Spend 5000 yuan to stay in the hotel and wash your face with a towel that has wiped the toilet?

11:45, November 16, 2018    Education column       I have something to say

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Today's topic is "Five star Hotel News"

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Wipe the toilet first and then the cup with the same cloth???

What is this operation?

Now five-star hotels are trying to make money

Are you so careless about your face?

Netizens can't sit still

All five-star hotels

The other cheap ones

The sanitation of the express hotel is unimaginable

What kind of video is it

Has attracted such a big response from netizens

Wipe the cup with a rag

Picking cup cover in trash can

The origin of the matter is that the blogger @ Hua always lost the golden stirrup stick

A video was released last night

Because the blogger always takes the hotel as his home

147 five-star hotels

So I managed to shoot a video

Exposed an unknown scene in this industry

The video content is called "the secret of the cup"

As we all know, the cup of five-star hotel

It looks crystal clear and spotless

When we praise them for being so clean

Still bemoaning the service staff's intentions

But you know this

How do clean cups come from?

It was wiped with the dirty bath towel thrown on the ground

Not for a while

The service staff wiped the coffee cup with their own work clothes

Then, we saw the staff using the face towel

Wipe the hand table directly

Want to say that you can use it to wipe your face in the future

That taste...

The exposure is not an individual case

Bloggers shoot in several hotels

It is found that all the violations are the same

And use a rag to wipe the mirror surface

Toilet, sink, and your toothbrush

Another hotel waiter

Find a disposable coaster in the trash can

It can still be used after cleaning

These service personnel

Perfect interpretation of what is

One towel for multiple purposes

Wipe the toilet with bath towel

And bath towel

Wipe the floor, the toilet, the cup......

And disposable sponges have many uses

Wipe the toilet, the toilet and the bathtub......

If this makes you think it happened in cheap hotels

Then you are too naive

These videos are from all major five-star hotels in China

The video is shot from a hidden angle,

Involving 10 five-star hotels

You see wiping the cup with a washcloth

Bathtowel wiping toilet, etc

They all come from high-end hotels with a price tag of at least 1500 yuan a night

Even the most expensive 5000 a night

But still not reassuring

For example, the cheapest hotel in the video

Sheraton Nanchang (reference room price of executive suite: 1100 yuan/night)

The waiter uses the same cloth

Clean mirror, sink, toilet, bathroom and cup

After the video is sent

All major hotels respond quickly

Eyeful "checking"

Could it be that the IQ of the public relations department of this hotel has gone offline collectively

Haven't figured out how to deal with it?

But it's no wonder that every time the public relations department is embarrassed

After all, it's not the first time this has happened

At the end of last year

The first section is about three five-star hotels in Harbin

The video of room cleaning is uploaded online

The cleaner in the video

I gave you a performance

How to use a toilet brush and a bath towel

Clean all sanitary appliances

Toilet scrubbing cup

And this thing, called bed towel

I advise you not to lie on your back as soon as you arrive at the hotel

Because the service staff said

I don't know when to change

Don't change it unless it's dirty

Why is it dirty

Probably only they know

According to the official response

The hotel involved does have behaviors exposed in the video

According to the sanitary norms of accommodation industry

Paragraph 4 of Article 21

Facilities for cleaning drinking utensils, pots and buckets and slippers shall be separated

Cleaning tools shall be special

Prevent cross infection

But these exposed hotels failed to do so

Even ignoring the rules

Repeatedly damage the interests of consumers


These disgusting operations

Did you spend money in the hotel

The back of your spine is chilly?

Don't think that only China has this phenomenon

In other countries

There are also big problems in hotel hygiene

Foreign hotels also won the bid

It has become an industry potential rule

The service staff of a high-end five-star hotel in the United States said

All the changed sheets and bath towels

Are thrown on the ground

Put them together in the washing machine for cleaning

Hotel average 3-4 months

Only then will all items in the room be thoroughly cleaned

In 2013, a CBC program named Market World

After the investigation of chain hotels, it was found that

Bacteria in hotel rooms seriously exceed the standard

The sheets and sheets are not replaced for a long time

It seems that all hotels default

The bath towel is used to clean the floor

A survey of 1000 people by the Daily Express

Showing the disgusting things guests found in the hotel

Hair can't be more common

And found urine

11% of hotel guests found bedbugs

8% of guests have seen feces

And 6% of people found vomit

I don't know how the hotel health personnel feel after reading it

According to Dailymail

Elgin Ozlen and his girlfriend from California

After staying at the Astor on the Park Hotel in Manhattan, New York

Girlfriend was bitten by bedbugs in many places

This hotel is located near Central Park

It is also one of the favorite hotels for Chinese traveling in New York

In 2016, American TV program

"Inside Edition"

A feature film of "Secret Interview Experiment" was broadcast

The staff selected 9 high-end hotels in New York for one night

The next day before checking out

Write a sentence on the bed sheet with a special fluorescent agent


Spray the logo of "insider news" on the pillow

These fluorescent words are invisible to the naked eye

But it's easy to clean

It is also easy to display under ultraviolet light

The next day, these staff exchanged their experimental hotels

(The change of check-in name is not easy to be detected by the hotel)

Before re check-in

Take out the UV lamp to illuminate the bed sheet and pillow towel

It turns out that all the words written clearly last time are

The results of this experiment are shocking

In 9 high-end hotels

Three hotels didn't change the bed sheets

The names of these three hotels are

The Candlewood Inn&Suites in Times Square, New York

(There are more than 300 chain stores in the world, including nearly 50 in Southeast Asia)

LaQuinta Inn&Suites, Central Park, New York

(American hotel chain brand)

Residence Inn of Marriott Group in New York

For this exposure

Marriott subsequently apologized

And said that the Group attached great importance to this matter

Currently, all rooms of the hotel are under thorough investigation

Prevent similar events from happening again

Why are these high-end hotels exposed repeatedly

Why not rectify in time

Is this a secret that everyone knows?

Why is the hotel industry repeatedly exposed?

There are netizens' comments under the dark curtain of these exposed hotels

I told you so

Bring your own towel and water cup when staying in the hotel

Some people also complain about the "dirty stories" they have heard

Many netizens also tease

See? That's why

I don't want to stay in a five-star hotel

This mentality of self recognition

Undoubtedly, these enterprises are more indulgent

Ignoring consumer rights

Five star hotel still like this

It's hard to imagine a lower level hotel

What kind of scene is it?

But we chose to stay in the hotel

Isn't it just for convenience and comfort

Especially in five-star hotels with high prices

You have to bring your own towel or even sleeping bag

Why do you do that

According to the professional engaged in the hotel

At present, service personnel of major hotels in China

Low salary and high staff turnover

Because there is no professional training

So most of the staff

Poor professionalism and service awareness

As for the response of the hotel's public relations department

It makes people feel powerless to complain

Every time something happens

They all said they were under investigation

It is not convenient for us to inform about this

Wait until the follow-up results come out

We will give you an accurate response and other explanations

However, the result is nothing more than dismissal of employees involved

Punish the relevant responsible person of the management

Wait for the storm to pass

The problem has broken out again

This kind of endless cycle makes fun of consumers

No wonder people are angry

According to the latest news

The municipal health supervision office where the unit concerned is currently located

Sampling inspection of the hotel has started

I hope there will be a proper explanation finally

One hotel, clean and sanitary

Is the most basic service

Do we want to live a little cleaner

Is there a mistake

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not Sina.com's position.)

Article keywords: hotel fivestar hotel closestool Bath towel glass

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