How does Yunnan accept the closure of jadeite mines in northern Myanmar    08:14, August 6, 2012 Hexun

 Jade returned to Yunnan Jade returned to Yunnan  Brilliant jadeite jewelry Brilliant jadeite jewelry

Yunnan and jadeite are bound up with "green". Yunnan is the "ancestor of all greens", and jadeite is "the green of other places". Because of the "green", they have been together for hundreds of years and never give up.

However, it is still a little sad to leave, because the Burmese government has changed the rules again and again, making Yunnan jade merchants fall into passive and rebirth again and again.

There are not a few jadeite enterprises in Yunnan that fall down every year, but new enterprises join the jadeite industry every year.

"It's really not easy to love you." The jadeite market is full of variables. The latest news shows that since June this year, the Ministry of Mining of Myanmar has closed most of the jadeite mines in northern Myanmar, such as Pagang, which makes Yunnan jadeite merchants feel embarrassed? Ruili jadeite raw material market has a huge impact, which also makes Yunnan jade merchants fall into various speculations. The industry judges that the price of jadeite may rise further.

How will Yunnan jade merchants turn around the passive situation when the regional advantages of neighboring countries are no longer available?

The closure of jadeite mines in Myanmar may be a loss to the world. For Yunnan, there are a series of chain reactions.

For the world, Myanmar is a famous mining area of jadeite ore, and the only area with jadeite ore in the world. However, in this exclusive Myitkyina region in northern Myanmar, jadeite has made this inconspicuous place a favorite of the world. Is this geological and mineral belt, which is about 250 km long, 60-70 km wide and covers an area of about 3000 square kilometers, really exhausted?

Historically speaking, the discovery of jadeite ore dates back to 1871, and the mining began in the 13th century. At that time, the world knew that Myanmar had jade that was "moist and green", which was very popular. Chinese people, in particular, have been popular since the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. People wear it as an ornament to show good luck and health, beauty and fashion.

There is a market, there is development. In general, China is the main country importing wool from Myanmar, and China ranks first in Yunnan.

The export of Myanmar jadeite can also draw a clear transportation route. However, after nearly 300 years of changes, Yunnan has always shown its regional advantages in neighboring Myanmar's mineral areas. Tengchong, Yunnan was the first place to import raw materials, and then went through some policy changes. Ruili has also become an import place.

Before the 20th century, jadeite was imported to Tengchong, Dali and other places in Yunnan, and then transported to the mainland of China.

But at the beginning of the 20th century, the vast majority of jadeite raw materials, especially high-grade pigments, were re exported to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries through the border between Myanmar and China, Myanmar and Thailand. In the 1980s, with the gradual development of border trade between China and Myanmar, a large number of jadeite raw materials flowed into Yunnan and then into the mainland.

In the 1950s, jadeite wool was transferred to Chiang Mai, Thailand, forming a major market for jadeite trade in Chiang Mai, with an annual turnover of several hundred million dollars.

The change of the jadeite commercial landscape is the result of the reshuffle of the world's jadeite industry. The new jadeite industrial structure once again highlights the role of Yunnan Province in China. Tengchong, Yunnan, has been an important land trade port in southwest China since ancient times. It is a strip of water from Kachin State, which is rich in jadeite jade in the north of Myanmar. The ancient Southern Silk Road and the famous Stilwell Road passed through Tengchong to the north of Myanmar and entered South Asia, becoming the most convenient "jadeite channel". Therefore, Tengchong has become a famous distributing center for jadeite processing trade in history.

   Myanmar media

The local armed conflict led to the closure of the jadeite mine in the Pagang area. Why did the Myanmar government close the jadeite mine?

Pagang is the main jadeite ore producing area in Myanmar. This time, the Ministry of Mines of Myanmar announced the closure of most of Myanmar's mines in northern Myanmar, which is undoubtedly a blow to Yunnan jade merchants who have been engaged in jadeite products for a long time.

Zhang Weiji, a domestic jade expert, said that the geology of the jadeite deposits in the Pagang region in northern Myanmar is very good. The jadeite deposits in the Pagang region are the main jadeite producing areas in Myanmar, and nearly half of the jadeite produced in Myanmar comes from Pagang. Myanmar media reported that the closure of the jadeite mine was related to the conflict between local armed forces.

When asked about this matter from Myanmar officials, their answers were vague, even saying that "resources are exhausted".

