Tutors talk with graduate students regularly, and they are not allowed to work for them

12:01, November 16, 2018    Education column       I have something to say

Recently, the Education Department of Jiangsu Province issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Graduate Tutors (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), which clarifies the selection system, basic rights, main responsibilities and management mechanism of graduate supervisors in the form of documents.

   Tutors should have regular heart to heart talks with graduate students


The Opinions pointed out that teachers' ethics should be the first, education should be the foundation, and quality should be the basic requirement for graduate tutors. Among them, graduate tutors are explicitly required to ensure that they invest enough time and energy in guiding graduate students, and adhere to the whole process and all-round education.

The Opinions standardize the selection and employment system of graduate tutors. Clarify the principle of selection and appointment. If there is a problem of teacher ethics, one vote will be rejected; The separation of evaluation and employment shall be implemented. In principle, enrollment shall be suspended for graduate tutors who have no projects, funds or achievements during the employment period. Graduate tutors who have serious problems in training quality shall not enroll students for at least three years.

The Opinions put forward that we should pay attention to humanistic care for graduate students. Graduate tutors should have regular heart to heart talks with graduate students, pay attention to their academic pressure and physical and mental health, try to help graduate students solve practical difficulties, guide graduate students to establish a correct concept of career selection and employment, guide graduate students to develop practical career development plans, and provide employment and entrepreneurship assistance within their capabilities.

The Opinions also mentioned the improvement of the joint guidance mechanism. The training unit should take the initiative to break the boundaries between disciplines and units, encourage interdisciplinary and cross unit joint training of graduate students, and give full play to the team role of graduate tutors in interdisciplinary and joint guidance. The cultivation of professional degree graduates should implement the "double tutor system" of both school and industry graduate tutors. The cultivation of doctoral students should actively explore the "double tutor system" of domestic and overseas graduate tutors. In addition, the newly added postgraduate tutors are all "trained first, then on duty".

   Clarify ten red lines for tutors: do not arrange graduate students to work for themselves


In addition to the above opinions, the notice on the issuance of the "Ten Prohibitions" (for trial implementation) of the Professional Ethics Code for Graduate Tutors in Jiangsu Province (hereinafter referred to as "Ten Prohibitions") was also issued.

"Ten Prohibitions" strictly demarcates a red line for graduate tutors. Including forbidding academic misconduct; No favoritism and malpractice in enrollment; It is not allowed to fail to perform the actual guidance responsibility for non objective reasons; It is not allowed not to guide the academic activities of postgraduates for a long time, not to respond to their academic inquiries and thesis review appeals; It is not allowed to sign false opinions; It is not allowed to falsely report or falsely claim the research assistant allowance in the name of a graduate student, or deliberately delay or withhold the research assistant allowance; Do not infringe upon the academic rights and interests of postgraduates; Postgraduates are not allowed to bear the costs related to scientific research activities; It is not allowed to arrange graduate students to undertake matters that belong to private field and family life.

In case of violation of the requirements for the construction of teacher ethics and the "Ten Prohibitions", the enrollment qualification will be suspended, the postgraduate tutor qualification will be canceled, and even the corresponding punishment will be given, depending on the situation, to ensure the integrity of the postgraduate tutor team.

   Is there a "mutual pit" between graduate students and supervisors?


There are two questions on Zhihu, one is "what kind of tutor is the most harmful to students". This question has caused numerous graduate students to complain. Many graduate students complain about not seeing anyone in a semester, not guiding students, asking students to help make money for projects, and helping tutors do all kinds of chores.

The other question is "what kind of students are the most vulnerable instructors". The answers to the question of students' lack of initiative, low efficiency, low level, many graduation thesis questions, female students' marriage and pregnancy affect their studies, and so on have also aroused the resonance of many instructors.

Some people saw these two posts in Zhihuli "Challenge Arena" and sighed: "This is the bitter history of graduate students and tutors."

At present, the relationship between graduate students and tutors is sometimes discussed and even published in the press. Sometimes, because of some negative news, the disharmony between graduate students and supervisors is also constantly amplified, and the relationship between the two does not know when it begins to become complex.

In fact, the current relationship between graduate students and tutors is mostly harmonious. As mentioned above, there are also many students who praise their tutors and tutors who praise their students. Of course, we can't deny that some teacher-student relations are indeed tense, although in a small number, it will still affect the teacher-student relationship and environment on campus.

