Roommates with financial aid are going to spend 12799 yuan on new iPhone products

10:49, September 17, 2018    Education column       I have something to say

Recently, colleges and universities have been carrying out applications for student grants. It happened that Apple released new products these two days, so a student sent a private letter saying:

   There are about 10 poor self-help places in our class every year, and about 20 people apply this year. My roommate directly said that he wanted to buy an Apple phone with the financial aid.

Later, the little sister learned that five of the six students in the dormitory had applied for financial aid last year. She has a good family situation, and she can't afford to follow her.

The roommate also repeatedly said to her, "Come on, let's go together, fill out a form and then rush it, in case it is selected."

Later, the class held a class meeting to select student grants. Her roommates discussed and concentrated the votes on two people in the room, and finally both were elected.

The whole dormitory finally had a good night in the bar street with this scholarship.

It sounds ridiculous and even indignant, but this practice is not uncommon in universities.

In the past, the selection conditions of student grants were miserable, and the school did not pay attention to students themselves and self-esteem.

Now it has gone to the other extreme. The examination and approval of student qualifications is not rigorous and not thorough, allowing some students to muddle through the process of obtaining financial aid. Students seem to be acting like a master and acting a tragedy directed by themselves.

   Write down the family situation and get money?

I have a roommate whose parents run business at home. My grandparents are self-sufficient. The annual family income is about 200000 yuan every year. They have cars and houses. They are also going to buy a suite in the local city center.

But she still cried out for poverty every day. Every time when it came to the evaluation of financial aid, she was more active than anyone. She hurriedly called her parents to ask them to go to the government to seal. She made efforts to improve the application form at school, afraid that the money she would get would fly.

When she was a freshman, she didn't get the grade. Later, she was very angry and said that her family was so poor that the counselor didn't have eyes and was very unconvinced, She even called her parents to say that she had failed to get the grant and that she had to pay some money at home to make up for her sadness.

In her sophomore year, she learned from experience and wrote about her family situation very miserably: her grandparents were very old and needed medicine to maintain their health. She also said that her mother had no job and could only do farm work at home. The family has a debt of 100000 yuan. Going to school with my sister is an expensive expense for the family. My father works on the construction site alone to support the family, which cannot make ends meet. The family is in great financial difficulties and needs the help of financial aid very much.

Unexpectedly, she did get a grant of 3000 yuan without any certificate or important certificate. After getting the money, she happily bought a new mobile phone and spent all day chasing dramas and playing games.

At the beginning of her junior year, the school began to evaluate awards and grants again. She again passed the examination of the school's second-class grants in the same way. She happily said to us, "Great, I can go to change a new mobile phone again."

When selecting student grants, counselors usually gather the class members to form a review group, and they will discuss who has this qualification.

The appraisal group does not know the family financial situation of each student, and they can only judge who needs more financial aid by submitting written materials.

This gives some students a chance to exploit loopholes, Let them think that as long as they write a little bit about their family situation, they can get money. Anyway, no one will really verify the truth.

   Roommates become voting tools

In addition to the above reasons, those who do not qualify for financial aid can finally get financial aid, because the current financial aid selection process in colleges and universities is not strict enough, these students usually attract voters in advance.

A student sister said that when she was a freshman, her roommate cried twice in front of her and told her how she needed the financial aid.

   "It's really not easy at home. I dare not tell my parents or ask them for more money when I fall in love."

"You see, I usually apply masks and use apples, which are competitive at our age."

"Now I'm going to apply for financial aid. I haven't said these words to anyone, but I really want to ask you to do me a favor."

"You can vote for me then. With the 3000 yuan, I will send 2000 yuan home and invite you to have a meal."

Due to the fact that everyone just knew each other and didn't know each other well, and because they were soft hearted, the younger sister voted for a roommate in the later discussion of the student aid applicant vote.

Her roommate was so grateful that he successfully applied for a financial aid and invited her to the best canteen in the school as agreed.

Later, she heard that the roommate got the money and went to a buffet with her boyfriend, bought a new sweater for herself, and then took out 2000 - instead of sending it home, she bought a new jacket for her boyfriend.

   The younger student said sadly, "We are just a tool that she used to vote for poverty grants.".

   Can poor students buy iPhones after applying?

Seeing this, some people may argue that poor students can't use iPhones? Is it true that only those who wear shabby clothes and use second-hand things are considered poor?

There was an article entitled "My mother bought me a pair of Nike shoes, and my school canceled my financial aid for poor students", which caused heated discussion among netizens.

In the article, the author told about the experience of one of his college classmates: this "quasi poor student" who would pack the leftover birthday cake, even make breakfast for three days, and would also take over the sneakers that his friends were going to throw away. Because his mother saved a few months to buy a pair of 500 yuan Nike shoes for him, the student aid was canceled.

   Whether you are poor or not cannot be judged by a mobile phone or a piece of clothes.

But is it really necessary for those who want to use financial aid to satisfy their vanity from the beginning to completely distort their family situation in order to apply for financial aid? Is it really necessary to have a relationship with the class committee in order to obtain financial aid? Even use language attacks to slander others in order to get financial aid?

A question from Zhihu is: What kind of experience is it to cheat financial aid?

   The respondent said: "Shuang". He also emphasized two points of attention. First, he should pretend that he is really poor. Second, he should not really sympathize with the poor people in his class. Just think about his travel and his iPhone.

So even with the latest iPhone in hand and wearing a fashion brand, I still hold that application form for poor students at the beginning of every school year, on which I write impressively: frugal life, low family income.

In fact, a lot of people apply for financial aid every year, whether it is really necessary or with the mentality of "no white-collar, no white-collar".

  Compared with cheating for financial aid, it's better to think about how to buy a computer with a scholarship.

Do you want to complain about similar phenomena? Welcome to the comment area~

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

Article keywords: a grant Poor students school

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