Why do people who earn 5000 yuan a month live like 50000 yuan a month?

12:23, December 8, 2017    Education column       I have something to say

The principle in the workplace is called the conservation of income, that is, the basic conservation of income and income of all people in the world.

In this world, there are many people who earn 50000 yuan a month, but they live like the "Xi'er Banner er", a force grid protector with 5000 yuan a month. They use yellow braised chicken rice and grid lining yarn to lower the overall force grid of the middle class;

But there are also those who earn 5000 yuan a month, but they live like the "International Trade er" who earns 50000 yuan a month. They use the cold extract mixed juice set meal and a mouthful of mixed Chinese and English words to improve the world's competitiveness.

So we have this popular jingle:

They say that the earth in the West Second Banner, the bed in Tiantongyuan, and the overtime on the ground are the longest; They said that Sanlitun's craziness, the wave of workers' sports, and the clothes of the International Trade Center were forced to be different.

If it is said that the reason why "Xierqi er" earns 50000 yuan a month but lives like 5000 yuan a month is because of its low-key engineer culture, then how does the irrefutable truth that "Guomao er" believes that "if you earn 5000 yuan a month, you should live like a million yuan a year" come from?

People in Chaoyang District are curious! (smiling face)

This article was originally written by LinkedIn by Ah Xiu, a text dreamer who pursues "sentence show, bone show, god show", and a personal management expert who loves code words.

   1、 Confidence and doubt

   Why are there more and more "rich second generation" of ordinary people

Zhihu has a highly concerned question: why do domestic "small local tycoons" claim that money is earned rather than saved, while Buffett and Munger still advocate a frugal lifestyle?

This problem has already explained why ordinary wage earners with a monthly salary of 5000 would rather overdraw their credit cards to maintain their delicacy and decency, even if they eat instant noodles, they must eat overseas shopping:

On the one hand, they have blind confidence in the future. Money can be earned, not saved;

On the other hand, they are afraid of the future. They have a case worth tens of millions but have nothing to do with it, which makes them not believe in "cost saving and sustainable operation".

Like my friend Nancy, who works in a commercial airline company, her monthly salary is only about 8000, but her consumption level is far beyond her salary level, and she basically relies on overdraft credit cards to maintain her dignity.

On the one hand, she blindly believes that she will make a mark, because every day she is in contact with super tycoons, and the stories she hears are "Boss xxx chartered a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, and spent 15 million to fly his family and friends to Tahiti for a birthday party".

His eyes were full of stars, and he even imagined that if he caught up with a golden husband one day, he would not have to worry about the credit card that was tight or slow to pay back every month.

On the other hand, she is also very worried about the future. The business charter project she handles is running for tens of millions a year, but it has nothing to do with her.

Although her annual salary is not enough for an hour's flight of the Boeing 787, she does not know where her future lies, but it is difficult to lower her living standard, which has been raised.

At the age of 28, she can hardly cover the crow's feet with her makeup, and she doesn't know where the future husband is.

Mingming was born in an ordinary family, but he lived like a rich second generation. His confidence and doubt deeply rooted in his heart made this group of young people who lived like millions of dollars a year ride a tiger.

   2、 Compensatory mentality

   I Deserve It

In psychology, there is a word called compensation psychology, which means that the psychological loss caused in one place must be compensated in another place.

Now too many young people have this psychological mechanism:

I work so hard, shouldn't I be rewarded for living better?

Just like my friend Elya at New Media Company: If you want to lose one kilogram of weight, you need to buy an LV. KPI has increased by 3% compared with last year, you need to buy Hermes. This week, you have three days of extra work. That weekend, you must eat Huaishi cuisine to reward yourself

When I took the risk of making friends, I asked Elya if your overtime pay for half a year was enough for a meal of Huaishi cuisine. Elya firmly told me: "I work so hard.

But in the final analysis, Elya people do not think that their work is worth rewarding, but that they themselves are worth rewarding. They are compensating for their sense of loss.

However, no matter how you work overtime, you just passed the KPI. After many years of hard work, you are still a little transparent in the workplace. You can't walk with style even if you wear a big brand. Don't you want to ask yourself, what do you have to reward?

