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Good question | Is it more cost-effective for the United States to buy private planes?

   Introduction: At present, there are about 300000 private planes in the United States, and about 700000 qualified pilots. In the United States, all pilots who can fly aircraft can fly private aircraft, and the number of pure private aircraft pilots is more than 250000. There are about 20000 airports in the United States, most of which belong to individuals and communities. Some people have investigated that 70% of the world's private planes are in the United States. (Source: Hangqu Aircraft Network)

   Private jet costs

It's not surprising to have a plane, but people are curious about how much it costs to own a private plane.

It is not easy to own a private aircraft for a long time. Parking fees, technical support, crew salaries, various taxes, machinery maintenance, takeoff and landing fees, and fuel costs (which have increased significantly in recent years) are huge expenditures, and the subsequent maintenance costs are often higher than the cost of buying an aircraft.

1. The cost of buying a plane

Every time there is a wealth forum, the most eye-catching thing is the "ride" of the rich - private aircraft. The common private aircraft in the United States have various styles and models.

It can be said that there are all kinds of planes except fighter planes. Private planes with different shapes are expensive, such as Gulfstream G5, with a market price of 376 million yuan and Challenger CL604, with a market price of 249 million yuan.

 Gulfstream G5 Gulfstream G5

2. Maintenance cost of private aircraft

The annual maintenance cost of private aircraft usually accounts for about 10% of the aircraft price. Statistics show that, whether in the United States, Australia or Russia, if you fly frequently, the annual flight cost of private aircraft is about 1.5 million to 2 million dollars.

Most wealthy people who can afford private planes can afford follow-up expenses. For example, Mayor Bloomberg of New York, who is the leader of Bloomberg News Agency, often goes on vacation by plane, and the round-trip flight costs are calculated in tens of thousands of dollars.

3. How expensive is the parking fee for private planes?

The traffic pressure in New York is very high, and there are often heavy traffic jams during peak hours. For a rich man whose time is money, traffic jam is money jam.

So the rich people often use helicopters as vehicles. The parking apron is on the top of the office building in New York.

Private aircraft stands are not cheap

There are also parking spaces at the seaside. But these parking spaces are not cheap. It is reported that the parking fee for a night on the top of an ordinary building in New York is 5000 dollars.

Some rich people can park their private planes on the broad lawn in front of and behind their luxury houses. Some of them also have their own runways.

4. Expensive insurance premiums

There are many insurance items to buy for American private aircraft, and the cost is very expensive. As with driving, the insurance premiums for domestic and commercial aircraft will be completely different according to the purpose of aircraft registration, and there is a large gap in insurance premiums. Generally speaking, the annual insurance premiums, aviation gasoline fees, pilot fees, etc. can be as high as $100000 to $200000.

5. Maintenance cost

There is also a lot of labor costs for the repair or maintenance of private aircraft, ranging from $100 to $190 per hour.

If the annual aircraft maintenance costs are added, it will be an expensive expense.

The cost of aircraft maintenance is an expensive expense

A friend once spent 30000 US dollars on buying parts for important parts of a small plane.

   If you want to play airplane, you can join the flight club

In the United States, many people like to play with airplanes, but it costs a lot to keep a private airplane, and it is also very troublesome. In order to save money, there is another way: to join an airplane enthusiast club. Once I flew with my friends, and I especially learned about this situation.

In their club, there are many different types of planes. Every four members use one plane together. The annual membership fee is 5000 dollars. You can fly a certain course. If you exceed the mileage, you can pay more. The chairman of the club is democratically elected.

The four members often contact each other, stagger the flight time, and register in advance when they want to fly.

Members of this club are all over the world. Some members from Britain and South America take time to fly when they come to New York on business.

I remember flying with my friends for several hours. In the blue sky and white clouds, my friends checked the gate and I pretended to drive for a while. Then I jokingly said, "A fool can fly a plane". It's easier than driving, and it won't be as blocked as driving.

However, where you want to fly, there must be an airport. Unlike driving, you can stop everywhere.

If you want to fly, you can join the flight club

When the president of the club said "9. 11", their members flew planes to participate in the rescue and transported the seriously injured to the hospital.

   America's most awesome "private plane"

The most powerful "private plane" in the United States may be the plane of the "President's Home". The aircraft of the President of the United States has always been called Air Force One.

The President and his staff and family often travel to all parts of the world by plane, either on vacation or on official business.

However, it is inappropriate to say that Air Force One is the president's "private aircraft", because this aircraft is actually under the jurisdiction of the government, and the aircraft costs are paid by taxpayers.

Article keywords: Private aircraft aircraft U.S.A

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