After going abroad for 3 years, I finally understand that studying abroad will not change me

10:58, November 9, 2018    Education column       I have something to say

"I still remember that before studying abroad, I was full of expectations for studying abroad.

I'm also glad that I can finally leave my parents' shelter and fly freely with open wings.

I was also angry with my mother, who was worried about the safety of the United States.

I also said goodbye to my past and left with confidence.

I also told myself that studying abroad would definitely change my life.

However, after studying abroad for 3 years, I understand.

Studying abroad will not change me. "

Because it is a process, not a "crash course".

"I don't want to eat American hot dogs in my life."

Xiao Zhou has just arrived in the United States for the first month. Because of many things, he has to deal with not only the school course selection but also the dormitory.

He is short of time and has nothing to eat at school. He eats hot dogs for convenience. I didn't eat a decent hot meal.

Finally, everything is settled and life is on the right track. A friend drove Xiao Zhou to have lunch in the village, ordered three dishes and a soup, and tried to eat with rice, as if Xiao Zhou hadn't eaten for several days.

As for hot dogs, he has had enough.

Xiao Zhou still remembers that when he was in China, he liked pizza best, whether Pizza Hut or Great John, and he always proposed to eat pizza at school parties.

He also likes to eat steak. No matter how well you want it to be cooked, he can speak with you in odd or even numbers.

 Source: Source:

He never worried that he would not adapt to the American diet, and even a little complacent.

He has never eaten Pizza Hut pizza since he came to the United States to study and returned home in winter and summer.

For international students.

Before they came to study abroad, they always bragged about their ability to adapt to food. No matter what kind of food is acceptable.

But after studying abroad, I realized that only the frying, frying and taste of my hometown can best grasp my stomach.

This is just a few years of study abroad career, can not change.

"I started talking to the Chinese again."

For Zhang Teng, studying abroad was the first decision he made. He silently decided to go abroad and silently refused to study for the college entrance examination. Although his family was not so rich, his parents had no choice but to allow him to study abroad.

He is tired of life in China that can be seen through at a glance, and he hates the narrow circle of friends between Chinese people. In his view, American culture is full of inclusiveness and focuses on personal development.

He felt that his cheerful personality would make many American friends.

In the semester when he first came to the United States, he tried not to participate in the activities of Chinese students, but to socialize with Americans and participate in American parties.

 Source: Holland Evenementen Groep Source: Holland Evenementen Groep

Zhang Teng doesn't know Chinese people, nor does he worship foreigners. But sometimes when I call my parents and talk about the recent situation, they still say:

"What's the point of sending you abroad to mingle with Chinese people every day?"

Zhang Teng also understood this truth.

At an American wine party, he went home after getting drunk. When he woke up, Zhang Tengcai remembered that today was New Year's Eve. Zhang Teng and his parents' video, after paying New Year's greetings in advance, I don't know why, but I feel unbearable loneliness.

He sent a WeChat message to a Chinese classmate he had met several times, "Are there any activities today?"

Later, he was invited to eat dumplings at his classmates' home, and we watched the Spring Festival Gala together. He obviously doesn't watch the Spring Festival Gala in China.

 Source: 51offer Source: 51offer

Zhang Teng is eating dumplings and listening to the voice of the sketch of the Spring Festival Gala. What echoes in his mind is not the sketch, but his local accent, the mutual hatred between brothers, the laughter between friends, and his home.

What if I "mix" with Chinese people?

For international students,

One of the three lucky things in life is: meeting old friends in other places.

Maybe Chinese children who are also international students cannot be regarded as "old friends", but when they are most sad, Chinese students are most willing to support and help each other.

It is not wrong to want to integrate into American culture and stay in your own comfort zone.

Whether to associate with Americans or Chinese people is a personal choice. However, most international students still feel that Chinese speaking the same language are more accessible.

The familiar local accent and friendly friends will make it easier for overseas students to open their hearts.

This is just a few years of study abroad career, can not change.

"After three years of training in the United States, I am still the shy Asian Boy"

Many people think Xiao Guang's personality is not suitable for going abroad.