The "Opinions" and "Ten Prohibitions" issued by Jiangsu Province have certain benefits for the establishment of harmonious teacher-student relationship and the healthy development of graduate students. We also look forward to the results after the release.

   Related: There are methods for foreign tutor system


At present, most American colleges and universities implement a postgraduate training system based on tutors and combining tutors and steering committees. The steering group is jointly responsible for the guidance of postgraduate learning and scientific research. This system of cultivating graduate students through the tutor committee is an inheritance and improvement of the German apprenticeship guidance method, which well complements the limitations of the knowledge of a single tutor and the resulting one-sided and narrow, and also ensures academic fairness and equity.

Colorado Institute of Mining is a research university in the United States. The Department of Geophysics is the dominant discipline of the university. The long-standing reputation of the graduate education quality of the university is based on the parallel system of tutor and tutor collaboration. The graduate tutor of CSM Geophysics Department is composed of professors and associate professors of the department. All the tutors have doctoral degrees. Most of the tutors have long-term working experience in enterprises, and have rich theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Canadian universities also have such mentoring committees. In addition to providing each graduate student with a principal tutor, there is a tutor committee composed of professors and tutors. The committee has many responsibilities, the most important of which is to guide students' studies, while the other important function is to supervise the relationship of this special team composed of students and professors.

As an important member of the postgraduate university life, the main responsibility of the graduate tutor of the University of Guelph in Canada is to guide and stimulate the academic potential of students. The following are some responsibilities:

● Promote students' intellectual growth and professional knowledge accumulation.

● Guide students to improve their learning level of the course with the assistance of the tutor committee.

● Provide assistance for research, project development or implementation.

● Understand students' academic progress and problems in research through appropriate telephone, electronic communication or face-to-face communication and discussion.

● Thoroughly review the materials written and submitted by students, and put forward constructive suggestions for their ability improvement. Inform students when to review and review these materials.

● The tutor needs to review the first draft of the thesis or research project before the student submits it to the tutor committee to make suggestions for the student.

● Help students understand the deadline and rules for thesis review, examination or submission according to the graduate calendar or the regulations of the Graduate School.

● Students also need to pay enough attention to the long-term absence from school and make satisfactory arrangements.

● Provide reasonable help and support for students' papers or research in accordance with the school's discipline, resources and human resources.

● Form a mentoring committee. Its main responsibilities are: to hold a tutorial committee meeting with students regularly, generally no less than once a semester; Submit the evaluation report to the graduate student committee of the college in consultation with the tutor committee every semester; For the problems identified in the end of semester review, a meeting must be held with the student and graduate committee to formulate an action plan, etc.

Appendix: Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Graduate Tutors and Ten Prohibitions of Professional Ethics of Graduate Tutors in Jiangsu Province (Trial)

Suggestions on Strengthening the Construction of Graduate Tutors

SJY [2018] No. 7

Each postgraduate training unit:

The team of graduate tutors is the key to the cultivation of graduate students, which shoulders the mission and responsibility of cultivating high-level innovative talents. This opinion is formulated in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the National Education Conference, earnestly implement the requirements of such documents as the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Comprehensively Deepening the Reform of the Construction of Teachers in the New Era, the Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Comprehensively Implementing the Duties of Postgraduate Tutors in Building Virtues and Cultivating Talents, and combine the actual work of academic degrees and graduate education in our province.

1、 Guiding ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should fully implement the Party's educational policy, adhere to the socialist orientation of running schools, focus on the fundamental issue of who, how and for whom to train people, take moral cultivation as the primary task of building a team of graduate tutors, and fully implement the requirement that graduate tutors are the first responsible person for graduate training, Adhere to the unity of teaching and educating people, the unity of words and deeds, the unity of focusing on asking questions and paying attention to society, the unity of academic freedom and academic norms, the unity of moral standing, moral learning, and moral teaching, and strive to build a team of high-quality graduate tutors with noble teacher ethics, profound learning, advanced skills, rigorous scholarship, and good guidance.

2、 Basic requirements

(1) Adhere to the ethics of teachers first. Graduate supervisors must adhere to the correct political direction, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, strictly implement national laws and regulations and educational policies, and have a high sense of political responsibility. We should follow the professional ethics of teachers as an example, adhere to academic norms, and infect and guide graduate students with noble moral sentiments and personality charm.