Let's take a look at the jadeite mines in the Pagang area of northern Myanmar:

The jadeite mining area in northern Myanmar can be divided into two parts: one is on the north side of Endor Lake, namely Pagang area, which is the main mining area of jadeite in northern Myanmar, and the other is on the south side of Endor Lake.

There are some small rivers and valleys in Pagan mining area, which are extremely remote and desolate, sparsely populated, and almost isolated from the world. It was once called "Savage Mountain". The traffic is extremely inconvenient, and it is only carried by shoulder and shoulder on the remote mountain path. Because of the local separatist regime, armed confrontation, and the establishment of checkpoints everywhere, people who enter and leave will suffer from extortion. Over the past 10 years, the conditions have improved a bit, with a wide dirt road, but it is still a difficult and dangerous place to enter.

The geological conditions of Pagang mining area are complex. Because it is located in the low latitude tropical monsoon climate zone, with abundant rainfall and flourishing forests and weeds, it occupies excellent raw jadeite stones, jade green, ice seed, spring color, yellow jade, etc., and most of the beautiful jadeite displayed by Yunnan comes from this region.

The Burmese government has closed the jadeite mine in Pakang area in northern Myanmar. What about the mineral resources in other areas?

It is understood that the jadeite ores in Myanmar are mainly produced in Myitkyina in the north of Myanmar. The jadeite jade deposits in Myanmar are mainly distributed in 8 areas, including Longken, Pagang, Xiangdong, Damukan, Huika, Houjiang, Leidachang and Nanqi Xiaochang.

"In June this year, the Ministry of Mines of Myanmar announced the closure of most of the jadeite mines in northern Myanmar, such as Pagang", which means that Myanmar has almost closed most of the jadeite mines.

   Several guesses followed

·The closing of the jadeite mine means that there is no raw material, and it cannot be processed to go to the market. The price of the original jadeite products that have been processed or gone to the market is bound to rise again.

·Does anyone in Myanmar intentionally do it? Closing the export of jadeite does not mean closing the domestic market. You can process jadeite yourself to protect your economic interests and maximize its value.

·They are worried about the emergence of more new policies, such as expanding trade target countries and expanding jadeite mineral trade to more countries.

·Perhaps the jadeite mineral resources are really exhausted, and this non renewable mineral is one less day after mining. Perhaps the Myanmar government closed them for the purpose of future retention.

   Yunnan reaction

   Stockpiling response variable

"The Ministry of Mines of Myanmar announced the closure of most of the jadeite mines in northern Myanmar, such as Pakang". When the news came out, all parties in Yunnan reacted differently, and most of them were wait-and-see and pessimistic. But there are also many reverse thinkers who are confident of making it bigger.

Xiao Xi, from the Jade Record Jade Wholesale Department in Myanmar, which is located on the border between China and Myanmar, told the reporter that the company has long-term cooperation with the main manufacturer of Myanmar Pagan Jade Mine. Usually, the import of raw materials can be settled almost a block away. Now this new regulation is also a headache for him, because the mining manufacturers in Myanmar told them that closing means no mining. Where can raw stones be sold?

It is understood that there are as many as 3000 mining manufacturers in the Pagan region of northern Myanmar, but only 40 or 50 qualified manufacturers. Under the new regulations, these qualified manufacturers are also forced to stop production.

The chain reaction came one after another. At the recent Kunming International Jade Expo held in Kunming, jadeite merchants generally believed that the turnover of jadeite this year was very small, less than half of that in previous years. This market is related to the closure of Pagan mining area. Even though the price did not rise significantly, the buyer's wait-and-see mood was serious.

The view of Colorful Yunnan Jade Jewelry Co., Ltd. is that since June this year, the Ministry of Mining of Myanmar has announced the closure of most of the jadeite mines in northern Myanmar, such as Pagang, which may directly affect the supply of jadeite in Ruili, Yunnan and other places, and may trigger a new round of price rise of jadeite. This kind of market variable is too large, which also stems from the instability of Myanmar's policies. What the enterprise can do is to store up goods to deal with this variable.

Faced with this reality, Jiang Jinsong, president of the Jade Research Association of the Asian Jewelry Federation, said, "Closing the jadeite mine means that the raw material supply of Ruili jade is cut off, which will trigger a series of chain reactions in the jadeite market of Yunnan."

However, some optimists believe that the official explanation for the closure of the jadeite mine is that "Myanmar has entered the rainy season and construction is inconvenient". At present, this news has not had a great impact on the market for the time being, because Myanmar has entered the rainy season. According to some practitioners who operate mines all the year round, even if there is no ban from the government, practitioners often choose to stop work in rainy seasons.

