Overseas returnees' monthly salary disdain chain is bad for me!

10:55, November 6, 2018    Education column       I have something to say

In these days, we have to compete in everything we do

Financial disdain chain, academic degree disdain chain, job search disdain chain...

   Now the monthly salary of international students is also despised

"Why go abroad?"

"Is it worth spending millions to study abroad?"

"After graduation, will you stay in the United States or return home?"


These topics must be familiar to every overseas student. In 2018, the number of domestic college graduates has exceeded 8.2 million, and the competition for jobs is becoming increasingly fierce. As overhead "Gao Fu Shuai", "Bai Fu Mei" The monthly salary of Guanghuan's overseas students after graduation is also concerned by all sectors of society.

   Every time I look at the average wage statistics, it's the one who has lagged behind

   1. Payroll PK in major cities across the country

After returning home, the monthly salary has always been a topic for overseas returnees.

According to the statistics of BOSS direct employment data, the average monthly salary of 50 cities with the largest demand for talents in 2018 is 8730 yuan.

The first place is Beijing, with an average monthly salary of 10712 yuan; The second Shanghai, 10128 yuan; The third Shenzhen, 9738 yuan; Hangzhou ranked fourth with 9547 yuan, while Guangzhou ranked fifth with an average monthly salary of 7862 yuan...

Have you seen these?

Even if the average monthly salary of Beijing ranked first is 10712 yuan, if you spend 2 million yuan to study abroad, it will take 186.7 months to earn back the cost of studying abroad, equivalent to 15.5 years!

   2. "I thought I would earn a million a year after studying abroad."

After graduation, those who return home are all big companies, with annual salary of one million, and flying people in the air...

These are what many students who study abroad once imagined, but is this really the case? According to this year's Survey Report on the Employment and Entrepreneurship of Returnees from China, respondents are generally dissatisfied with their salaries. In addition, about 30% of the respondents believe that what they have learned cannot be applied to work.

According to the survey, the proportion of people in ordinary positions is close to 60%, more than 40% of their after tax monthly income is below 6K, 6K-8K accounts for 22.7%, 8K-10K and 1W-2W accounts for 13.0% and 13.7% respectively, and the proportion of people above 2W yuan is the lowest, only 5.8%.

 Picture source network Picture source network

In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the cost of living is higher than that of other cities in Europe and the United States. The salary of 10000 yuan is just for food and clothing, far below the expectation of overseas returnees.

   3. The real salary of these overseas returnees

*The following content comes from Weibo @ Office's complaints about Jun's popular comments


1. Line 18, Yingshuo, 8K before tax after working for one and a half years. In addition, I want to say that the salary cannot be limited to the monthly salary. After all, different companies have different salary structures, and the year-end bonus of some companies is very attractive....

2. British master, three years of work after graduation, engineering unit, 2.5W monthly salary, 40W a year if the performance at the end of the year is good+

3. Graduate from the world's top 20 schools, studying in the UK, undergraduate finance, graduate business, coordinate Zhejiang, monthly salary 3K...... CFA 1 Passed

4. I am a British master in China, and I returned to China to lie down at the second line of the Big Four. At that time, the starting salary was more than 7K, with an annual increase of 30%. That's all

5. My friend, a British graduate student studying materials, went back to Tesla for management training, with a minimum of 8 and 9K before tax for less than one year, and the maximum overtime and bonus was 2W


1. Meishuo, Chengdu, Food, 5K. The best foreign enterprises in Shanghai are only 10K. This major is not good. Leave this industry as soon as possible

2. Guangzhou, high school, junior high school, Hong Kong International School, Meigao, top 50 American undergraduates, with a monthly salary of 11K

3. I didn't graduate. My aunt, who returned from the US with a master's degree, took an examination of an international analyst (like this name). After that, she belongs to some special talent in Shenzhen. Her monthly salary starts at 50K, not including bonus. This is my child from someone else's family

4. Four years in the United States, two years in China, a well-known Internet company in Beijing, less than 6K after tax

5. The United States returned to China one year after four years in Shenyang. It took me half a year to find a 7.5K job after I came back


1. Studied in Australia for three years, now located in Zhuhai, with a monthly salary of 1.2W

2. Coordinate Suzhou, Localization industry for two years, the current annual salary is less than 10W, Australia Master of Translation (Storm Weeps)