(2) Insist on educating people. Graduate tutors should be dedicated to their jobs, fulfill their duties, ensure that they invest enough time and energy in guiding graduate students, adhere to the whole process of educating people, educate people in all directions, act as guides and guides for graduate students to grow into talents, and implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people into the specific practice of talent cultivation.

(3) Insist on quality. Graduate tutors should have profound academic attainments and persistent academic pursuits, adhere to advanced education concepts, pay attention to the frontiers of disciplines, and constantly improve their professional level and guidance ability. We should follow the laws of education, pay attention to social needs, adhere to teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, focus on improving the academic quality and innovative practical ability of graduate students, and cultivate high-level professionals with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.

3、 Main tasks

(1) Standardize the selection and employment system of graduate tutors

  1。 Clarify the selection principle. The training unit shall select postgraduate tutors according to the principle of "clear standards, strict procedures, fairness and justice, and quality assurance". The basic requirements for the selection and employment of graduate tutors are to have excellent political quality, noble ethics and professional quality. We should not only adhere to academic standards, clarify the requirements of scientific research projects and achievements, but also pay attention to the effectiveness of teaching and education, and attach importance to the evaluation of the quality of education, teaching and guidance. If there is a problem of teacher morality, one vote will be rejected.

  2。 Carry out classified selection. The training unit should innovate the selection mechanism of graduate tutors, refine and distinguish the selection criteria of graduate tutors, and implement classified selection according to the differences in the training of graduate students in natural sciences and humanities and social sciences, basic disciplines and applied disciplines, academic degrees and professional degrees, and in combination with the characteristics of on campus and off campus tutors, full-time tutors and part-time tutors. Special selection methods shall be formulated for special talents.

  3。 Implement separation of evaluation and employment. The training unit shall implement the separation of postgraduate tutor selection and enrollment, establish a qualification review system for postgraduate tutor enrollment, implement dynamic management, and encourage excellent candidates to work. In principle, enrollment will be suspended for graduate tutors who have no projects, funds or achievements during the employment period. Graduate tutors with serious problems in training quality shall not enroll students for at least three years.

(2) Guarantee the basic rights of graduate tutors

  1。 Admission right. The postgraduate tutor can put forward his annual enrollment application according to the regulations of the training unit on enrollment, scientific research needs and research funds. Graduate tutors can participate in the enrollment work according to the work arrangement of the training unit, and play an important role in the selection and enrollment of graduate students. On the basis of clarifying the criteria and requirements for the mutual selection of teachers and students, graduate tutors have the right to choose graduate students to guide.

  2。 Cultivate autonomy. According to the postgraduate training program and relevant management regulations of the training unit, and in combination with the individual reality of the graduate students, the graduate tutors jointly formulate personalized training plans as the main basis for performing guidance responsibilities, supervising the academic process, adjusting the length of study, etc. For postgraduates who are not suitable for further training, they have the right to report the situation to the training unit and put forward handling suggestions.

  3。 Education recommendation right. Graduate tutors have the right to recommend graduate students to apply for master doctoral consecutive studies, joint training, scientific research projects, academic exchanges, achievement awards and other comprehensive quality evaluation and appraisal, and have the right to put forward opinions and suggestions on the evaluation of graduate awards and grants, "three assistant" post applications, etc.

  4。 Management suggestion right. Graduate tutors have the right to put forward suggestions on the discipline construction, postgraduate enrollment, training, degree awarding, daily management and other work of the training unit, as well as suggestions on the degree and postgraduate education reform initiatives, relevant rules and regulations, etc.

(3) Clarify the main responsibilities of graduate tutors

  1。 Improve the ideological and political quality of graduate students. Graduate tutors should actively guide graduate students to adhere to socialist core values, establish a correct outlook on the world, life and values, correctly understand the responsibility of the times and historical mission, and cultivate a sound personality of graduate students. It is necessary to understand the ideological trends of postgraduates in a timely manner, support them to actively participate in the activities of the Party and League organizations, and cultivate their family and country feelings and sense of social responsibility.

