Collection and investment skills of Hetian jade    15:12, September 29, 2012 China Economic Network micro-blog

 With leather and Tianyu With leather and Tianyu

   Editor's note: As an important element of Chinese traditional culture, jade has always influenced and nourished Chinese people. In modern society, people are still used to wearing a piece of jade on their bodies. The concept of "people support jade" and "jade support people" has been deeply rooted in people's minds. At the same time, China, as a country that believes in reciprocity, presents Hetian jade pendant or sculpture as a gift, which has also become a way to close relations with each other and is very popular among Chinese people. In addition, the investment value of jade collection is increasingly recognized and favored by collectors and investors. Therefore, as the most famous and favorite of China's four famous jades, Hetian Jade has naturally become the best choice for investment collection or gift giving. Hotan Jade has always been regarded as a synonym for jade, even known as "national jade". Today, the reporter from China Economic Network will introduce the collection and investment of Hotan Jade.

   Definition of Hotan Jade: What is Hotan Jade

Hetian jade is transparent, warm and introverted, deeply in line with the essence of Chinese traditional culture, giving people an unforgettable beauty. It is a soft breath from the depths of culture, a precipitation of history, a deposit of beauty, and unique charm. It is said that gold is valuable and jade is priceless, which means the collection value of Hotan jade. It is not only an ornament, but also an item for investment appreciation. Hotan jade is so popular, so what kind of jade can be called Hotan jade.

Hotan jade in a narrow sense refers to Xinjiang Hotan jade. In a broad sense, Hotan jade refers to all the jades with interlaced tremolite as the main component in geological significance, including Hotan jade produced in Xinjiang, Qinghai and other places in China, as well as foreign "Russian", "Jiabi" and "Korean" materials. Of course, the quality is the best, and the most valuable is Hetian jade produced in Xinjiang, China. Hotan jade has a variety of colors, including white jade, blue white jade, sapphire, black jade, jasper, topaz, etc., of which the most famous is Hotan sheepskin jade whose color is like sheep fat.

   Hotan Jade Market: 1000 times of the sharp increase in ten years

With the increasing difficulty in mining Hetian jade seeds and the need for river bed protection, the mining volume has decreased, and the price of Hetian jade has risen all the way. The speculative psychology of investors also accelerated the appreciation of Hetian Jade. According to the special report of "Crazy Stone" on CCTV's economy for half an hour, the price of Hetian Jade has soared more than 1000 times in 10 years. In recent years, people are very optimistic about the jade market, and with the development of the Hetian jade market and the limited mining of a large number of jade ores, Hetian jade still has a large room for growth in the future. As the king of jade, Hetian jade is undoubtedly the best choice for collection investment.

We see a strange situation in the Hetian jade market. On the one hand, the price of Hetian jade rises crazily due to the shortage of raw materials, and on the other hand, Hetian jade appears everywhere in the market. This makes many consumers who plan to buy doubt: Isn't it said that Hetian jade is rare and expensive? Why can Hotan jade be seen everywhere in the market now, and it is also attached with identification certificate? What is the reason for the influx of Hotan Jade into the market? What kind of Hotan jade is worth buying?

   Hotan Jade Trade: A large number of foreign jade poured in

It is understood that most of the Hetian jade that appeared in large numbers in the original market is not Xinjiang Hetian jade in the traditional concept, but Korean jade, Canadian jasper, Russian jade and other foreign jade species that have just entered the Xinjiang market in recent years.

At present, in the Xinjiang market, the use of Korean jade as bracelets has quietly flourished. "Although the white jade produced in South Korea is ordinary in texture, it has sufficient raw materials and low price, which is favored by many small jade processing plants." A jade dealer said that although Korean jade has appeared in the market sporadically in recent years, it has really become popular in the past two years, and it gradually flows to Beijing, Guangzhou, Jinan, Shanghai, Yangzhou Suzhou and Xinjiang. The reporter learned from the Xinjiang Gem and Jade Quality Inspection Station that since 2009, nearly half of the low-priced jade bracelets they identified are Han jade.

Not only that, Russian jade, Afghan jade, New Zealand jade... At present, there are various kinds of jade entering the Xinjiang market. In the face of a variety of Hotan jade sold in the name of Hotan jade, how can we choose Hotan jade that is really suitable for collection and investment?

  Collection and investment of Hetian jade:

Hotan Jade is recognized as the first choice for investment collection in the collection industry. The first thing to care about is its appreciation value. Hotan Jade's appreciation value is very high, and it is also very popular in the fashion industry. Hotan jade is so popular. How can we choose Hotan jade that can be collected and invested?

In the modern jade world, all kinds of jade products are flooded with the market. When people choose Hetian jade, they can't help being confused by all kinds of jade with the name of Hetian jade. For collectors, the most worried thing is being confused by the sign of "Hetian jade". So how can we choose not to be deceived? Here, the reporter from China Economic Network will introduce the relevant skills of Hetian Jade collection and investment.

