Can Americans live a comfortable life with $50000 a year?

12:20, November 16, 2018    Education column       I have something to say

This is Shen Ruisi, an American writer in Houston, a Chinese student who has been studying in the United States for eight years.

Do you think an annual income of 50000 dollars can make you and your family live a comfortable life? Maybe in most places, the money is not enough. But this is indeed the median annual income of the American middle class. In other words, 50% of Americans earn less than that. However, the situation in each state is different, and the living standard is also different. The largest gap between states can reach about 30000 dollars. Here is the average median income for each state.

(The annual income of each family is usually calculated by the U.S. government or private institutions. In each family, no matter whether there are blood relatives or not, anyone over the age of 18 who has income or who has received government benefits, including unemployment insurance, disability allowance, child support, etc.)

Although in the 20th century, the average income grew at a steady rate every year, now in the 21st century, the average income of the United States has not grown so fast. But the number of American super rich has increased from 2% to 25%. This is about twice as much as 30 years ago. But the income of the bottom 10% of the American economy is only 1% of that of the United States. This proves that Americans are dying of poverty and rich of wealth.

So where can your family income rank?

If your annual income is around 12000 dollars, you can only rank at the bottom 10% of the income ranking in the United States. Twenty thousand dollars is the last 20%. 50% for $50000. If it reaches $100000, it will exceed 80% of the people in the United States. If the annual income reaches 180000 yuan, it will be ranked in the top 5% of the country.

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

Article keywords: annual income American Meiba income Consanguinity

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