   The pain of Yunnan jadeite

   It's not easy to say I love you

After nearly 300 years, Yunnan and jadeite seem to be riveted.

The process of "looking beautiful" actually experienced many pains.

   The first labor: "jade out of Yunnan" encounters cold current

Historically, due to the advantages of neighboring Southeast Asian countries, Yunnan has cooperated with Myanmar, especially with jadeite as the main cooperation industry and highlight, which has bred a good reputation of "jade out of Yunnan".

But what happened to Yunnan jadeite ten years ago? Yunnan, the nearest jade producing area in Myanmar, has lost its advantages and was replaced by Guangdong. According to the data from 2006 to 2009, more than 60% of the jadeite jewelry on Ruili Street was made in Guangdong. According to incomplete statistics, 90% of China's medium and high-grade jadeite is carved in Guangdong. The jadeite and jade industry in Guangdong Province has miraculously exceeded 10 billion yuan in three years from its initial output value of 30 million yuan.

This stems from the regulations of the Myanmar government in 2001 that all rough jade must be traded in Yangon, and that the rough jade must be transported by land to border ports. This regulation has cut off the industrial development chain that has lasted for hundreds of years in Yunnan.

Until 2009, through the communication and exchange between the Yunnan Provincial Government and the Myanmar Government, the restrictions on the land import of jadeite wool were finally lifted, and the road for land import was restored. All the raw materials after tax payment through Yangon can enter Yunnan and China through Ruili.

   Second labor:

Because of the hundreds of times increase of jadeite, jadeite has entered a stage of "fever". "In an industry, the temperature is too high, which will inevitably hurt the vitality." Due to the long-term fast running, the jadeite market has finally failed to support, and needs a rest. Since about the middle of 2011, the jadeite market has entered a period of automatic adjustment.

   Third labor pain:

The government of Myanmar has stipulated to close the jadeite mine in the Pagan region of northern Myanmar. This news is undoubtedly a heavy blow, hitting jade merchants hard. This pain has just begun, and we still need to figure it out. But it is certain that once the "closure" is long-term, the jadeite market will be unsustainable. At that time, the circulation goods of jadeite were the finished products, or there were some stockpiled woolen materials.

   Experience short board rework

After experiencing the rising competitive pressure in Guangdong, Yunnan decided to face this grim reality. After a period of thinking, in 2011, a new voice emerged in the industry of Yunnan, "to make the industry bigger and stronger."

Mo Tai, a jade merchant scholar, a jewelry appraisal expert, and the deputy director of Yunnan Gems and Stones Professional Committee, once believed that the restrictions on jewelry talents, processing, equipment, funds, logistics, etc. in Yunnan, coupled with the loose and preferential policy environment in Guangdong, have led to the loss of jade carving talents in Yunnan. Therefore, Yunnan needs to strengthen processing to cultivate talents.

Luo Qingchang, an expert on jade in Yunnan, said that the relevant industrial chain in Yunnan was incomplete and could not be compared with Guangdong in terms of deep, refined and sophisticated processing technology, technology and talents of jade. Yunnan only has the function of "collecting and distributing" some of the rubble and finished products, but Guangdong has monopolized the processing link with rich profits in the middle, which is the biggest weakness faced by the development of Yunnan's jadeite industry.

Tian Dayu, the executive deputy director of Yunnan Provincial Culture and Industry Office, said that it was a stunt from "jade coming out of Yunnan" to "jade returning to Yunnan".

   How can Yunnan play this stunt well?

Starting from the attention of the government, relevant industrial preferential policies were introduced. The government of Yunnan Province has specially formulated a plan to revitalize the jewelry and jade industry, proposing that "jade will return to Yunnan", but how to make the industry develop into a major part of the jewelry industry and cultural industry according to the plan.

Yunnan jewelry and jade industry should be revitalized. Yunnan needs to make an overall plan. In February 2011, the People's Government of Yunnan Province issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Development of the Stone Industry, which pointed out that it would take 5-10 years to build Yunnan Province into a major jewelry and jade industry province in China and an important jewelry and jade distribution, sales and processing center in the world. By 2015, the output value will reach 76 billion yuan and the number of employees will reach about 900000. By 2020, the market advantage of "world jade sold in Yunnan" will be formed, with the ability to develop jewelry and jade of different grades.