   Texture is the key to value

Some insiders believe that in recent years, the appreciation of jade articles has gradually shown a trend of valuing jade materials and neglecting the place of origin, and the status of Hotan jade is unshakable, but the concept of "not looking at Hotan, but the sheep fat alone" has become outdated. Although a large number of foreign jade species initially appeared as counterfeits, with the maturity of people's collection concept and the improvement of jade appreciation, these foreign jade species began to receive more and more attention.

The relevant staff of Xinjiang Treasure Association said that whether a piece of jade has collection value or not depends not on the origin of the jade, but on whether the quality of the jade itself is superior. Take jasper for example, Russian jasper and Canadian jasper are often better than Xinjiang jasper in quality. For jasper bracelets, beads and other jewelry, the price of these two types of jade products is not lower than that of jasper in Xinjiang.

Materials are the primary premise for jade collection, and high-quality jade materials are crucial to a piece of jade. At present, the price of sub jade of the same level is 6-8 times higher than that of mountain materials. In the market or online, it is more common to sell non leather mountain or Russian materials as Hetian sub materials. Russian materials also belong to mountain materials with the same material composition. They are called Russian materials because the ore field is located in Russia. Their price is much lower. Their characteristics are white but the jade is too watery, that is, the transparency is too heavy, and the density and oil quality are not better than authentic and Tianzi jade materials.

   Modeling is the value foundation

Modeling is not only the aesthetic framework of jade, but also an important factor that determines the value of jade collection. The shape is determined by the function and the shape of the jade body, and the proportion balance should be appropriate. Beautiful works are symmetrical but not rigid, balanced and stable.

The decorative pattern is the decoration of jade, whose beauty and ugliness are easy to be perceived and felt by people. Decoration depends on the structure, organization, complexity, density and other processing. If the structure and organization are orderly, unity and harmony will have appreciation value.

   Process is the guarantee of value

Jade craftsmanship is a technical condition for transforming materials into implements, which is difficult to be really understood by people and is a difficult problem in appreciation. All mound workers who are neat, smooth, skilled and exquisite must be beautiful or more beautiful. On the contrary, if they are stiff, weak and sloppy, the collection value will decline sharply. Art is the highest realm pursued by every piece of jade, and it is also the most difficult to achieve. Everything with vivid charm and both form and spirit is the expression of artistic beauty, reflecting the rich collection value. On the contrary, those with poor craftsmanship and poor art will have much less appreciative value.

Hetian Ziyu is a layer of maroon or tawny jade skin distributed on the surface, so it is customarily called leather colored Ziyu. There are autumn pear, reed flower, jujube red, black and other colors. The jade carvers name the jade with various skin colors, such as autumn pear skin, tiger skin, jujube skin red, sprinkled golden yellow, black skin and so on. Many jades in the world have this color, but it is not as beautiful as Hotan jade. It can be used to make beautiful jade, which is naturally interesting and is called Debao.

The shapes of Hetianzi jade colored skin are various, some are cloud shaped, some are vein shaped, some are scattered, and the formation of colored skin is secondary. In recent years, there are many leather sub materials with false color, and the color is mostly attached to the surface. There is no oil on the surface, which is dry, and there is no water head. Attention should be paid to the distinction.

China has a long history of jade culture, which is also one of the reasons why jade is popular. People value its collection value as well as its cultural history. With the development of history, to modern times, Hetian jade jewelry is more dazzling. In order to meet people's collection needs, a variety of jade carvings are really attractive. In various jade markets, all kinds of jade carvings have set off a collection trend. In people's eyes, it is really a happy thing to have a high-quality product and Tianyu.

   The misunderstanding of collecting Hetian jade:

At present, there are many imitations and fakes in the Hetian jade trading market, and some fake experts, fraudsters, and unscrupulous people make up stories, which not only hurt Hetian jade lovers and collectors, but also affected the normal development of Hetian jade collection and appreciation. Therefore, when we invest in Hetian jade, We should not only know how to choose, but also find out some collection mistakes of Hetian Jade. The reporter of China Economic Network specially summarized the following four common mistakes, hoping that the majority of Hetian Jade lovers can pay more attention to them.

1、 Regard the past, not the present

The jade of the previous generation, because of its historical value, cultural value and research value, has been sought after by people for nearly a hundred years, and is also the undisputed leader in the collection of jade. The Qing Dynasty was the third climax in the history of the development of jade in China. Because Emperor Qianlong loved Hetian jade, the processing of jade in the Qing Dynasty has been greatly developed. Both the patterns, styles and varieties, and the carving skills have exceeded those of the previous dynasties, especially the antique utensils, figures, flowers and birds, stationery, and mountain potted landscapes, In addition, there are many innovations and creations that have not appeared in previous dynasties, representing the highest level of jade carving at that time, and also creating the highest level of the third climax in the history of the development of Chinese jade. In the sense of inheritance, development and innovation of Chinese jade, the jade of the Qing Dynasty played an important role and was also a model for the development of jade craftsmanship Heavy industry, because it is difficult to find a piece of high-quality raw materials, and a master carver is only created by selecting one from thousands of miles. The combination of the two creates perfection and value. In his famous book "Antique Guide", Mr. Zhao Ruzhen described the value of jadeware in great detail. In the Qianlong Dynasty, a dry white jadeite with no jade background was definitely not as valuable as a water colored jadeite today. Similarly, a jade reference in the Qianlong Dynasty was definitely not as valuable as a jujube red suet jade today.