3. Look at the industry. If you are in finance, you can study in Tu'ao, your first year in Shanghai, 12K

4. As an Australian accounting major, he returned to China and worked for foreign enterprises in second tier cities for 5K before tax for half a year. Now he is 1W before tax in Didu. He feels that meeting good leaders and colleagues is more important than salary

5. Australian master, a first-line city, first year work, corporate finance, get 7K+

   Monthly salary disdain chain, where are you

   1. Bottom of contempt chain

   Reference monthly salary:<6000 yuan

   Security level: ★

If you live in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, it's OK. If not, it's very hard. After paying the rent every month, I feel miserable. Three meals a day is the smallest thing in life, but in large cities, the average price is about 30 yuan in Shanghai and Beijing, and 21 yuan in Guangzhou, the lowest price.

Let's take another look at the rent. Take Shanghai as an example. The rent for a three bedroom apartment in the city center is 11098 yuan, more than twice that of Guangzhou. Beijing ranks second with 9595 yuan.

Among the basic housing expenditures in the four major cities, the monthly expenditures on electricity, water, heating, garbage disposal, etc. are all higher than 200 yuan, with 519 yuan ranking first in Shenzhen.

I changed my mobile phone this month, so I may have to eat more instant noodles. If you want to change your iPhone, you can only think about it. If you don't want to meet the subway rush hour, you should get up early and get off work late and late. As a newcomer to the workplace, life and work are stretched out everywhere.

Risk mitigation, zero.

   2. Disdain the middle and lower reaches of the chain

   Reference monthly salary: 8000 yuan

   Security level: ★★

Although 8K has been upgraded to a higher level, when you go to ordinary supermarkets, you don't need to pay attention to the price tags on the shelves; When buying fruit, you can not choose the special price melon; When you want to eat steak, you should spend two or three hundred yuan to buy one to fry; Occasionally, I can watch the latest movie. When the literary complex breaks out, I can buy hundreds of yuan tickets to see a play or opera.

I will still take the subway. The commuting time to work is still very long. Although taking a taxi is no longer a big deal, I feel sorry for the total price on the itinerary at the end of the month.

According to the big data of Didi Travel, Beijing has the largest urban area and the longest working distance per capita, which is 19.2 kilometers, followed by Shanghai 18.82 kilometers, and Guangzhou and Shenzhen have a shorter average of 15.16 kilometers and 13.97 kilometers, respectively.

On the whole, it takes an average of 52 minutes to work in Beijing and 51 minutes in Shanghai. The difference is not very big. It takes 46 minutes in Guangzhou and 40 minutes in Shenzhen.

   fall ill? Are you kidding? I can't afford to be sick.

   3. Middle stream of disdain chain

   Reference monthly salary: 20000 yuan

   Security level: ★★★

I once saw a saying that with a monthly salary of 10000 yuan, you can eat whatever you want; With a monthly salary of 20000 yuan, you can eat everything you want. If you have the courage to buy a Starbucks on the way to work, you will feel better with a cup of coffee.

If you buy thousands of clothes, you won't feel distressed. If you put a new iPhone in front of you, you can change it as soon as you say, without any pressure. In addition to the money, you also have a little leisure. You can feed pigeons in Paris, watch a watch show in Barcelona, and watch foreigners perform operas in the National Grand Theater. When others watch foreigners perform operas, you have seen the most classic version on Broadway in the United States, and you can walk away at will.

It's better not to get sick. If you don't have chicken feathers, it's still good.

   4. Disdain the middle and upper reaches of the chain

   Reference monthly salary: 36000 yuan

Security level: ★★★★

Don't say much, look at the picture.

If you bring a baby, please downgrade yourself to 1-2 levels. Xiaoi looked at this table and silently shed tears. Has there been a baby since 1995...

   5. Disdain the upstream of the chain

   Reference monthly salary:>50000 yuan

   Security level: four-and-a-half stars

At this level, if we only talk about daily life, it is still quite nourishing. At this standard, spending can be a little arbitrary. When my favorite electronic products come out, I will buy one. Cosmetics, clothes, daily necessities and the like will pay more attention to quality, but will not pursue big brands. Occasionally go to some expensive restaurants to keep fit and beautify.

In order to increase wealth, investment and financing are also common things. Of course, annual travel is also an indispensable entertainment. To sum up the life of people at this level in a word, we should try our best to improve the force and quality within our ability.

But the premise is not to buy a house. It is not easy to buy a house in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen without an annual salary of one million. Under the current housing price, with a monthly salary of 50000 yuan, few people can boast that they can buy a house on their own for several years.

