From the waves in the Bahamas to the early summer in Australia, every place shows infinite charm. This time, I have carefully selected 10 most worthy destinations for you, hoping to bring you new passion and endless inspiration. In the last month of this year, I will continue to carry my bags and live up to the distance. (Source: Lonely Planet)

   Let's have a big parade on winter night

   "Geneva Dengcheng Festival is an opportunity to eat sweets"

Place: Geneva, Switzerland

Time: December 11 to December 12

 Photo by Please call me Great Xia An Photo by Please call me Great Xia An

Den Cheng Festival is one of the most important festivals in the state of Geneva. The festival celebration is scheduled to be held on December 11 every year, and the official celebration ceremony is held on the weekend closest to this day.

 Photo by Please call me Great Xia An Photo by Please call me Great Xia An

Geneva Den Cheng Festival is to commemorate the people of Geneva defeated the Savoy army who came to attack in 1602. It is said that a housewife beat back the attack: poured a pot of hot soup on the head of a soldier, and then beat him with a crucible.

 Photo by Please call me Great Xia An Photo by Please call me Great Xia An

On the evening of the festival celebration, a bonfire will be lit in front of the church door. People in the old city will wear traditional costumes and parade with torches. The procession is like a fire dragon, running through the whole town. Here, you seem to return to the Middle Ages and feel the courage and enthusiasm of the people in Geneva.

 Photo by Please call me Great Xia An Photo by Please call me Great Xia An

On the eve of the celebration, special chocolate crucibles can be seen everywhere. People will break the chocolate crucible containing almond protein sugar to eat on the holiday day to commemorate the victory of the war. If you love candy, don't miss the day of Dengcheng Festival!

   Marathon Tour of Angkor Wat

   "Tropical rainforests and numerous temples give you a different running experience"

Place: Siem Reap, Cambodia

Time: December 2

 ©Lonely Planet ©Lonely Planet

Few people do not know Angkor Wat, the largest religious building in the world. Angkor Wat is the heart and soul of Cambodia, the product of the perfect combination of ambition and belief. The tall and magnificent temple is surrounded by a moat, which dwarfs other castle buildings.

 ©Lonely Planet ©Lonely Planet

Try to imagine the feeling of running in Angkor Wat. Depart at six in the morning, run towards the east, break the dew at dawn, walk through the mysterious tropical rainforest, and pass the temples that have crossed thousands of years

 ©Lonely Planet ©Lonely Planet

It has been held for more than 15 years, and the International Half Marathon has become a regular event in Angkor at the beginning of December every year. Angkor Wat International Half Marathon is a charity event held to donate Cambodian war and mine victims. All the registration fees obtained will be used for living assistance for the disabled and AIDS patients.

 ©Lonely Planet ©Lonely Planet

If you like marathon, you must not miss this event that combines tropical customs and ancient culture~it may not be as famous as the marathon in London or New York, but it is hard to imagine that there is a more unique and interesting road race venue than Angkor Temple.

   Love floats

   "This day lights up the cold winter night"

Place: Japan Zhifu

Time: December 2 to December 3

 Photo by Don Ben Youli Photo by Don Ben Youli

As one of the three major sacrificial ceremonies in Japan, the ancient Zhifu Night Sacrifice is held at the Zhifu Shrine on December 2 and 3 every year. On the day of the celebration, there will be two "bamboo spears" (giant umbrellas) and two "roof terraces" (floats in the shape of houses) decorated with colorful flowers through the dark city streets.

 Photo by Don Ben Youli Photo by Don Ben Youli

The celebration on the evening of December 3 was the most exciting. The rhythmic drums and flutes gradually pushed people's emotions to a high point. The giant floats with lanterns were pushed up the steep slope, like a small golden temple. The rhythmic drums and flutes gradually push people's emotions to a high point.

 Photo by Don Ben Youli Photo by Don Ben Youli

In addition to lantern floats, there was also a romantic and spectacular fireworks show on the day of the celebration. Carefully designed fireworks blossomed in the night sky with the music rhythm, bringing brilliant brilliance to the cold and dark winter night. After watching the floats parade, you can choose to continue to linger on the streets of the celebration to taste simple and delicious holiday snacks, or walk to the quiet place to have a rest and enjoy the fireworks show that is amazing to everyone.

