11 extracurricular classes of pupils in Double Festival are more tired than usual

14:56, October 2, 2012    Qianjiang Evening News     

Original title: 11 day holiday 11 extracurricular monitor The pupils are more tired than usual during the holiday

The Mid Autumn Festival is linked to the National Day, and together with the autumn holiday, Hangzhou primary and secondary school students can take a total of 10 to 11 days off! Apart from summer and winter vacations, this holiday is unprecedented.

But for some children, a long holiday is not equal to happiness. Xiaoqing (not her real name), a girl from Changshou Bridge Primary School in Hangzhou, has been very upset these days.

"During the 11 day holiday, I will take dance, composition, violin, young leaders... There are 11 extracurricular training classes in total, which is even more tiring than usual! If this continues, I don't want to go to school." Yesterday, the girl complained to the school's psychological teacher Zhou Ji on QQ.

In order to relieve these unhappy children from the holiday, Zhou Ji, the psychology teacher of Changshou Bridge Primary School, was on standby during the long holiday and was described by his colleagues as a "24-hour campus psychological clinic", but he preferred to call it "Happy House". He told reporters: "Children at this age can't talk about psychological problems, but there are many troubles that can't be expressed in words. The" Happy House "is to let them talk about their troubles and find happiness."

In addition, many parents will choose to take their children out to play these days, and they will also encounter children crying about buying dispensable things.

Yesterday, Mr. Zhou reminded the parents of this situation [Weibo] "In fact, the little guy just wants to buy something to make sure that his parents love him. So even if they don't meet the children's requirements, they must emphasize one thing. Not buying doesn't mean that they don't love you."

   He didn't want to go home when he thought of spending 24 hours with his parents

After a few days of vacation, "Happy House" has received continuous complaints from children. On the first day of the holiday, at 8:00 a.m. on September 29, a thin boy stumbled into the "Happy House" and whispered to Teacher Zhou: "I don't want to go home, I don't want to live anymore."

Teacher Zhou didn't say much. First, he played the psychological game commonly known as "sand table" with the boy, making use of various props to show his favorite scene on the sand, and then the professional psychological counselor carried out analysis and psychological counseling. More than an hour later, the boy spoke a little louder: "I'm looking forward to going home to watch TV now." Then he walked out of the "Happy House" and took his mother's hand to go home.

Teacher Zhou told the reporter that this was a child who suffered from polio and was taken care of by his mother too well. Instead, he felt that he was different and very inferiority complex. When he was young, only his grandparents supported him to do his own things. Recently, my grandfather was ill, and the boy suddenly felt that his "heaven" was going to disappear, a little desperate.

Teacher Zhou suggested that on the eve of the long holiday, there are many cases of fear of going home. The reason is all family problems. These children usually have a better relationship with their parents when they go to school, but when they spend 24 hours with their parents during the long holiday, the conflict breaks out.

Many times, parents take love as their starting point, but they hurt their children as a result. The boy's inferiority complex was caused by his mother's excessive protection. During this holiday, parents should communicate more with their children.

   There are too many cram schools in the long holiday, so parents should step on the brake

Every time after a long holiday, some students will become tired of learning, which is commonly known as "long holiday syndrome". In this long holiday, Mr. Zhou met in advance. Xiao Qing, who has 11 cram schools in 11 days, is the most typical example.

"There are two main situations for children who are tired of school after the long holiday. One is like Xiao Qing, whose parents regard the long holiday as the prime time for children to find out and supplement their missing items. When the cram school is filled with reports, the children are forced to work too hard, which is more tired than going to school. The children feel that they have no strength to continue learning." Teacher Zhou analyzed that, "If there is such an exaggerated situation as Xiao Qing, please step on the brake as soon as possible."

The other is completely relaxed. At the end of the summer vacation, after a month of classes, I just received my heart and took another 11 days off, which disrupted the children's learning rhythm. Ordinary children can automatically adjust within three weeks after the end of the holiday, but individual children will not adjust and refuse to return to school.

Teacher Zhou suggested that this could be avoided by maintaining 1 to 2 hours of study every day during the long vacation. Parents should be reminded that the best time to study is in the evening. Many parents have to go to work in the second half of the long holiday to let their children do their homework during the day and watch TV at night. But no one is watching during the day. Many children are not efficient in learning. When their parents come back from work, they will be criticized. The whole family is in no mood for dinner. It's better to let children play in the daytime and study hard at night. (Reporter Shen Menghe)

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