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There are so many helicopters that you don't know

   Introduction: Everyone knows what a helicopter is. Today, let's let everyone know the "most" of different helicopters. (Source: Hangqu Aircraft Network)

1. The first helicopter in the world is the vs300 developed by Sikorsky, which truly has the flight characteristics of modern helicopters. The single rotor wing with tail rotor structure has established the most commonly used aerodynamic layout of modern helicopters.

2. The smallest helicopter in the world is a single person subminiature helicopter developed in Japan. The helicopter is equipped with a 37 kW forced cold engine. The diameter of the main rotor is about 6 meters, and the dead weight is only 115 kg.

3. The largest helicopter in the world is the Mi-12 "carrier pigeon" heavy transport helicopter developed and produced by the Soviet Union in the 1960s. The maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft is 105 tons, the diameter of the main rotor is 35 meters, the fuselage is 37 meters long, the cargo compartment is 28 meters long, it can transport medium tanks and artillery, and it is equipped with four 4.78 MW engines, with a load of 40 tons.

4. At present, the highest speed of X2 helicopter, the fastest cruising helicopter used in the world, has reached 463 km/h.

5. The highest flying helicopter is the French SA-3158 "American Ostrich" helicopter. On June 21, 1972, pilot Gene Paulette set a world record of flying height of 12442 meters by driving the "American Ostrich".

6. The helicopter that flew farthest was the American OH-6 helicopter. From April 6 to 7, 1966, the plane was piloted by pilot Fei Rui, creating a world record of 3561.55 kilometers in straight flight.

7. The earliest helicopter landing operation was carried out in March 1951 by the US military in the Wangfangshan battle on the Korean battlefield. In this battle, the US military used helicopters to land more than 20 people on the positions and cooperate with ground forces to seize the other side's positions. This is also the earliest record of helicopters participating in actual combat.

8. The first armed helicopter in the world was refitted from the H-13 helicopter. In 1953, the United States installed uncontrolled rockets, grenade launchers, machine guns and anti tank guns on the H-13 helicopter for testing, thus improving the combat performance of the helicopter and creating conditions for the future development of armed helicopters.

9. The first stealth helicopter in the world is the RAH-66 "Comanche" armed helicopter developed and produced by the United States. This aircraft is the main aircraft of the US Army in the future, and can carry out various combat and support tasks such as armed reconnaissance, anti tank and air combat.

10. The first helicopter to use the ejection lifesaving system is the Ka-50 "gimmick" helicopter developed and produced by the Soviet Union. At the same time, the aircraft also won two world firsts, the first single seat attack helicopter and the first coaxial attack helicopter.

Article keywords: helicopter

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