Close the circle of friends, and amazing changes have taken place in life

Close the circle of friends, and amazing changes have taken place in life
07:20, July 29, 2019 Sina Women

Only when I controlled my Internet time did I find out how much time and energy I spent in the illusory time.

Original title: After closing the circle of friends and leaving 30 groups, life has changed dramatically

Source: Micro vitamin

A few days ago, my friend Lao Gao asked me, "Lao Zhao, you haven't been online in recent months, your circle of friends hasn't posted, and your microblog hasn't been updated. What's wrong with you?"

It's nothing serious. I just suddenly want to try. If I don't surf the Internet, what will happen to my life?

In the past three months, I only surf the Internet when I need to, and get offline when I finish what I have to do.

Disconnect the network directly when working.

Close the circle of friends, do not send or watch others' hair.

WeChat checks regularly, and replies are made at the same time except in case of emergency.

Internet is the same as eating. If you eat less, you will get used to it. If you eat more for a long time, you will feel uncomfortable.

The changes in my life far exceeded my expectations.

   You're not really busy

   You just pretend to be working hard

If you open WeChat and land on the Internet during work, you will find that you can't finish an hour's work all day.

You always look at various topics in the group unconsciously. As long as you participate in the speech, you can't stop

A friend or colleague can talk to you on WeChat for two hours.

When I looked up a material on the Internet and saw a star gossip, I didn't know where to go when I clicked the mouse.

I told Gao:

I used to think I was very busy, and I was always busy from getting up to 12 o'clock at night. But when I think about it, how much time do I actually work?

Sometimes I send an express, sometimes I receive an express, sometimes I chat with my friends for half an hour, sometimes I complain with my friends.

When I came back to my work, I found that I had written a natural paragraph and my thinking was interrupted. Think again and again.

Look at the various non working WeChat groups on your mobile phone. Which one is not still active at work?

You just look busy and hardworking.

   Your anxiety and irritability

   Most of them come from anger at their own incompetence

A few years ago, I saw a sentence: your anxiety and irritability mostly come from anger at your own incompetence

This sentence is to the point.

For a period of time after I resigned and became a freelancer, I thought I would be happy if I had free time every day.

But I didn't expect to become very grumpy and bad tempered every day.

It took me a long time to realize that the biggest problem for freelancers is that they can do nothing due to their lack of self-discipline.

When no one asks you to go to work at what time, what work you have to do every day, when everything depends on your own consciousness, is the time to test human nature.

When you find yourself washing your mobile phone, watching TV and lying in bed all morning, you can't get up from bed. Compared with your friends who live a full and busy life in your circle of friends, you are not bad tempered. You are just angry with yourself, but you can't do anything about your laziness.

   Your troubles

   Most come from what you know too much

It's said that you have to subtract when you are old, but I haven't understood what it means.

A while ago, when I was ill, the doctor told me to read less, listen more and rest more. Most of the information is useless to you. You just need to know what is relevant to you.

I unloaded 80% of the apps on my phone, closed my circle of friends, and left more than 30 groups.

All those who could not see or listen were closed, and I found that my world was quiet.

I no longer actively participate in various groups and activities.

On the contrary, do not do anything if you can, and focus on yourself and your family.

At this time, I found that I didn't have time before, but I spent too much time in the virtual world.

The unreal bustle makes me feel that I know a lot of people, know a lot of things, feel that I am powerful and know everything.

But I didn't do anything that could really make me better, such as reading books, learning skills, even bodybuilding.

   Chat is addictive

   And will make yourself feel a terrible illusion

One day at the end of last year, I was going to read in the coffee shop, but when I arrived at the coffee shop, I kept chatting with my mobile phone and several groups talked together.

Suddenly, a friend in these groups told me:

"Lao Zhao, you are so active. At first glance, I saw you in several groups. You are so powerful."

I suddenly realized that I had been in the coffee shop for two hours, and all groups had participated in the conversation once, but the book had never opened a page.

After this incident, I left many groups. Every time I saw a topic in the group and was eager to speak, I deleted all the words I typed and closed the chat page.

After I subconsciously controlled my desire to be involved in everything, I found that:

I'm not so important, and I don't have any topics to participate in

My speech is just a family statement, not very powerful

Chatting can be addictive, and can make you have a powerful illusion

I used to think that I could not work and live without the Internet. I felt very insecure when I left my mobile phone for a minute, and I felt anxious when my mobile phone had no power.

In fact, what you can't disconnect is not the network, but your sense of existence in the network. This sense of existence will make you have a powerful illusion.

When I really did not rely on mobile phones and the Internet, I found that there were not so many people looking for me, and there were not so many things I had to participate in.

Once I leave my mobile phone, I don't take the initiative to find someone to chat with, download a bunch of apps to kill time, or wander around on the Internet. When I can concentrate on working efficiently, I am surprised to find that I have too much time to do something.

I began to have a lot of time to read books, learn calligraphy, learn drums, go to fitness, pick up children to and from school, take children to playground, travel, and go shopping with the elderly.

This was almost impossible in the past, even I dare not think about it.

Lao Gao asked me, "Lao Zhao, I feel you are enjoying your family life."

Actually, no, I just controlled my time online, and found out how much time and energy I spent in the illusory time.

The resulting anxiety about wasted time and life without progress is the root cause of your pain and irritability.

This is a disease that needs treatment.

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