China is stronger when teenagers are stronger -- lighting up the Great Wall and raising "self-care" babies together

China is stronger when teenagers are stronger -- lighting up the Great Wall and raising "self-care" babies together
19:37, October 30, 2019 Sina Women

Love Tamei joined hands with the guests to light the Great Wall of Ten Mile Juyong Pass for Chinese babies.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. For 70 years, the Chinese nation has experienced a historic transformation from waste to prosperity. In 2019, which is destined to be an extraordinary year, Danone's global leading brand of milk powder, Altami, held a large-scale theme activity of "lighting up the Great Wall and bringing up 'self-care' babies together" on October 29 in the landmark Great Wall of China. China's first tennis women's singles champion Li Na and figure skating champion Pang Qing/Tong Jian made a surprise appearance, jointly issued the declaration of "self-care", and expressed their full support for the concept of hard core parenting and their determination to jointly raise "self-care" babies with a grand lighting ceremony.

   Honor the great rejuvenation with advanced scientific research, love the Great Wall and pledge social mission

Forty years ago, Antony Ribb, the founder of Danone, let Chinese little girls taste Danone yogurt for the first time on the Great Wall; Forty years later, Aitamei climbed the Great Wall again with sincere intention and solemnly released the "Exploration Gift Box" to encourage more Chinese parents to guide their children to explore the world.

Zhou Zhigang, general manager of Danone Early Life Nutrition Business Unit in China, said in his speech at the event: "Danone Newdisia believes that 1000 days of nutrition in early life can affect people's health throughout their lives. As the core brand of Newdisia Early Life Nutrition Research Center, Altami always adheres to and implements the social mission of" bringing health to as many people as possible through food ". In addition to providing high-quality nutrition solutions for the early 1000 days of life and innovating Chinese localization and reassuring products, Altami has long been committed to leading the modern advanced scientific child rearing concept, and has won the favor and trust of many new generation mothers. "  

"Children are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation". The early 1000 days of life is the first critical stage of children's development, and early nutrition supply is related to the health of children throughout their lives. As we all know, breast milk is the best nutrition for babies. Fat, lactose and milk oligosaccharides are the three important nutrients in breast milk. "80% of the immune cells in the human body exist in the intestinal tract, and the milk oligosaccharides in the 'natural nutrition' can provide nutrition for beneficial bacteria, maintain the balance of intestinal flora, stimulate the development of the immune system, and affect the long-term health of the baby." Joraki Jean Pierre, a French pediatric nutritionist, pointed out.

As the world's leading infant nutrition brand, Newdihia continues to apply advanced research results to innovative product research and development. Adhering to 40 years of advanced scientific research in Europe, more than 400 nutrition experts have made unremitting efforts for many years to love Tammy Zhuoqui 3 Essential natural milk fat, more NuMMOs Breakthrough mimic of human milk oligosaccharides. Help to meet the baby's natural nutritional needs and stimulate excellent self-care.

   First published by Li Na Self-protection Declaration, advocating the concept of hard core mothers

Li Na, the spokesperson of Aitamei brand and the representative of Chinese hard core mother, and Pang Qing/Tong Jian, the champion couple of figure skating, made a heavy appearance at the conference. At the meeting, they issued the sonorous declaration of "self-care" for the first time, encouraged the exploration of the concept of experiential parenting, and together with Aitamei, they lit up the Great Wall and witnessed the wonderful moment when the baby's "self-care" was fully opened.

As a mother of two children, Li Na said that she highly recognized the advanced parenting concept advocated by Love Tammy. She called on Chinese parents to guide and accompany their children to explore and experience the wonderful world.

   The first milk powder brand to light up the Great Wall for Chinese babies, Aitamei launched with original intention Explore Gift Box ” 

At the event site, Aitamei joined hands with the guests to light the Great Wall at the Ten Mile Juyongguan Pass for Chinese babies. This grand ceremony was the first attempt of the milk powder brand, and the magnificent scene won warm response from the audience. It is reported that more than 50 media and live broadcast platforms attended the event to witness and deliver this exciting historical moment to thousands of Chinese mothers.

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