Wu Qili's Suspected Child Abuse Case Was Settled by the Police, and Mother and Daughter Are as Good as Ever

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 Wu Qili and Little Dragon Girl Go Out to Smile Again Wu Qili and Little Dragon Girl Go Out to Smile Again

Sina Entertainment News on July 2, according to Hong Kong media reports, 42 year old single mother Wu Qili's involvement in female abuse has gone through the storm. The suspected case of female abuse has come to an end, and the police have unconditionally closed the case. The night before last, she and her daughter, Xiao Longnv Wu Zhuolin, wore black female clothes and went out to dinner. When they left, the two mothers and daughters smiled happily, and they finally made up! Later, when Wu Qili went to the convenience store to buy cigarettes and drinks, she was exposed by her daughter to have a drinking habit. She did not buy alcoholic drinks this night, believing that she was learning to be a better mother by acting.

Wu Qili and her 15-year-old daughter Zhuolin are dependent on each other. In March this year, Xiao Longnv asked for help from the school and said that she was beaten by her mother. As a result, Wu Qili was arrested for being involved in abusive women. Zhuolin also told her mother to smoke and drink and drink two bottles of wine every night. When she was drunk, she was more troubled by emotional problems, which broke the mother daughter relationship. Last month, Wu Qili revealed as many as 30 scars on her daughter's hands, which made her heartbroken. Fortunately, after months of communication, the two mothers and daughters understood each other and made up as good as ever.

Article keywords: Elaine Zhuolin Jackie Chan

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