In my mind, there is only one top school district in the UK

11:27, November 6, 2018    Education column       I have something to say

Most of the time, when I read the articles on these public accounts, I found it was a real estate at the bottom.

I admit that most of the time, I was deceived by the title, and I never wanted to see half of the advertisements that were originally real estate.

Now many articles on public accounts are advertising British real estate. This one is a top school district house, and that one is a top school district house, which makes buyers excited.

Are there really so many school districts in Britain?

I am not familiar with British real estate, and I am not interested in these buildings (because I can't afford them, haha~~).

This article, without any business purpose, talks about the school district housing in Britain.

First of all, according to the training steps of independent thinking, we should first define what is school district housing?

Some people believe that living in a school district can help children enter the top schools in the district, which is defined as a school district house.

Some people think that as long as there is a top school in that district, it can be defined as a school district house.

The second definition is relatively loose. My article uses "school district housing" based on the second definition.

This means that buying a house in this area can only ensure that you live near the top schools, not necessarily help your children enter the top schools in the area. I must make this clear to avoid misunderstanding.

What we do now is to fight for human resources at the end. The reason why schools in a good school district are good is that the quality of student resources is neat, parents attach importance to education, and the results and school spirit are naturally good.

Maybe there are thousands of good school districts in Britain, but in my mind, if I want to buy school district houses, I will only consider one place - Barnet.

   Male QE, female HB

As a teacher working in the north outside London, my colleagues and I often discuss the information of different schools within our 50 mile radius.

Therefore, our discussion covers the whole north of London, because many times, this is the scope that our contacts can cover, including private and public schools.

(Of course, since I met my new friends in Cambridge, my contacts have reached Cambridge. See the previous article: [What is a person's greatest ability in this era?])

I remember when I first joined the current school, my colleagues discussed the top public schools in Britain in the faculty room. At that time, a colleague said, "Male QE, female HB".

At that time, I was confused when I heard this sentence. What did it come from? What do you associate with it?

At that time, what I associated with the first moment was "North Qiaofeng, South Murong" in Jin Yong's novel Tianlong VIII.

It's funny, isn't it? I couldn't help it. I was addicted to Jin Yong's novels when I was in junior high school, and the contents of several novels have been deeply impressed in my mind.

When I asked my colleagues what they meant, I found that my understanding was not far from my understanding.

"Male QE, female HB" actually means "North Qiaofeng, South Murong".

QE represents Queen Elizabeth's School in Barnet.

HB represents Henrietta Barnett School in Barnet.

My colleague thinks that these two schools are the leaders of British public schools. Of course, this is just his personal opinion. There are many other top public schools in Britain.

Coincidentally, these two public schools are located in Barnet, London.

A friend who teaches in male QE

I didn't know much about QE (Queen Elizabeth's School) at first, but after talking with a friend Robbie about the past, I found that he is teaching in QE. He also told me a lot of internal information about the school.

I have written two articles about my friend who graduated from Oxford and how excellent this school is. I have written two articles before: [My dialogue with Oxford teacher (1) My dialogue with Oxford teacher (2)], which will not be repeated here.

And this school is also very popular with parents. Many parents also mentioned that their son has been admitted or is planning to be admitted to this grammar school when they asked me for advice.

Just imagine if you can enter this school and enjoy Britain's top education resources for free, wouldn't it be a good thing?

   Second kill female HB of private school

As for female HB (Henrietta Barnett School), I learned about this school from my parents.

Because a parent told me that she wanted her daughter to be admitted to this school, I checked the information to learn more about this school.

After checking the information, I found that this school was very good.

According to the official data of the British Ministry of Education, HB's 2018 GCSE score is the best in the UK.

If I have read the article on how to select schools before: [The latest ranking list of British schools is released, how to avoid the trap of selecting schools?], I will understand the standard of Attachment 8.

HB's score reached an astonishing 85.8 points, more than QE, and this score is the highest in the UK.

The average Attainment 8 score of British schools is only 46.4, and HB's score is nearly double the average score.

If you haven't felt how awesome they are, I'll give you another data to see.

EBacc subjects include some relatively academic subjects, such as English, English literature, mathematics, science, geography, history and language, etc.

The purpose of the EBacc standard is to remove some less academic subjects and prevent schools from using these subjects to boost their scores. Therefore, British teachers often use the EBacc standard to evaluate schools, but parents may listen less to this standard.

HB's score in EBacc is also the highest in the UK, reaching 8.55, while the average score of British schools is only 4.03.

   How can I get into these cattle schools?

Parents will surely ask this question when they see here. How can we plan to let children enter these cattle schools?

My suggestion is that you must make targeted deployment, learn more about their background information and know how big the competition is.

For example, HB, a grammar school, has nearly 2500 applicants each year, but only about 95 degrees each year.

You can know how fierce the competition is, so that parents must have a Plan B in their heart, and even if they fail to pass the exam, they will not be so hesitant.

On the other hand, the most common mistake parents make is that they use the same strategy to deal with all 11+exams.

Parents usually ask their children to practice verbal reasoning, nonverbal reasoning, English and mathematics to cope with the 11+exam.

This is the reason why many parents failed to apply for these cattle schools.

In fact, this process is very similar to that of applying for a job after graduation. What would be the consequences if you applied for different companies with the same CV and cover letter?

In most cases, they fail because they are not targeted.

The same is true for applying for a cattle school, which must be targeted.

Taking HB as an example, I would advise parents to focus on verbal reasoning and nonverbal reasoning.

The reason behind this is that HB's 11+is divided into two levels. The first level is to test the examinees' verbal reasoning and nonverbal reasoning abilities through the CEM exam.

(If you don't know what the CEM exam is, please refer to my historical article: British teachers take you through the private school entrance examination system)

Their English and math ability will be tested in the second level, but the problem is that if you can't even pass the first level, it's useless even if your English and math ability is strong.

Therefore, if you want to test HB, you must first focus on verbal reasoning and nonverbal reasoning, which means targeted deployment.

Different schools have different targeted deployments. Parents must study carefully to develop the most appropriate strategy.


Would you think that I would recommend some Barnet buildings in the end?

Sorry to disappoint you.

In this article, I just want to make two points:

1. Everyone has their own top school district.

Barnet may not be the top school district you recognize. It doesn't matter. As long as your choice is the result of objective and fair judgment and rigorous data collection, there will be no problem. I have seen too many advertisements for real estate. It is clear that the real estate is not in the school district advertised, so the salesmen dare to boast that it is in the school district house, and they don't know where the courage comes from.

2. Living in the school district ≠ going to the top public school.

In addition to the two top grammar schools I mentioned above, other good public schools can go to school without examinations, so CATCHMENT (which can be understood as the scope of enrollment) is often very small, so parents of the school district must be clear about Catchment, some of which are so small that they are outrageous. A British mother I know joked that, Unless you live on the roof of the school, it is difficult to enter a high-quality public school.

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

Article keywords: School District Room QE school school district britain

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