   3、 Compulsory driving force of "pseudo million annual salary"

   Workplace scorn chain

Wang Xiaobo said in The Coconut Tree and Equality that everyone should be born equal, which everyone agrees with.

But in fact, it is unequal, and the biggest inequality is not that some people have coconut trees, and some people do not have coconut trees.

So people who have coconut trees build their sense of superiority by disdaining those who do not have coconut trees or even coconut trees, express their identity demands through various high consumption, and artificially build a chain of disdain between people.

Once I wore a press suit: shorts, T-shirt, backpack, and went to the top floor of Sanlitun Yingke Center to find friends to drink. All the people in the elevator are dressed in proper suits, and both men and women are wearing exquisite makeup. The mixed fragrance from nowhere makes me shiver.

I even obviously saw several female white-collar workers slightly side up and distance themselves from me.

Their Korean semi permanent eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, which makes me feel that the elevator with an area of more than one square meter is like two worlds, one belongs to them and the other belongs to the loser, that is, me.

Of course, this is not their problem, because the world they live in is like this, and their workplace does not allow them to have poor makeup and clothes.

They must distinguish themselves from the losers in the third world. Even if they earn several thousand a month, they must live like a million a year. Otherwise, they will be despised by the boss, colleagues and customers. It will be difficult to turn over.

To a large extent, they also become passive "millions of annual salary" people.

   4、 Think about it

   Those young people who fell into the rat trap

Young people who don't know whether they know the rat trap theory:

The mouse runs on the wheel. The faster the mouse runs, the faster the wheel turns.

There was a popular article that said why the young people now have no savings? It is because these young people with thousands of monthly salary and living a life of tens of thousands of monthly salary fall into the rat trap. They do not realize that their salary growth is weak, and they will never run faster than their desire growth.

According to the report of Caijing magazine, the average transaction price of second-hand houses in Beijing has increased seven times in the past 10 years, but how much has the salary increased? Not to mention wanting famous brand bags and cars

Some people complain that they can't save money because of their low salary, but according to the data released by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) in 2017:

As of December 2016, only 6.9% of Chinese netizens had a monthly salary of more than 8000 yuan.

I believe that many of the young people who are reading this article are among the top 6.9% of China's income. How much money have you saved?

The "speed of light" of young people in China is accelerating, because they are moving from the dawn of the year to the moonlight, and then to the sunlight

Many friends asked me how to slow down the "speed of light". I can give them a prescription every time:

  • Reasonably control desire and formulate long-term financial planning. Life without planning is often chaotic, and wealth without management will end up flowing dry and clean.

  • Change consumption concept. What should be saved must be saved. Even if you save 10 yuan a day, the compound interest after 10 years is amazing. (If you are interested, you can find the compound interest calculation method by yourself)

  • Set automatic fixed pitch. To take an extreme example, if you buy a regular fund for 1000 yuan, there will be more than 50% surplus even in the event of stock market crash, and you will earn a little money under normal circumstances. And to stay in your hands is often to spend. Invest a portion of money into financial products every week, and you will find that you can save a lot of money in a year.

  • Create your own moat. Why are so many people weak in starting a second career? Because you lack a perfect skill, you might as well save the money for luxury goods to buy growth courses, build a perfect ability and help you make money.

  • Receive the latest wealth information regularly, update your knowledge structure, and learn how to manage money.

Then tell them that if you can't do the first one, you'd better save, and the speed of light will be faster and faster.

Because people's desire can be infinite in theory, and the growth of desire is often exponential. This year, they want to spend 1w, and next year, they want to spend 10w.

But your income is difficult to achieve exponential growth, which is often linear.

You can earn 1w this year, and may only earn 1.1w next year. What's the difference between the desire to pursue exponential growth with a linearly growing income and the desire to boast?

Just like an ancient Indian saying, "Don't go too fast, wait for your soul", I also want to say, "Don't let desire go too fast, wait for your wallet.

Do you think the money is saved?

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not Sina.com's position.)

Article keywords: a monthly salary Workplace desire

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