Is it a detour to change majors for employment?

11:56, November 19, 2018    Education column       I have something to say

Zhihu has a hot question: "What choice did you make? Why? What efforts did you make and what risks did you take, graduates from famous schools who do not engage in this major?"

   There are several impressive answers:

1 Xiao Yu, graduated from the journalism department of Wuhan University, gave up the advertiser with a monthly salary of 10W+and started working as a cook with a monthly salary of 1K. He claimed that "the first time he had the idea of falsifying his resume was to change his academic degree from Wuhan University to a junior college"

Li Yinfei, a doctor from the School of Journalism and Communication of Tsinghua University, is now a crosstalk actor who has created his own brand of Daqu crosstalk and has been on CCTV. "When I was a child, I used to listen to crosstalk every day." But my family didn't like crosstalk. They had to start from interest until some achievements were made.

3 Graduated from Peking University in International Relations. Professional first but give up guaranteed research. Take the full prize of Oxford to read social policy. After graduation, he first went to an international NGO and returned to China to work as an investor in Innovation Works, and he worked as a director for three years. Now, we are selling clothes.


It is gratifying to see so many efforts to overcome the public debate and insist on the children they love, but at the same time, we can not ignore the phenomenon reflected by various doubts in the comment area: "How rich the children in the family can be so headstrong" "I want to change, but my conditions do not allow" "Not to mention wasting the country's educational resources, it is also a waste of their own to change careers halfway" ——Most people are conservative in their attitude towards cross professional employment. On the contrary, children with foreign education seem to have less similar anxiety. Today, let's talk about whether they have graduated from college or not.

   "Is it a waste to grow beans?"

Why do many parents and students have the inertial thinking of "what major to learn, what career to do"? To answer this question, the famous educator Shi Yuzhi put forward a referential idea in the Distance between Chinese Education and World Education:

Thousands of years of agricultural civilization has shaped the way of thinking of the Chinese nation, especially the simple philosophy of "what you learn is what you should do, or it is a waste of your major", which deeply restricts the development of talents;

While in the West, influenced by the "fishing and hunting civilization", education emphasizes "hybridization" and "transgene". For example, teachers in the language department of Stanford University have transferred from mathematics, philosophy and electronic engineering. They study language from the perspective of different disciplines, and learn from each other. Therefore, Stanford often has the unexpected harvest of "unintentional intervention".

   Education is to make people become people first, and then make people become certain people

In three lectures at Peking University, CEO Luke mentioned that "education is to make people become people first, and then make people become certain people", which is a good comment on the "waste theory of professional transformation". Many people who have made great achievements still express their gratitude when referring to their alma mater. They are grateful for the personality edification of the general elective courses of literature, history and philosophy, and for the systematic thinking training of professional courses from finding problems to solving problems. I still remember the old saying: reading history makes people wise, reading poetry makes people smart, mathematics makes people fine, physics makes people deep, ethics makes people solemn, logic and rhetoric makes people able to argue. The significance of the university is not to rely on the profession to get a job.

   Read more useless books for career planning

Most of the students complained that they had applied for the university in a muddle headed way and found that they did not like it when they entered the university. The reason is that they chose the university and major that might affect their life depending on a piece of college entrance examination results and some social stereotypes in high school.

The president of Yale said at the opening ceremony that "any discipline can provide you with different windows to appreciate the cultural accumulation of nature and society. Don't always hold such a belief that the discipline you selected before coming to university is the most suitable for you".

Reading more useless books at this time will enable you to see the world from different perspectives, stimulate your unexpected huge potential, and even change your life.

With the blessing of useless books, it is easy to integrate experience and knowledge in one or more fields on the basis of thorough reading of this major. When you transfer this core competence to the industry you like, you can become a cross-border composite talent, and such talent must be very scarce when the relevant industry changes and upgrades.

   Try bravely: there is no detour in life, and every step counts

Those who want to change but dare not change are most worried about the "sunk cost" - without new skills to support their current work, their former professional efforts will be in vain. In fact, there is a strong logical similarity between many disciplines, even though economics and physics, two seemingly unattainable majors, are actually "close relatives" - they use mathematical models to describe, explain and predict the real world.

It is Steve Jobs who has put "life has no detours, and every step counts" into practice - who could have thought of the development of personal computer fonts, inspired by the calligraphy course taken by Jobs University?

Finally, in so many career changing stories, Zhou Xiaoyu, who wanted to change his resume from Wuhan University to a junior college as a cook, was particularly moved: "I was prepared before I went on the road that I might be mediocre and unproductive in my life. If I want to succeed, I may only be happy at that moment; if I like it, I will always be satisfied. But we will not deny any experience in the past because of our yearning for the future, because every point is connected to each other, which creates a complete you. "

Let's encourage each other!

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

Article keywords: curving road Wuhan University obtain employment subject Crosstalk

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