Start Upgrade

Upgrading typecho is a very easy task. Just follow the steps below. If you encounter any problems in the upgrade step, you can go to our community perhaps mailing list Seeking help in

Download the latest version

Please visit Get the latest stable version and download it

Delete old files on the server

Please delete the following directories and files on the server

 /admin/ /var/ /index.php /install.php

be careful

Please do not delete the/usr/directory , because this directory contains your theme, plug-ins and uploaded files, it does not need to be upgraded

Upload new file

Please decompress the compressed file you downloaded and upload the above deleted files and directories. This is actually an overwrite operation. Let me repeat the directories and files to be uploaded again

 /admin/ /var/ /index.php /install.php

Deploy the program using the application engine

If you are using GAE, SAE, BAE and other application engines to deploy programs, they use GIT or SVN management versions. You can directly update these directories and files locally, and then deploy the modified version to the application server.

Complete upgrade

 :!: When you do not follow the steps below, an error message may appear when you visit the foreground page. Please ignore them and visit your admin page directly. After completing the upgrade, you can restore to normal

Log in to the background with a user with administrator privileges, and the system will prompt that the new version needs to be upgraded, Click the Finish Upgrade button Upgrade can be completed

If 500 or other errors occur on the home page after the upgrade is completed, enter the admin page to disable all plug-ins and enable the default template. If it is normal, please check the plug-in or template gradually.