 Photo by Don Ben Youli Photo by Don Ben Youli

Winter fat, can't refuse

"People of the older generation often say that the Winter Solstice is the Spring Festival"

Place: Guangzhou, China

Time: December February

 Photo by Liang Zhuoxian Photo by Liang Zhuoxian

The winter in Guangzhou is warm and there is relatively little rain. If you are afraid of the cold, you might as well come here for a warm winter. The four words "eating in Guangzhou" make Guangzhou famous. Traditional delicacies, unique and innovative specialties and foreign dishes make you have a 24-hour food schedule.

 Picture provided by Pictorial Insect Picture provided by Pictorial Insect

People in Guangzhou believe in the saying "The Winter Solstice is a great time to celebrate the New Year". On the winter solstice, the pounding of pots and pans resounded throughout the city, and every household prepared delicious food no less than the New Year's Eve dinner. This is the most "dangerous" time in Guangzhou, because if you are not careful, you will be stuck with winter fat that is hard to shake off~

 Photo by Alan Yeh via Flickr Photo by Alan Yeh via Flickr

You can go to Qiaomei Noodle House on Huifu East Road to taste a bowl of delicious bamboo noodles. You can also go to Fulin Restaurant on Education Road to have a plate of smooth and juicy chicken with scallions. Or, on the winter solstice, you can ask your friends to cut roast duck and "beat the side stove" (actually, it is a cooking stove, a Cantonese hot pot).

 Photo by  Bowen Chin via Flickr Photo by Bowen Chin via Flickr

I can't refuse to eat delicious food. I can only try to burn my calories next year.

  Fireworks witness the first day of the New Year


Location: London, England

Time: December 31 January 1

 Photo by Chris Chabot via Flickr Photo by Chris Chabot via Flickr

On the last day of December, fireworks and street parties will sweep across cities across the UK. Speaking of fireworks, the highlight must be the New Year celebration in London. As midnight approaches, the famous Big Ben clock counts down to midnight, adding radiance and beauty to the brilliant fireworks and large-scale celebration crowd of the London Eye.

 Photo by Eser Aygün via Flickr Photo by Eser Aygün via Flickr

Sit on the bank of the Thames and count down with people from all over the world. Thousands of fireworks are in full bloom, bringing a very shocking visual experience. You can feel the unique British romance by watching the fireworks explode in the sky on a winter night.

 Photo by Yann Caradec via Flickr Photo by Yann Caradec via Flickr

In order to avoid overcrowding affecting the viewing experience, the ticket entry system has been implemented for the New Year fireworks show in recent years. Tickets are divided into 6 viewing areas. You can choose suitable viewing areas according to your own needs. Remember to buy tickets in advance and enter on time~

 ©Lonely Planet ©Lonely Planet

Don't lose heart if you don't get tickets. The New Year celebration is grand, and many places can enjoy fireworks without buying tickets. You can go to Trafalgar Square to browse, or go to the Temple and Embarkment stations to look for places to watch fireworks.

Pursue Mr. Lao She's Winter

"Jinan is really a treasure land with warm and sunny weather in winter in northern China"

Location: Jinan, Shandong

Time: December February

 Picture provided by Pictorial Insect Picture provided by Pictorial Insect

"In an old city, there are mountains and water, all of which are basking in the sun and sleeping peacefully, only waiting for the spring breeze to wake them up..." Just for the text recited in childhood, it is worth seeing the winter in Jinan. Go to see Baotu Spring in the early snow, and then go into the old block from Furong Street to see the quadrangle and Confucian Temple. Maybe you can find what Mr. Lao She once felt.

 Picture provided by Pictorial Insect Picture provided by Pictorial Insect

Baotu Spring was rated as the best spring in the world by Kangxi, which is also a clear and gentle image in Mr. Lao She's works. You might as well go to Jinan to watch the spring in winter. The spring water with a constant temperature of 18 degrees throughout the year will give you a unique experience in the severe winter when the thin smoke of cloud and mist will rise.

 Picture provided by Pictorial Insect Picture provided by Pictorial Insect

Of course, what attracts you is not only the famous Baotu Spring and Daming Lake, but also suddenly turning into an old street and meeting a spring eye and a clear pool under the wall; Or add the Lingta Temple and the Four Gate Pagoda to your itinerary, and you will experience the ancient beauty of Jinan, which is rarely mentioned.

 Picture provided by Pictorial Insect Picture provided by Pictorial Insect

Whether you are experiencing the market atmosphere in the Wangfu Pool or looking back at the past in the museum's antiquities, the old city, which is gathered by mountains, springs, rivers and lakes, can still find the warm winter described by Mr. Lao She today.