  2。 Instruct graduate students to abide by academic ethics. Graduate supervisors should guide graduate students to consciously abide by scientific research integrity and academic ethics, strengthen academic standard training, enhance intellectual property awareness, and eliminate academic misconduct such as plagiarism, experimental fraud, data tampering, paper trading, and paper writing. Be responsible for reviewing the research achievements and dissertations of postgraduates, and sign the achievements realistically according to their actual contributions.

  3。 Cultivate graduate students' academic and practical innovation ability. Graduate tutors should regularly communicate with graduate students, strengthen academic guidance, support graduate students to participate in academic exchanges at home and abroad, and guide graduate students to carry out innovative research in the academic frontier. It is necessary to encourage graduate students to actively participate in professional practice activities and social practice services, support and guide graduate students to transform and apply scientific research achievements, promote the close integration of production, learning, research and application, and improve the innovation and entrepreneurship ability of graduate students.

  4。 Guarantee the conditions for postgraduate cultivation. Graduate tutors shall provide necessary conditions and funds to support graduate students to participate in scientific research. According to the requirements of the training unit, the postgraduate research assistant allowance shall be paid on time. During the period of postgraduate tutors' business trip, going abroad (overseas), etc., they should arrange the training of postgraduates to ensure that the training process and quality are not affected.

  5。 Pay attention to humanistic care of graduate students. Graduate tutors should have regular heart to heart talks with graduate students, pay attention to their academic pressure and physical and mental health, try to help graduate students solve practical difficulties, guide graduate students to establish a correct concept of career selection and employment, guide graduate students to develop practical career development plans, and provide employment and entrepreneurship assistance within their capabilities.

  6。 Strengthen the research on postgraduate education and teaching. Graduate tutors should actively learn postgraduate education policies and relevant theoretical knowledge, be good at integrating the latest research results of the discipline into teaching content and guidance, be good at using information technology, vigorously strengthen curriculum construction, actively promote teaching reform, and constantly explore the laws of graduate education.

(4) Improve the management mechanism of graduate tutors

  1。 We will improve the allocation mechanism of enrollment resources. The training unit shall reasonably determine the number of postgraduate tutors recruited according to the scale of postgraduate enrollment and the needs of discipline construction, taking into account teachers' moral performance, academic level, guiding ability, training quality, scientific research projects, funds, achievements, etc. The training unit should take the mutual selection of graduate students and graduate tutors as an important measure for the allocation of enrollment resources, clarify the principles, standards, procedures and requirements of mutual selection, and give full play to the main role of graduate tutors and graduate students.

  2。 We will improve the joint guidance mechanism. The training unit should take the initiative to break the boundaries between disciplines and units, encourage interdisciplinary and cross unit joint training of graduate students, and give full play to the team role of graduate tutors in interdisciplinary and joint guidance. The cultivation of professional degree graduates should implement the "double tutor system" of both school and industry graduate tutors. The cultivation of doctoral students should actively explore the "double tutor system" of domestic and overseas graduate tutors.

  3。 Improve the training exchange mechanism. The training unit shall establish and improve the performance training system for graduate tutors, and carry out at least one centralized training or special seminar for graduate tutors every year. The newly added postgraduate tutors are all "trained first, then on duty", and pay attention to the role of excellent postgraduate tutors in "spreading, helping and guiding". The training unit should actively select professional degree postgraduate tutors to take part-time or temporary jobs in relevant industries or enterprises to improve their practical guidance ability.

  4。 Improve the assessment and evaluation mechanism. The training unit should establish an assessment system for the employment period of postgraduate tutors, focusing on the assessment of teachers' ethics and guidance quality, and take the assessment results as an important basis for professional title assessment, job promotion, performance distribution, merit evaluation and enrollment resource allocation. It is necessary to build an assessment system and evaluation criteria for academic and professional degree graduate tutors by category, and focus on including the achievements of graduate tutors in undertaking graduate curriculum construction, education and teaching reform topics and other work.

  5。 We will improve the recognition and reward mechanism. The training unit shall establish and improve the commendation and reward methods for outstanding graduate tutors, award honorary titles and give appropriate material rewards. It is necessary to widely publicize the advanced deeds of excellent graduate tutors and teams, vigorously promote the successful experience of establishing morality and cultivating people, earnestly give play to the positive influence and exemplary role of advanced models, and create a strong atmosphere of learning advanced and striving to be excellent graduate tutors.

