"Overage graduates cannot settle down in Beijing" Cheng Rashengmen

08:11, February 13, 2015    China Youth News   micro-blog    Collect this article      

A phone call upset Zhu Yu's plan to return home during the Spring Festival.

At 17:11 on February 6, Zhu Yuren clearly remembered this time. He had just made up his sleep and was ready to pack up his luggage to catch the train. If all goes well, in a few hours, the Beijing Institute of Technology [Weibo] The new graduate of the master's degree will meet his parents and send a gift for the Spring Festival - his son signed a state-owned enterprise and got a Beijing hukou.

At this time, the phone rang from this central enterprise. The content of the call only means that the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has changed its policy on college graduates entering Beijing in 2015. Accordingly, this central enterprise also needs to adjust. The result of the adjustment is that fresh graduates, including Zhu Yu, who are over 27 years old (that is, born before January 1, 1988), will not be able to get the target for entering Beijing of this unit.

"The hukou is gone!" Zhu Yu people were a little confused. For many new graduates, being admitted to large central enterprises or other central public institutions in Beijing with the target of entering Beijing is a direct way for them to stay in Beijing and obtain a hukou.

But the central enterprise that promised to give him a household registration now told him: "We are also helpless, even so, we still hope to ask you, please consider again."

He didn't know how to answer this sentence.

19 students received a notice from the employer that their account was gone

The experience of Zhu Yu people is not an individual case. On February 11, a post entitled "The age limit of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security was set suddenly, and graduates were collectively" unsubscribed "" began to circulate on the Internet. The post said that Tsinghua had already [Weibo] , Peking University, Beili, Beihang, NPC [Weibo] The so-called "over age" graduate students from many universities, such as Beijing University of Science and Technology, Beijing University of Science and Technology, and China University of Science and Technology, have "suffered a sudden blow", especially for those 2.5 year master graduates, who were happily employed after the Spring Festival, but now are "unemployed upon graduation".

China University of Mining and Technology [Weibo] Master graduate Wang Xiao is one of the characters described in the post. On February 9, he received a phone call from the employer, "informing me that I am over age, and the previously promised account can not be given".

As early as last July, Wang Xiao began to practice in this central enterprise. In November of the same year, he signed a tripartite agreement with this company. The account column of the agreement clearly stated that the work unit was the address for account migration.

As usual, the next thing he needs to do is to continue his internship and wait for the official entry formalities in July this year. During this period, other units went to Wang Xiao's school to recruit, but these did not make him, a graduate who had already been "reassured", pay attention to.

When the age limit is exceeded and the household registration is lost, students call this change "sudden termination".

After all, the golden time for college students looking for jobs is September and October every year. As for the graduates of 2015, most of them began to look for jobs in the second half of 2014 and signed tripartite agreements. Now, the "termination" or "breach" of the contract caused by the policy change will not only make them lose a job, but also the time and cost of their job search.

"If the policy was introduced in August 2014, we would have nothing to say. But we suddenly told without warning that we could not accept it." A student said.

According to the statistics of the random interview by the reporter of China Youth Daily, 19 students said that they had received the notice of "no account" from the employer, and they also left their personal phone numbers, schools, contracting units and specific statements of the contracting units.

At the same time, these students also made statistics spontaneously. As of the press release, according to incomplete statistics, there are 20 graduates who have received notice of not being able to settle down, and 54 graduates who have not yet confirmed whether they can settle down or give up, 74 of whom are from Beijing University [Weibo] (5 persons), Tsinghua University [Weibo] (4 people), Dalian University of Technology (3 people), Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (7 people) and other 14 universities. Employers involved include Datang Telecom and its subsidiaries, China Steel Research Group Co., Ltd., China Aerospace Science and Engineering Group, China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, China Architectural Design Institute, Bank of China, AVIC Industry and its subsidiaries, as well as some university research institutes.

   A working meeting "announced" that the policy had changed

In the afternoon of February 12, the relevant person in charge of the personnel department of China Steel Research Technology Group Co., Ltd. Nake Testing Technology Co., Ltd. confirmed this situation in an interview with the reporter of China Youth Daily, "This policy makes us a little passive, but we can only implement it".

According to the person in charge, their recruitment ended as early as years ago, and there was no so-called "age limit" in the policy at that time.

On February 6, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a working meeting entitled "2015 College Graduates Reception Plan". The participating units were relevant departments of the State Council and some central units in Beijing. It was at this meeting that the relevant responsible persons of Sinosteel Group received the "requirements" related to the reduction of indicators for entering Beijing, so its subsidiary, Nake Testing Technology Co., Ltd, There will be a quarter of the total number of students who need to "terminate".

This statement has been supported by some other central enterprises. The relevant person in charge of the Human Resources Department of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation told the reporter of China Youth Daily that "such a meeting has indeed been held".