Eighty percent of the Hetian jade carvings in the Qing Dynasty, regardless of size, were blue and white jade, and many of the carvings dared not choose because of the scarcity of materials, so they had grains and defects, which affected the appearance of the carvings. Because of the underdeveloped technology, difficult mining conditions, transportation difficulties and other reasons, the amount of jade materials paid in the Qing Dynasty was very little, most of which were blue and white jade, However, today's mining of Hotan jade is far more than that of the Qianlong heyday in terms of its annual output, quality and seed yield. From the perspective of raw materials, today's mining is better than that of the Qing Dynasty. From the perspective of carving technology, today's design philosophy, processing equipment and carving skills are far more than those of our predecessors. The current national treasure jade collection is far more than that of our predecessors in terms of raw material use, artistic design In terms of carving technology, it is impossible for predecessors to achieve. Contemporary Hetian jade boutiques have the functions of collecting, appreciating, adding value and preserving value in terms of artistry, craftsmanship and raw material quality, and to a certain extent, they also represent the highest level of the fourth climax in the history of Chinese jade development.

2、 Heavy color without heavy lubrication

As for Hetian jade, we can't think that as long as it is white, it must be a good jade, and we can't think that white is supreme, and white covers thousands of ugly things. The main difference between stone and jade is that stone has no jade property, so we can't just focus on color and white without re moistening, and moistening is also the quality. Without quality, only color is like no soul and no life. So when selecting Hetian jade, we can't lack one of "color and moistening". Generally speaking, when selecting white jade and blue white jade, re moisten them under the same color to win. For example, some superior blue white jade has more moisten than ordinary white jade, so they can also be regarded as the top grade of Hotan Jade.

A good Hetian jade must have three conditions at the same time: color, moisture and purity.

  1。 The color should be correct, and there should be no two colors, such as gray, cyan, and yellow green. The standard colors of white jade are fat white, milk white and litchi white; The standard colors of cyan and white are pink, mung bean and melon peel.

  2。 The texture should be warm and delicate. It looks like fat, oil and pure, and it should be caressed like a baby's skin is delicate and smooth.

  3。 The overall purity, whiteness and flawless are the laudatory name of Hotan Jade. The overall purity, flawless, stone tendon free, and grain free are the top grade. It is the virtue of Hotan Jade to be honest in appearance and honest in appearance.

3、 Heavy leather but not heavy quality

In recent years, in the collection market of Hotan Jade, there have been many collectors who love the color of Hotan Jade, and are obsessed with the beautiful color of Hotan Jade, such as: jujube red skin, brick red, orange yellow skin, ginger yellow skin, tiger skin, sargent skin, black gold skin, etc. These leather colors are very good and rare, but it depends on where they are born and what kind of material they are made of. First of all, we should recognize that we love jade and play with jade. We should focus on jade rather than stone and play with stone (collection of ornamental stones and rare stones is another matter). As for the jade with the worst quality, the best skin color is useless. If a piece of good Hetian jade has superior skin, it will add flowers to the brocade and make the finishing point, which will increase its rarity and value, Therefore, good leather color should be matched with good jade quality, and heavy leather without quality is the inversion of the order. From the perspective of collection, value-added and value preservation, only raw materials without quality of leather do not have value-added function and collectability.

4、 Heavy material without rework

It is a well-known saying that jade is precious, but its real value can only be reflected when it is finished. At present, some collectors of Hetian jade blindly pursue the quality of raw materials while ignoring the advantages and disadvantages of carving and the cultural connotation of design genre.

To collect contemporary Hetian jade collections, we must first distinguish between what is a commodity and what is a work. There are fundamental differences between the two. Commodities are mass consumer goods that can be produced repeatedly. Without artistic soul, they can only be the expression of craftsmanship at best. A good work of Hetian jade, which reflects the cultural knowledge, artistic cultivation and carving skills of the producer, and enables people to enjoy their taste, appreciation and play. In particular, the masterpieces of jade carving masters and award-winning masterpieces, each of which is a combination of spirit and shape, a treasure, a masterpiece, and has high artistic value. As time goes by, they will become more and more precious.

No matter how good the raw materials are, a Hetian jade carving can only be a semi-finished product without profound cultural and artistic connotation and exquisite carving skills. It is neither collectible nor appreciative.

Jade culture is extensive and profound. There are many traps in jade collection, especially in Hetian jade collection. You must be careful, look more and learn more when purchasing Hetian jade to avoid economic losses.

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