  6。 We will improve the accountability mechanism. The training unit shall seriously deal with those who do not seriously perform their tutor's job responsibilities and have adverse consequences according to the situation. In case of academic misconduct or violation of academic ethics of postgraduates due to the ineffective performance of their supervisors, they shall be dealt with in accordance with relevant regulations. If there is any problem with the quality of postgraduate training, interview, limited recruitment, suspension and other methods can be adopted depending on the situation; If the circumstances are serious, the qualification of postgraduate tutor may be cancelled.

4、 Organizational guarantee

(1) Strengthen provincial overall planning. The Provincial Academic Degrees Committee and the Provincial Department of Education have incorporated the situation of virtue cultivation of graduate tutors into the evaluation system of high-level universities and discipline construction. The quality of postgraduate tutors' guidance is sampled every three years, highlighting the survey of their professional ability, guidance level, training quality and postgraduate satisfaction. The evaluation and survey results serve as an important basis for postgraduate enrollment plans and relevant provincial project arrangements. Seriously deal with the training units that have failed to supervise, delay or refuse to deal with the dereliction of duty and anomie behavior of graduate supervisors, and evaded and concealed the situation; If the circumstances are serious, the postgraduate enrollment plan or relevant special fund arrangement shall be reduced, and the relevant responsible person shall be held accountable.

(2) Implement the main responsibility. The training unit should implement the main responsibility for the construction of the team of graduate tutors. The Standing Committee of the Party Committee or the President's Office should annually study the construction of the team of graduate tutors, listen to reports, research and solve relevant problems, and arrange special funds for the training of graduate tutors. It is necessary to establish an unimpeded feedback mechanism to timely accept and settle the written inquiries, reports, applications, appeals, etc. proposed by the graduate tutors within a time limit; It is necessary to establish an efficient coordination mechanism to properly solve the contradictions and disputes between graduate tutors and graduate students.

(3) Strengthen coordination among all parties. Actively create a good atmosphere of respecting teachers and valuing education in the whole society, mobilize all sectors of society to care about, support and supervise the construction of graduate tutors, and build a working mechanism of cooperation and participation of all parties. Deeply promote the selection and appointment system of Jiangsu industry professors (part-time), constantly improve the construction mode of graduate workstations, attract outstanding talents from industries and enterprises to serve as graduate tutors, and form a graduate training pattern of science and education collaboration and integration of industry and education.

Each postgraduate training unit shall formulate its own implementation rules according to this opinion.

Provincial Academic Degrees Committee and Provincial Education Department

October 25, 2018

The "Ten Prohibitions" of Professional Ethics of Graduate Tutors in Jiangsu Province


1、 It is not allowed to teach the contents that violate the laws and regulations of our country and the socialist core values, and to make negative and negative statements that violate the Party's line, principles and policies and damage the reputation of the Party and the country.

2、 It is not allowed to commit academic misconduct or connive at academic misconduct of the graduate students under their guidance.

3、 It is not allowed to seek personal gains, engage in malpractices for personal gain, organize or participate in any counseling or training activities that may affect the fairness and impartiality of postgraduate enrollment.

4、 It is not allowed to recruit students in the name of others or in the name of others, or fail to perform the actual guidance responsibility for non objective reasons.

5、 It is not allowed to neglect the guidance and management, not guide the academic activities of graduate students for a long time, not reply to the academic inquiries and thesis review appeals of graduate students.

6、 It is not allowed to sign false opinions, and entrust others to fill in the appraisal opinions or review opinions of each link in violation of regulations.

7、 It is not allowed to falsely report or falsely claim the research assistant allowance in the name of a graduate student, or deliberately delay or withhold the research assistant allowance in violation of regulations.

8、 It is not allowed to infringe upon the academic rights and interests of postgraduates, force irrelevant persons to sign their names in relevant academic achievements, or do not rank their names according to their actual contributions.

9、 It is not allowed to violate the relevant regulations of the training unit to let graduate students bear the costs related to scientific research activities, academic exchanges, social practice, dissertation review or defense.

10、 It is not allowed to arrange graduate students to undertake the affairs that belong to the private field and family life, or forcibly arrange graduate students to engage in work unrelated to their studies in units that have interests with them.

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not Sina.com's position.)

Article keywords: graduate student tutor Graduate Supervisor learning recruit students

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