In the group news column of AVIC on February 9, a group news item entitled "The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security strictly controls units in Beijing to receive fresh graduates" also confirmed the existence of this meeting.

The news said: On February 6, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a meeting on the 2015 college graduates reception plan of various departments of the State Council and central enterprises in Beijing. In accordance with the central government's spirit of "strictly controlling the population size of megacities", the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has reduced the planned indicators for college graduates to settle in Beijing in 2015, and the indicators of central units have been reduced by 17% on the basis of 2014; The conditions for graduates to settle in Beijing are more stringent than before, and the system of accountability for violations is implemented.

Some university units under the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security have also received similar notices. According to the confirmation of many students, the Human Resources Department of Peking University Hospital sent a short message to the students who are interested in signing a contract on the afternoon of February 12: "Yesterday, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security added an age limit for this year's graduates. According to the new policy, it is regrettable that you are over age. Now the hospital is actively striving for you from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security through the Ministry of Medicine, but please also actively look for jobs in other cities and make preparations. "

However, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, which is responsible for formulating employment policies, did not disclose information related to this meeting on its official website.

In the afternoon of February 12, the reporter called the Information Office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the staff of the Office also said, "Up to now, we have not received any information about the meeting."

As the source of employment, colleges and universities are also "confused". The relevant person in charge of the employment center of Tsinghua University told the reporter, "We don't know the specific situation yet. Now we are communicating in many ways to understand the situation and help students as much as possible."

Chen Yongli, director of the employment center of Peking University, told reporters that the employment office of the university has not yet received the relevant policy requirements, "the official documents should not have been released."

"Over aged" Rashomon is in urgent need of relevant departments to uncover the mystery

According to some universities and enterprises, the policy of settling in Beijing remains unchanged, while other enterprises claim to have received the notice of "new policy" and have implemented it to the point of negotiating with graduates. As the policy maker, the Human Resources and Social Security Department, its news department, said that it did not know about meetings related to this policy, and these mutually exclusive information mixed together, Let this incident become a Rashomon whose truth is difficult to distinguish.

However, one fact that Zhu Yuren can be sure of is that older graduates are constantly emerging and receiving "termination" or "unable to settle down" notices. Such a fact makes more and more older fresh graduates uneasy.

At the BBS of Peking University, Chen Yongligong said on the development post: "The policy has not yet been introduced, and the students who signed the contract before will not be affected. As for when the policy will be introduced and whether it will be implemented next year, there is no final conclusion for the time being."

But this did not reassure the students. On the morning of February 12, eight students, including Zhu Yuren, went to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security for a petition. They wrote on the petition form: "On behalf of the graduating class of 2015, we strongly request the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China to give us a buffer period for the policy of settling in Beijing, and implement the policy of settling in for the graduating class according to the original policy, without age restrictions."

The main facts and reasons are as follows: at present, a tripartite employment agreement has been signed with the central enterprises in Beijing, and the unit has promised to solve the Beijing hukou of new students. In recent days, we have received notices from central enterprises in Beijing that they are unable to solve the problem of Beijing hukou because they are too old. We all declined a lot of jobs and chose to work in Beijing's central enterprises, and the recruitment season has passed. It is reasonable to introduce an age related employment settlement policy at the beginning of the recruitment season in September 2014. Now, facing the "household registration and job vacancy", graduates will lose their jobs.

In the afternoon of the same day, the petition office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security replied: "If you don't know the situation, you will report it to the superior."

As early as 2005, Beijing's index of staying in Beijing began to shrink, and by 2014 it had shrunk to half of that ten years ago.

An impressive "compression" was that in 2013, Beijing put forward an age limit for new non Beijing graduates introduced by municipal employers, requiring undergraduate students to be no more than 24 years old, master students to be no more than 27 years old, and doctoral students to be no more than 35 years old in the year of graduation.

The policy at that time also caused some criticism from recent graduates, and then the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau left a certain "buffer period" for the implementation of the new policy at that time.

It is worth noting that when the Beijing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau explained the policy to the outside world in 2013, it said that "the requirements for the number of years of settlement are not new policies for specific groups of people to enter Beijing, but guiding opinions for the current talent team building work of Beijing's employers. Graduates beyond the age guidance line can still apply for the introduction and settlement work according to the channels and standards of talent introduction. "

This was also interpreted by some media at that time as "the age limit for graduates to settle down is only a guiding opinion", and the specific criteria are more determined by employers such as enterprises. Whether this is consistent with this year's "overage cannot settle down in Rashomon" still needs the official statement of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

As of the press release, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has not yet publicly responded to the matter, and the reporter of China Youth Daily will follow the story. (All students' names are pseudonyms)


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Article keywords: Beijing settlement policy Master graduates

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