Ta said | We who don't believe in our fate are actually Nezha

Ta said | We who don't believe in our fate are actually Nezha
19:49, July 31, 2019 Sina Women

Guoman tells you by growing up with you that you are also a child and will always be.

In the past two days, a Guoman film "The Devil Child of Nezha Comes to Earth" was released.

The box office exceeded 100 million yuan on the first day, and 1 billion yuan in five days, which exceeded the popular Guoman "Return of the Great Sage" last year.

This issue # Ta said # specially invited the boyfriend of National Radio, the founder and CEO of Chengyi Radio, and the best-selling author @ Cheng Yidai to meet Nezha.

Many netizens said that this film was "the light of Guoman", but... this light has been shining for many years

The Return of the Great Sage is said to be the light of Guoman, the Big Fish Begonia is said to be the light of Guoman, and the Origin of White Snake is also said to be the light of Guoman

When on earth can this light shine down???

However, I have to say that Guoman is getting better and better.

Before I mentioned Guoman, I used to call it "black", but why did it call it black? Think of any black spots?

It is nothing more than a crude character model. Either there are too few main lines, or there are too many main lines... more

Cutting incessantly~managing in disorder~

There is also a sudden break. Do you still think this is Guoman?

As an aspirant youth in the new era, I can't generalize. In fact, there are many outstanding works of Guoman.

If you don't believe me, please turn down.

----------------Senior ------------ Age ------------ Pre ------------ Police-------------

 Adventures of the Sloppy King Adventures of the Sloppy King

As the first animated TV series in China, The King of Slovenness can be said to represent an era, one of our bravest and naive times.

Moreover, the slovenly king is also a cool boy now. His explosive head, bell bottoms, sea turtles... exudes a sense of unrestrained freedom.

 Black Cat Sheriff Black Cat Sheriff

The biggest charm of "Black Cat Sheriff" is that although it is for children, it is not childish. If it is a classic, it will not fade.

Unfortunately, at the end of the fifth episode, after the sheriff fired four shots in a row, he stayed there forever.

Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio can be said to carry the childhood memories of several generations.

In that era of poor technology, the older generation of Chinese animation workers left us many classic animation works with their own efforts, and also created a brilliant era of Chinese animation. In a twinkling of an eye, we entered the new century, and new styles of painting appeared.

 Little General Little General

This work is really rich in plot, complete in system, good-looking in characters, and pleasant to listen to the theme song.

This is not a work of conscience What is this!

 Chinese Kid Chinese Kid

To be frank with me, this work can still be hot even now. The oriental charm of the painting style, colorful martial arts, martial arts and magic plot, the years of the butcher's knife seems to have forgotten him.

If you don't know who would have thought that this was a work 13 years ago, then later... it seems to have experienced a little twists and turns.

 Star Journey Star Journey

It took two months to establish the world outlook and half a year to write the story outline.

What a thoughtful work, after broadcast, it is also well received. It's a pity that it repeats the fate of the Black Cat Sheriff

The scissors are still in disorder

However, the series of "Qin Shi Ming Yue" is still very conscientious, and people who like it are full of praise, but people who don't like it are totally confused with the plot.

In the film industry, Guoman began to do things.

Return of the Great Sage, Big Fish and Begonia, Origin of White Snake

People at that time called it the light of the country.

This summer, Guoman shines again.

Have a look at the character model?

This detail is awesome, isn't it?

Is this special effect powerful enough?

The director said that "there is no shortcut but a dead beat".

Four people grabbed a picture of the country. The sketch alone took more than four months.

There are 1318 special effect scenes in the whole film, accounting for up to 80%. It is "The Devil Child of Nezha Comes to Earth".

Before the official release, the rating of Cat's Eye has reached 9.7.

On the first day of release, Douban scored 8.8.

Nezha in your mind may be like this,

   In this way,

   Even so,

This "Nezha" plays subversion.

Yes, this is Nezha. Is smoking makeup cool? Many netizens can't accept it directly.

However, in a closer look, there are still some ugly and cute people. What's more, if they are handsome after being transformed.

Don't worry, there is more subversive than that.

Traditional animation is mostly dubbed in Mandarin, but this time Taiyi Immortal came riding a pig with a fluent Trump.

In fact, people have researched Liao, and Taiyi Immortal's ancestral home is in Mianyang, Sichuan. It's normal to talk about Chuanpu.

Moreover, the dialect stem is also a unique joke of Guoman.

Put another poster to pass the time.

In a word, this film is really called "the light of the country".

And this beam of light has the potential to shine on the earth.

In the film, Nezha is hated by the people and grows up without recognition.

"Chentang Pass has resisted evil spirits for generations, and the people in the Pass are against evil spirits."

The evil boy Nezha was born here, and the people in the pass ignored him, rejected him, disliked him, and feared him.

No one even wants him to live. Even if he does good things for the people, people still think he is a monster.

"The prejudice in people's minds is a big mountain. No matter how hard you try, you can't move him."

But his father, Li Jing, the general soldier of Chentangguan, withstood the pressure exerted by the whole village for him and let Nezha grow up in love, just like Guoman. It was not appreciated by the world, but someone always carried a heavy load for him.

Tens of millions of Chinese anime makers, represented by director Jiaozi, handed over an excellent answer to the public.

Return of the Great Sage, Big Fish and Begonia, Origin of White Snake

When people questioned Guoman, they made it shine. Many people didn't understand Guoman.

"It's just a cartoon. It's something to coax children."

Guoman tells you by growing up with you that you are also a child and will always be.

Always worth the most beautiful and flawless in the world.

The animation world is a peach blossom land for adults.

In this long river of years, many people lost something at a certain node, and then returned again and again to look for it, but did not know that they were just standing around the boat, and could not swim back.

It does not advise you to go back, nor tell you the truth, but silently closes the net again and again, and gently holds the pearl to you.

Have we ever been Nezha?

The ups and downs along the way of growth make us go through many transformations.

Nezha said, "If the fate is unfair, we will fight to the end."

Immortal Taiyi said, "If you don't give in, it's Nezha's life."

Fate has never been fair.

I have read a sentence before: "Some people may not get what they try to get. Some people are born with it."

If you don't give in to your fate, it is the fate of Guoman.

It is also our destiny to refuse to accept our fate and fight with it to the end.

Please pay more attention to @ Sina women (Weibo)

nezha Guoman

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