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Interview with Alessandro Tirelli, Sales Director of Faraday Group in Asia Pacific Region

   Introduction: Faraday is a brand closely linked with China, and it is also a top European yacht brand that entered China earlier. Sina Fashion had the honor to interview Alessandro Tirelli, the sales director of Faraday Group in Asia Pacific region, during the 2015 Haitian Gala.

On November 27, 2015, the Italian top yacht manufacturer Faraday Group will lead its multi brand luxury fleet to the sixth Hainan Haitian Gala, and will continue to show up with the latest models of luxury lineup: customized Faraday 100 ', Faraday yacht Altura 840 Taihe version, Faraday yacht 690, Faraday yacht 650 and Faraday yacht 530.

 Altura 840 Taihe Edition Altura 840 Taihe Edition
 Altura 840 Taihe Edition Altura 840 Taihe Edition

Faraday is a brand closely related to China, and it is also a top European yacht brand that entered China earlier. Sina Fashion had the honor to interview Alessandro Tirelli, the sales director of Faraday Group in Asia Pacific region, during the 2015 Haitian Gala.

 Alessandro tirelli, Sales Director of Faraday Group in Asia Pacific Region Alessandro Tirelli, Sales Director of Faraday Group in Asia Pacific Region

   Sina Fashion: Faraday has participated in the Haitian Feast for many years in a row. Have you felt how the Chinese yacht industry has changed in the past six years?

     Alessandro Tirelli At the beginning of the yacht exhibition, the sponsor invited many luxury brand customers to participate in the exhibition. At that time, it was not focused on displaying yachts, but rather like a fashionable luxury yacht exhibition, while selling all kinds of luxury goods. Now the Haitian Feast focuses more on the yacht exhibition, which is a great progress. I notice that the people and customers who come here are all for yachts, not other things.

   Sina Fashion: Faraday is also a luxury lineup for this Haitian feast. Do you want to introduce the ship type to everyone?

   Alessandro Tirelli The Taihe version where we are now is a very special ship, because it is deeply transformed according to the needs of a customer. We not only changed its color, but also changed its spatial layout. The room we are in has changed a lot. We have taken away many things in this room and replaced it with a bigger sofa, so that there is more entertainment and leisure space. We changed the position of the table to allow more space around the table. We also changed a cabin that was originally used for sleeping into a multi-function room, where customers can watch TV, sing karaoke, play mahjong and do whatever they want. So this is a ship that we have made many modifications according to customer needs. We hope to provide customers with the functions they really need and practical. They can really use this ship, not just to show off.

   Sina Fashion: How is Taihe's response at home and abroad?

   Alessandro Tirelli The response in China is very good, but this ship type is not only sold to China, but also has a large market in Southeast Asia, because the customer demand and usage in China and Southeast Asia are similar. However, the customers in the Thai market are mainly foreign nationals, most of whom are Europeans. But in other countries in Southeast Asia, our ship has been sold successfully.

   Sina Fashion: How does Taihe version size respond in China and Europe?

   Alessandro Tirelli The size of Taihe version is quite large even in Europe and the United States. The ship of a higher level than Taihe version is a customized 100 foot ship, which can be said to be another industry. So the 80 foot boat will be very big.

   Sina Fashion: Can you briefly introduce Faraday's user group?

   Alessandro Tirelli Customers who usually choose Faraday are interested in our brand. They want a stable, safe and beautiful yacht, but not a fashionable one. Some brands' yachts are very fashionable and look "cool", but our boats belong to the classic style. Our customers prefer to achieve a balance in reliability, safety and comfort rather than show off the appearance of the boat to others. For example, many customers will like the intimate design of our yacht with large internal space.

   Sina Fashion: China's potential users will inevitably have certain obstacles in the communication of culture and language. How does Faraday understand customers' needs in depth?

   Alessandro Tirelli Language barriers do exist. If I want to establish a good relationship with customers, language is very important, but there are other ways for me to communicate well with customers, mainly to share common values, such as doing things with customers, eating, entertainment. We have been trying to overcome the language barrier and establish good relations. In addition, we have some Chinese employees who are very familiar with yachts and can help us translate.

   Sina Fashion: What kind of influence does Chinese culture and tradition have on the design and function setting of ship types?

   Alessandro Tirelli In the past three years, we have developed a new production line, namely Taihe Edition. It is specially designed for Chinese customers. We have designed many drawings and cooperated with designers from China and Italy to achieve a good balance, because we don't want to make too many changes in style. We hope to maintain our own style, but also hope that this style can be translated with some Chinese flavor like language. Judging from the situation of the past three years, our attempt was very successful.

   Sina Fashion: Faraday has successfully completed this year's promotion. What are the plans for the follow-up in China?

   Alessandro Tirelli Next year, more of us will let those who have no yacht purchase plan know about yachts and feel yachts, so that yachts will be more popular in China and the whole market will be bigger.

   Sina Fashion: At the end, please Alessandro Mr. A shared some ideas with netizens who like yachts.

   Alessandro Tirelli It's my pleasure to publicize Faraday through Sina's interview, communicate with you and promote yacht culture together. I believe that more and more people can understand that yachts love yachts.

Article keywords: yacht Ferretti

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