The top ten misunderstandings of the Chinese about the United States

10:33, November 9, 2018    Education column       I have something to say

The following story is shared by a Chinese friend over the years. We will show it to you and believe it will also give you some enlightenment:

Having been in the United States for so long, I have always subscribed to several domestic magazines, and I know a little about domestic news through various magazines.

Recently, there are more Internet users. As a result, it was found that several stories about the United States were wrongly circulated by Chinese people on the Internet:

   01 A passage on a US passport

   net friend

It is said that there is a passage on the American passport, which roughly means: Please remember that the powerful America will always stand behind you and protect your security at any time.

   Minor editing

I searched through several American passports of different ages and found no such sentence or a paragraph with similar meaning. There is a sentence in the American passport, which is no different from the Chinese passport, that is, the State Department of the United States requests the governments of all countries to make it easier for the holders of this passport to enter and leave the country.

   02 The "Oath of Educators" in the United States

   net friend

Many websites in China have reprinted it, as if it came from an article by a professor in a social science professional journal, and it is also clear that every year, the normal school graduates in the United States -- these prospective teachers -- have to go through a serious oath ceremony, determined to devote their lives to education.

   Minor editing

When I first read this report, I was very surprised: because I graduated from a normal school in the United States, why did I never "swear"? Later, I was also a teacher student. I also attended their graduation ceremony. There was never any "teacher oath".

Later, domestic magazines and websites became even more noisy. They not only reprinted the news, but also expressed their feelings, "What a moving scene it is to think of a group of prospective teachers of different colors and solemnly swear to devote themselves to education!" They even began to plan what kind of "teacher oath" China should formulate.

I asked my colleagues that none of the teachers who graduated from different states of the United States in different years had ever experienced the so-called "oath", or knew what the "teacher's oath" or "educator's oath" was.

   net friend

So, has there ever been a "teacher's oath" or "educator's oath" in the United States?

   Minor editing

A history teacher told me that in the early 1930s, several states in the eastern United States, led by Massachusetts, had introduced a bill requiring public school teachers to take a brief oath when accepting work, which is probably the legendary "American educator's oath" in our country.

Unfortunately, once this thing came out, it was opposed by teachers and teachers' union. The teachers' union had a long legal battle with politicians. All states, except Massachusetts, soon canceled the oath.

In Massachusetts, after a long struggle among teachers, the state legislature passed a law in 1986, formally prohibiting the "teacher oath".

   net friend

Alas, why should the Chinese pick up the rubbish that Americans have already thrown away? What's more, they are so happy to pick it up? It is worth thinking deeply.

   03 West Point Military Academy hangs a portrait of Lei Feng

   net friend

West Point Military Academy hangs a statue of Lei Feng, builds a statue of Lei Feng, learns from Lei Feng's quotations, and uses Sun Tzu's Art of War as a textbook. Because of the "China craze", the number of students learning Chinese has increased by 20%

   Minor editing

All are legends. There is no such thing.

   04 American soldiers go to war with Sun Tzu's Art of War

   net friend

American soldiers took Sun Tzu's Art of War to fight in the Gulf, Iraq, Afghanistan and other places.

Minor editing

There is no spectrum, it is just a rumor.

   05 The only man-made building visible in space is the Great Wall

   net friend

The only man-made building that American astronauts can see from space is the Great Wall.

   Minor editing

Now we can all go into space to see if we can see the Great Wall. Just use Google Earth. I knew immediately that it was a rumor.

   06 The UN flew the flag at half mast for the death of Premier Zhou Enlai

   Minor editing

In 1947, the Flag Code of the United Nations stipulated that the flag of a member state must be lowered at half mast for one day to mourn the death of its head of state. There is no exception.

   07VCD is made by Chinese people with American technology

   Minor editing

VCDs have never been sold in the US market. Most Americans have no idea what a VCD is.

   08 "The American imported weight-loss drug Seven points thin, Clinton's daughter is using".

   Minor editing

Chinese pharmacists in the United States have never heard of such a medicine as "seven points thin".

   09 The American physics professor proved that the American Apollo moon landing was false

   Minor editing

The so-called "American professor of physics" is just a Chinese student who came to the United States in the early 1990s.

A large number of facts show that lunar landings have occurred (such as laser reflectors placed on the moon, which are used by scientists all over the world, and moon rock specimens studied by scientists from many countries all over the world), which is not worth refuting.

   The college entrance examination in the United States is the SAT, and students with full marks are equivalent to our "top students in the college entrance examination"

   Minor editing

The SAT is just a personality test used by American universities to predict whether students are capable of studying in universities. Similar things are ACT.

These examinations can not be compared with China's "college entrance examination". Similar to the college entrance examination in China, it should be the AP exam. SAT is also divided into SATI and SATII. The former can be tested seven times a year. There are so many students with full marks that they can't be regarded as "top scholars" at all.

The year before last, UCLA only admitted 38% students with full SAT scores. More famous universities, such as Harvard University, have lower admission rates for students with full SAT scores.

   net friend

However, the domestic media reported on a large scale that this is the iron evidence of the "quality education" in the United States. Harvard University "may not even admit the top students in the college entrance examination, but must admit students with high quality."

   Minor editing

In fact, when enrolling students in famous American universities, they still have very high requirements for scores. The SAT is full, but how many subjects did the AP take? How many points did you get? What is the average score in school? Is the course easy or difficult? Where is it so simple~

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

Article keywords: oath teacher swear an oath passport Educators

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