Tukan College Entrance Examination: The future college entrance examination is as simple as eating hot pot

12:49, June 5, 2016 I have something to say

Recently, a new round of college entrance examination reform plans have been announced in various provinces and cities across the country. Except for Shanghai and Zhejiang, two pilot provinces and cities that have started reform in 2014, most other provinces and cities will start a new round of college entrance examination reform in the next year or the following year. Even Beijing, which has always been extremely cold, has also announced that the beginning of the college entrance examination reform in 2017 has entered the countdown.

The children who entered senior one in 2017-2019, which is now junior high school students, are lucky to find that they have to face a more complicated and interesting college entrance examination three years later.

This round of college entrance examination reform is one of the major measures deployed by the central government to comprehensively deepen the reform. Officially, it is the most comprehensive and systematic reform of the examination and enrollment system since the resumption of college entrance examination in 1977. The reform has made major adjustments in terms of examination subjects, college enrollment mechanism, etc. It is necessary to explore ways to link enrollment and high school learning, better promote quality education, increase students' selectivity, disperse examination pressure, and promote students' comprehensive and personalized development. It sounds complicated.

In fact, just pay attention to three points.

   1、 Examination


In the future, the unified college entrance examination will only test the number of words, 150 points for each subject. These three courses are basic subjects. Add three optional subjects.

The foreign language exam is held twice a year, and the highest score is included in the total score.

   3 out of 6 (3 out of 7)

In the six courses of political history, geography and chemistry, students can choose three subjects according to their own interests and specialties, and their scores will be included in the total score of the college entrance examination.

The score of college entrance examination is the score of three unified examination subjects plus three elective subjects

   2、 Comprehensive quality evaluation

"Comprehensive quality evaluation" is generally divided into six dimensions, namely "moral quality", "civic quality", "learning ability", "communication and cooperation and practical innovation", "sports and health", "aesthetic", and "performance ability". (The requirements of each province and city are different) The six dimensions are divided into several projects. The grades are A (excellent), B (good), C (average) and D (poor). Or the 100 point system, 100-80 (excellent), 79-60 (good), 59-30 (average), 29-0 (poor).

In addition to scoring, the assessed students should also write their own "self introduction", write "mutual evaluation" between students, and the head teacher or teacher should also write "teacher evaluation" for students.

This is an important reference for college enrollment, second only to the results.

   3、 Volunteer

   "Two bases and one reference" for college admission

Colleges and universities are admitted according to the college entrance examination results and academic level examination results, with reference to the comprehensive quality evaluation.

According to the characteristics and positioning of the school, and the needs of training professionals in different disciplines, colleges and universities can independently propose the range of selected subjects by specialty (category) from the six general high school academic level level examination subjects of politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, and biology, but no more than three subjects can be selected and announced to the public in advance. If the candidate meets any of the selected subjects, he or she will be eligible for the examination. For institutions of higher learning that have not put forward requirements for elective subjects, there is no subject limit for candidates when they apply for the university.

When you apply for a volunteer, look at the three minor subjects you have chosen and compare them with the subject requirements of colleges and universities. Just select several schools according to their majors.

Therefore, the new college entrance examination is to select three minor subjects, fill in a comprehensive quality evaluation, and apply for a volunteer. You see, the new college entrance examination is not very easy.

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