Inspired Bear Boy: "Look up and don't give up!"

11:12, November 14, 2018    Education column       I have something to say

In the past two days, a small video of less than 3 minutes has been pushed into hot search.

According to the Daily Mail of Britain, this video was shot in Magadan, Russia. In the video, a mother bear and her cub climbed a steep snow mountain. The mother bear easily climbed to the top of the mountain, but the cub unfortunately slipped down.

The poor bear continued to climb, and knew to follow his mother's footsteps~

It's a pity that he fell down again after a careless move... He went back and forth for several times, getting farther and farther away from his mother.

I thought Little Bear would give up, but he didn't mean to stop. He climbed up again and again.

The little figure struggled up on the white snow, and finally met her mother at the top of the mountain and walked away together.

After watching the whole process, I couldn't help praising the bear child!

Some netizens said, "I'm so nervous! I feel like watching the Lion King". Some netizens praised Mama Bear's parenting style: "Parents can learn a lesson from Mama Bear: Sometimes you must let children solve problems themselves, even if they will slip and suffer."

Indeed, this is the same as our education of children. We should not only care about them, but also learn to let them go, and cultivate their ability to survive and think independently. Only in this way can children face the challenges and problems of life independently.

Some roads can only be taken by oneself. Love is worrying and letting go. Life is not to give up when you are in trouble. It is fate playing tricks on you again and again, and you will never compromise.

Mother Bear and Baby Bear have taught us a very vivid lesson.

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

Article keywords: Mama Bear naughty kid mountaintop Magadan let go

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