"Smile Action" is a public charity activity dedicated to providing free relief and treatment for children with cleft lip and palate and craniofacial deformities from poor families. More than 150 volunteer medical teams have been organized to rescue nearly 30000 children. [Details]

His name is Han Kai, a plastic surgeon from Hangzhou. In 1990, he and Dr. Lin Jing introduced the "Mother Smile Action". He has persisted for 26 years, bringing smiles and warmth to nearly 30000 children's families with the heart of public welfare. [Details]

The "Mother Smile Action" has received the concern and support of the government, the support of all sectors of society, and the active participation of volunteers. With this charity heart, the activity has won many major honors. [Details]

In 2018, I hope more children will smile

In 2018, "Mother Smile Action" will start new assistance in these 10 places

The year of 2018 has come. In this new year, the "Mother Smile Action" will continue to start their new rescue operations. They will go to Guangxi, Guizhou, Ningxia, Tibet, Xinjiang, Gansu, Shaanxi and other places. [Full text]

Process of "Mother's Smile Action" rescue activity in mobile medical care

The itinerant medical assistance activity of "Mother Smile Action" usually lasts for six days, and a group of doctors will stay for five more days to provide postoperative services for patients. The whole rescue activity process includes preparation, patient screening, surgery and nursing observation. [Full text]

The first operation activity of "Mother Smile Action" in 2018 came to Nanning, Guangxi

On January 18-21, the 2018 round operation rescue activity of the "Mother Smile Action" public welfare project of the China Women's Development Foundation opened in Nanning Red Cross Hospital, Guangxi. [Full text]

"Mother Smile Action" registration method and love account

If you are a medical volunteer: welcome to join the operating room, recovery room, ward to become a volunteer nurse or to smile plastic surgery to form a volunteer plastic surgeon. The 5 yuan you donated may be the gauze on children's mouths, and your 100 yuan may allow a child to complete an examination. Let's work hard for patients with cleft lip and palate! [Full text]

Sina Women Report "Mother Smile Action" Comes into Beijing

"Mother Smile Action" in everyone's eyes

The doctor said: repair the cracks on the children's lips, let me find peace in my heart

Having been a doctor for a long time and experienced a lot, I feel that I have been hard moved by various medical stories. This time, I was moved by these volunteers. They let me rediscover my passion for joining the medical cause and reading the Hippocratic oath. In addition, they gave me more confidence to do a better job of cleft lip and palate in China. [Full text]

The volunteer said, "This is probably the power of kindness in my heart."

As an old volunteer, it is probably the most gratifying thing to see the wonderful changes every year when children who have had surgery are reviewed again; The most happy thing is to see the new members who have been joining in actively and diligently; What I admire most is the selfless dedication of medical volunteers who have spared no pains and come from thousands of mountains and rivers. All languages and characters are insignificant. They are like the lingering sound that goes round and round for a long time. [Full text]

Family members of the children said: Let love warm me and the children in the cold winter

Like other 97 children with cleft lip and palate, Kong Bofan comes from an ordinary and ordinary family in rural Yunnan. His father works in other places all the year round, and his mother was a kindergarten teacher. Although the life between them and their eldest son is not rich, they are also happy and happy. When they welcomed the arrival of the second child with great expectation, a cloud hung over the family. [Full text]

The media said: "Hangzhou Smile Action" charity activity is a long march to deliver "smile"

"Smile Action" is a long march to deliver "smile", with only a starting point and no end. After 25 years of faithful adherence, Han Kai, 55 years old, is still on the front line of medical assistance, extending a warm hand to children in need. [Full text]

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