   4. Top of contempt chain

   Reference monthly salary: more than one million

   Security level: full star

The grade of the ultimate big boss - monthly salary of one million. People of this level have properly realized their dream of life - financial freedom, and money is just a figure for them. Don't say anything, local tyrants, please take my knee!

Is it meaningless to study abroad if your monthly salary is less than 10000 yuan

Studying abroad is not a business. You can talk about return on investment. The significance of studying abroad is that it broadens your horizon, improves your academic qualifications, and adds another life choice.

For international students, salary is important, but all salaries are not fixed. If international students can correctly play their own advantages in the process of job hunting, it is not a dream to obtain an offer from a famous enterprise.

The domestic job hunting environment is different from that in North America. The following points should be noted:

   1. Current student status of "driving crazy" international students

When many foreign students return to China to look for work, they always have this question and worry when they participate in domestic school recruitment - am I a fresh student?

After all, the graduation time at home and abroad is not the same. The newly graduated overseas students are afraid that they will be unable to participate in the company's campus recruitment due to their status as "fresh students" after returning home, thus missing Dream Offer.

To understand this problem, we should first understand the definition of "fresh students" in China.

The definition of fresh graduates in the civil service recruitment examination of the central authorities and their directly affiliated institutions is as follows:

The graduates of ordinary colleges and universities who have been recruited uniformly by the state have not implemented their work units when they leave school and during the period of employment selection (the period of employment selection is two years as stipulated by the state, and it has been extended to three years in some places), and their household registration, files, and organizational relationships are kept in the original school of graduation, or in the department in charge of graduate employment at all levels (the Graduate Employment Guidance Service Center) Graduates of talent exchange service institutions at all levels and public employment service institutions at all levels are also treated as college graduates.

In fact, fresh graduates are strictly defined as domestic fresh graduates. As for overseas returnees, the Ministry of Education clearly stipulates that whether they are fresh graduates should be defined by the employers, and there is no unified national standard.

From the perspective of overseas returnees policy, there is no such statement as "fresh students", but when looking for jobs, they can refer to the time of domestic fresh graduates to participate in domestic school recruitment.

Units within the system of state-owned enterprises, institutions and civil servants, including state-owned banks and state-owned financial institutions, generally refer to domestic regulations for fresh students when recruiting for examinations. As long as state-owned enterprises and public institutions want to recruit overseas returnees, it is irrelevant whether they should be new.

Private enterprises and foreign enterprises define new graduates according to the regulations of their respective companies, and each unit has its own differences. Generally speaking, overseas returnees within one year of graduation will be recognized as fresh students by foreign enterprises.

   2. Attention should be paid to domestic job hunting

   1. International students who have not yet returned to China can apply online for positions

Different overseas universities have different graduation dates. If they have obtained the diplomas and diplomas of overseas universities, they can also directly participate in the job applications of enterprises currently recruiting, or directly apply for the positions of domestic enterprises, such as the four major or foreign-funded banks, that are specifically for overseas returnees.

The school enrollment is "fast". Apply in advance. When you enter the interview link after passing the primary election, you can directly return to China for an interview, which saves time and does not miss opportunities.

   2. Pay attention to overseas school recruitment schedule of domestic famous enterprises

In recent years, Chinese famous enterprises have launched a talent scramble for overseas college recruitment in overseas universities. International students can even apply for and interview with domestic famous enterprises in overseas countries.

For example, BAT, Lenovo, Huawei, etc., the famous three giants in China, have held overseas job fairs in the United States, the United Kingdom and other places in recent years. International students can pay attention to the overseas recruitment itinerary of similar famous enterprises and do not need to return home to deliver resumes nearby.

   3. The job search is not ideal. You can also participate in the school recruitment of the next season

Domestic school enrollment is generally divided into two seasons: spring enrollment and autumn enrollment. Spring enrollment is generally concentrated in March to May after the Spring Festival, and autumn enrollment is concentrated in September to December after the fall semester begins in domestic universities.

If international students just missed a school recruitment season when they returned home, or if the previous school recruitment season was not ideal for job hunting, they can also participate in the next school recruitment season.

After returning home, don't forget to improve your background. In the period of unemployment, you can find some related internships to increase your work experience.

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not Sina.com's position.)

Article keywords: Disdain chain a monthly salary overseas student Freshmen Overseas Study

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