He is a typical Asian boy in the eyes of Americans. He does not make trouble and is not good at expressing himself.

However, Xiao Guang doesn't think it matters. Studying abroad is just a way to exercise himself.

In the United States, there are more situations that force foreign students to "speak". Xiaoguang understands this and is working hard.

I have worked hard for three years. Xiao Guang is still the "Asian boy" who is not good at expressing himself.

Maybe he can solve all things independently;

Maybe he can speak confidently and complete the homework required by the class.


After the supermarket clerk loaded him with the wrong things, he was afraid of trouble and did not return or replace the goods;

After the waiter in the restaurant served him the wrong food, he didn't say anything, but took it over and ate it as usual;

When the professor was not clear enough, he did not ask the professor, but asked his classmates what was going on.

When someone asked him what he liked and wanted, he still said unconsciously: "All right."

His character has not become the "free" that Americans appreciate.

Introversion is still the main color of his character. It is also the main character color of many foreign students.

For international students.

It is not necessary to become the same as Americans to talk freely to be successful.

Introversion is not a character defect, but a characteristic of Chinese people, and it is also the result of years of growth environment.

Most people's study abroad life is actually very calm and calm.

Studying abroad will make people grow, but its influence on character is far less than people think.

Character is like a seed, which has already taken root and sprouted.

This is just a few years of study abroad career, can not change.

"At the beginning, I went abroad to escape, but after growing up, I finally became the kind of person I used to hate most."

Sihan came to America to escape her mother's control. From childhood to adulthood, my mother took care of almost everything for her. She is too obedient. She hates such a life and herself.

Too many Chinese ideas fettered her, from marriage to having children to drinking hot water.

After coming to the United States, Sihan felt that she could finally be herself, without having to worry about those collective ideas and worldly wisdom.

She said her English name to everyone, and no one ever called her Chinese name. If someone asks her to think, she will correct it loudly. She tried to be the enemy of her former self and remove all labels belonging to her.

However, when playing with friends, she still takes care of everyone's feelings.

She will cook for everyone at home, although she hates being said to be a good wife and mother.

She became everyone's mother and bosom sister.

Even in ordinary times, she would unconsciously hold a cup of hot water and put on her pants when it was cold.

Sihan has been in love with foreigners, and she feels that she is open-minded enough. But after leaving her mother, who she used to hate most, she found that she was most like her mother.

In the United States, you can change the name. The name is just a code.

But you are a person who is accumulated little by little by your family and your past.

You can never change.

Finally, Sihan accepted his Chinese name. After graduation, my mother wants her to return home. She looked at her aging mother and returned to the place where she had been trying to escape.

The place that gives her name and life concept can still contain her.

For international students.

After several years of studying abroad, many people are still willing to return to their most comfortable places.

Studying abroad has exposed them to more kinds of ideas, but in fact, it is difficult to completely erase the Chinese philosophy of life in the bones of overseas students. Even though, these philosophies are boring.

For these ideas, this contradiction is broken and established, gone and stayed,

This is just a few years of study abroad career, can not change.

Studying abroad is a unique experience.

It brings you pain and happiness.

Many people have grown up while studying abroad, and many people have gone bad quietly while studying abroad.

Studying abroad will more or less change you, change your concept, change your taste, and change your character, but these changes do not happen in a moment.

In a process, it takes time to change from quantity to quality, and this is also the reason for studying abroad. Studying abroad for one year, two years, four years, even ten years, the changes are different.

For most people. Studying abroad is just a very short and small stage in your life.

Many people choose to study abroad and are eager to seek a change.

I think that studying abroad can transform me.

Source: Manager

Whether it's joining a fraternity, socializing with Americans; Try more new things; Or living in your own comfort zone, which is also an indispensable part of studying abroad.

However, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Studying abroad can definitely broaden your horizon, emancipate your mind and make friends, but these are not achieved overnight.

If you are eager for success, a few years of study abroad life will not bring you a "qualitative leap" compared with the accumulation of the previous ten years.

For international students.

Whether studying abroad can change you is still up to you.

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

Article keywords: Overseas Study overseas student Zhang Teng Study abroad American

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