Stay away from worries in folk culture music festival

"In this free and unrestrained music festival, living in tents may be a good choice"

Location: Queensland, Australia

Time: December 27 to January 1

 Photo by Christian Bowman via Flickr Photo by Christian Bowman via Flickr

Woodford folk festival is a great way to welcome the New Year. In six days, Woodford Dia temporarily turned into a wonderland in Queensland, which is full of rural customs.

 Photo by Allan Henderson via Flickr Photo by Allan Henderson via Flickr

More than 2000 performers gave about 450 performances to nearly 130000 audiences. From angry hippies to trendy urbanites and extended families, this post Christmas camping activity is suitable for everyone.

 Photo by Christian Bowman via Flickr Photo by Christian Bowman via Flickr

Folk music is of course essential, but there are also street comedies, movies, comedy performances, off plug improvisation, political debates, circus performances, workshops and cabaret late at night.

 Photo by Christian Bowman via Flickr Photo by Christian Bowman via Flickr

Explore the Pirates

"In the Caribbean Sea, the legend of the Bahamas has never faded"

Location: Bahamas

Time: December February

 ©Lonely Planet ©Lonely Planet

The Bahamas is like a handful of pirate gold, scattered in the 260000 square kilometers of blue Caribbean Sea. The visibility of the sea water in the Bahamas is the highest in the world. From December to February of the next year, the Bahamas has warm days and cool nights. In the best weather days, wear a mirror and fins, and you will have the entire underwater world.

 ©Lonely Planet ©Lonely Planet

Lukaya National Park is the most beautiful treasure of the Grand Bahamas, which contains all 6 plant belts in the Bahamas. The mangrove path extends outward to the secluded and beautiful Golden Rock Beach, which is the location of the second and third Pirates of the Caribbean.

 ©Lonely Planet ©Lonely Planet

There is a large pink beach on the Hubble Islands in the Bahamas. When you walk here at sunset, you may be excited by this dreamy beach. The consistent pink color of the world adds some romance to the pirate color of the Bahamas.

 ©Lonely Planet ©Lonely Planet

  Niagara under colored lights

"Three million flashing lights lit up the whole town"

Location: Ontario, Canada

Time: November 3 to January 31

 Photo by Anupam_ts via Flickr Photo by Anupam_ts via Flickr

Niagara Lantern Festival is one of the longest festivals in the world. Since November 3, colored lights have been hung around Niagara Falls, with 3 million flashing lights. 125 dynamic displays have made the whole town and the waterfall itself bright and dazzling. The Winter Lantern Festival, which is suitable for families, makes everyone feel the happy atmosphere of the holiday.

 Photo by Grey Paakkonen via Flickr Photo by Grey Paakkonen via Flickr

This year's Lantern Festival is the first time to hold an international fireworks competition, which will be displayed every weekend of the festival. The theme of this fireworks competition is "fireworks and waterfalls", and six teams from China, Vietnam, Canada, Italy, Brazil and Finland participated.

 Picture provided by Pictorial Insect Picture provided by Pictorial Insect

The light show at Niagara Falls will last for nearly three months. You can see wonderful fireworks performances here and enjoy the concert on New Year's Eve. Bring your family and partners to the Niagara Lantern Festival to experience this colorful winter.

We are together "Baden Baden"

"Turn hedonistic ideas into reality"

Location: Black Forest, Germany

Time: January 10th

 ©Lonely Planet ©Lonely Planet

In German, "Baden" means bathing or swimming. Baden Baden is located in the Black Forest region of Germany, which is a famous pharmaceutical hot spring town. Its magnificent colonnade buildings and fanciful art nouveau style corner tower villas are all over the hillsides, and the distant town is surrounded by lush mountains.

 ©Lonely Planet ©Lonely Planet

You can climb the Silent Highland and enjoy the beautiful scenery on these Baden Baden watchtowers. You can also go to Friedrichsbad, a luxury spa built in the 19th century, to put down your modesty, take off your clothes, and take turns receiving steam frosting and hot and cold water. As Mark Twain described, 10 minutes is fleeting, and I forget everything in 20 minutes.

 ©Lonely Planet ©Lonely Planet

Rheumatism, arthritis, respiratory diseases and skin problems, all of which, as well as some other diseases, are said to be cured by Baden Baden's mineral rich hot springs (we also hope to have such remarkable effects). If you come to Baden Baden, you must not miss its hot springs~

 Photo by maheza44 via Flickr Photo by maheza44 via Flickr

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