44 Days Countdown to Ma Yun's Retirement: There is no time to be sad when busy

44 Days Countdown to Ma Yun's Retirement: There is no time to be sad when busy
15:02, July 29, 2019 Sina Women

Just don't give up if you haven't seen the harvest after your efforts.

Former title: Ma Yun's 44 day countdown to retirement: adults are desperate, not in the circle of friends

Source: Uncle Mona

When traveling to Northern Europe, I talked with friends on the plane:

Ma Yun, who is about to retire, flew more than 1000 hours last year, which is basically the limit of a pilot's work in a year.

So what did he do? make a sightseeing tour?

No, he is too busy to celebrate the holiday as Labor Day:

On the Dragon Boat Festival, he cut the ribbon for the opening of Alibaba's new office in Malaysia;

On the Mid Autumn Festival, he attended the United Nations General Assembly in New York and met with many dignitaries in three days;

Even on the third day of the New Year, he flew to Hainan to talk about Ali's strategic cooperation.

He once met the top leaders of four countries in one day, which is comparable to the busy degree of diplomats.

Scenery? exactly. But Ma Yun himself said:

"I am not shaking hands with the President, but preparing for the cause in five years."

Someone asked: When are you happiest every day.

Ma Yun thought for a while and said, "Sleep."

The richest people with hundreds of billions of dollars are still on the way to start their own businesses and worry about the future of the company. They almost have no life of their own, which is the most heartfelt truth of life.

Ren Zhengfei always keeps a small bed in Huawei's office for the convenience of working overtime.

No matter how late you are, you can sleep when you lie down and work when you wake up.

This kind of combat effectiveness of being ready to "fight hard" at any time is understood by those who have started businesses.

When I started my business, I and my partner were crowded in a 10 square meter office and held meetings until midnight every day.

Even when we sleep, we never dare to mute our mobile phones.

I once received an interview and was asked: What's your hobby.

I seriously replied: work.

The other smiled: I asked about something other than work.

I also smiled: there is no work, my life is non-stop work.

In Beijing, I live with my most important partners;

In Qingdao, I live with my father and partner.

I don't have a good family background, nor am I a talented person, but I believe that:

How hard you work, how special you are.

If you think hard work is useless, it must be that you have not done enough.

There is a topic on Zhihu called "What should I do if I suddenly don't want to work hard?"

Over the past three years, this issue has been concerned by more than 70000 people and viewed by tens of millions of people.

We all have similar moments. In the process of trying, we suddenly can't find the direction and power.

I know what I should do, but I just don't want to do it.

In the reply of Gao Zang, @ Qiu Shi said:

"Then stop trying. It doesn't matter if you don't succeed."

Numerous people were moved by this sentence and used it to comfort themselves as a reason not to work hard.

But in fact, are ordinary people's efforts only for success?

No, there are quite a few groups who must do their best just to live.

Long distance drivers know what the highway is like at midnight.

The owner of the porridge shop knows what the sky looks like at 3 a.m;

The nurse in the ward knows what the hospital looks like at 5 am.

In this life, it is the best situation to follow the wind and the water.

But after all, not everyone can have this luck.

Life is not an amusement park, it is a Shura Field. It is unreasonable when cruel.

Accidents, diseases and disasters happen all the time. We were born without umbrellas.

You don't need to succeed, but you need to be confident, calm and have enough strength.

Efforts will lie, but not in vain. They will become your shield when necessary.

My father, Grandpa Beihai, said when talking about young people today:

Effort should not be a kind of "artificial".

If I work overtime a little, I feel I am extremely dedicated;

Occasionally, when I read two pages of books, I felt I was much more diligent than my peers.

However, most people's efforts are never noisy.

"Take out with one hand and stick with the other hand to deliver food to thousands of families..."

After climbing to the 7th floor in 41 seconds, Wang Jiansheng, the one legged delivery boy, was photographed by passers-by and suddenly became angry.

When everyone was moved by his "resignation", the media also came to interview.

Wang Jiansheng did not understand his "fire":

I'm just an ordinary person, doing ordinary work. What's special about that?

Life is really not easy. Everyone is shining and trying to live a better life.

You think life is not good enough for you. You work hard, get up early, and earn less;

In fact, 30 million sanitation workers stand in the street at 4:15 every morning and start the work of the day.

You think it's hard enough to work overtime until 10 p.m. to take the last subway;

However, Ma Huateng, the boss of Tencent, was still correcting the PPT at 2:00 a.m., and was still looking at the products at 4:00 a.m.

There is a saying in Harvard Road: "No one can bargain with life."

We don't have to live like Ma Yun and Ma Huateng. They must have given up a lot to gain today's glory.

Just don't give up if you haven't seen the harvest after your efforts.

Everyone is running forward. Where is the way home?

We have to keep going.

Please pay more attention to @ Sina women (Weibo)

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