A blueprint is being drawn. Yunnan plans to focus on building one center, three characteristic regions and three sales hotlines. At present, Yunnan Province has initially formed a terminal retail market centered on Kunming, extending to Puer and Xishuangbanna in the southwest, Dali, Lijiang, Shangri La and other scenic tourist areas in the northwest, plus the approval, processing, retail markets and industrial bases of Ruili, Yingjiang, Tengchong and other traditional ports for jewelry and jade, Yunnan's jewelry and jade industry has already formed the foundation for a large industry.

The annual Kunming International Jade Expo is also expected to create a larger trading platform.

   All parties' statements

   The pain caused by the closure of Pagan Jade Mine "What should we do if we encounter cold current again after warming up?"

   government official

   Li Lianju, Deputy Director of the Department of Land and Resources of Yunnan and Director of the Office of the Joint Conference of Yunnan Stone Industry:

   "To build a forced industry is to build a better market"

We were confident that we planned to recover the advantages of Yunnan in five years. Now we can't lose confidence easily. What Yunnan needs to do well is the processing industry. Once the processing is done, it will ensure that Yunnan Myanmar jade can establish its position in the Southeast Asian market.

However, we are also studying countermeasures for the current practical problem. The regulations of the Myanmar government are sometimes full of changes. In the next half of the year, Myanmar may change the regulations due to the achievements of the Yunnan sales market. These are just speculation, and we will work hard to talk about preferential policies.

If jadeite wool cannot be provided, this is a national or even a global problem, and it is not our Yunnan province that has encountered this difficulty. What we need to do is to create a new situation for the jade industry, and jadeite actually belongs to only one category. We should be confident to do a good job in jade processing. In this way, when we have technology and talents, first-class processing and creativity, everything will be solved with ease when colored gemstones, our Huanglong Jade, or some new jade varieties may appear in the future that need us to do fine carving.

   Tian Dayu, full-time deputy director of Yunnan Provincial Culture and Industry Office:

   I am optimistic about the future of jadeite "cultural competition"

I once said that with the increasing shortage of high-end raw materials, the development of jade carving art and the improvement of public art appreciation, jadeite will gradually move from the jewelry era to the jewelry culture era. The trade of jadeite is not buying and selling natural stones, but cultural products and art products.

As for the news that the Burmese government has closed the jadeite mine, we have not yet finally confirmed whether it will be reopened, but these preparations we have made are carried out in an orderly manner. No matter what the conditions are, as long as we get the wool, the best wool, we will make high-quality products and high-end products, which is in line with what I said just now that we have entered an era of "cultural competition".

The current situation and prospect of Yunnan's stone industry, I think, is "Kung Fu is outside the stone".

On the whole, I am optimistic about the future market prospects of jadeite. I think Yunnan should plan to take the luxury market and show the unique value of jade.

   Expert opinion

   Motai, a world-class expert in jewelry and jade:

   The government should support the growing jewelry enterprises

This news is undoubtedly very bad, but it is not completely bad. We also need to arouse the cooperation between the government and the government, and the government needs to support the growing enterprises.

For example, if the jadeite wool is closed, it means that most of the raw materials are not imported, so there is no more in-depth processing batch and market, and some jade enterprises will also close down.

But there are also some enterprises that will develop. For those jade of superior varieties that have been collected, they can truly reflect the value of "gold is valuable and jade is priceless".

However, Yunnan should not feel bad when hearing bad news, but rejoice when hearing good news. This news is not necessarily a bad thing. From the perspective of the industrial chain, there is indeed a lack of supply, but the industry will not collapse without saying.

Ge Baorong, a jewelry expert and president of Huanglong Jade Association:

   In terms of raw materials, we also have Huanglong Jade

Many people can't stop playing jadeite. Today, the value of jadeite has reached the highest value.

Yunnan people continue to play with jadeite, and the space will gradually narrow. First, the supply of raw materials is limited, and second, the policy of Myanmar is limited. We have to stick to the jadeite market because we are not convinced of defeat.

Love to fight will win. It seems that we are winners and losers in the inherent jadeite market, but we are absolute winners in the Huanglong Jade market, because the raw materials are from Yunnan. We can grasp both hands, and both hands should be hard. We should not let go of the jadeite, so as to make the Huanglong Jade resplendent again, and the colored gemstones should also shine, which is also the hard truth.

The restrictions of Myanmar policy I mentioned have always been studied by expert jadeite merchants. This matter will continue to be studied. They are changing, and we also want to change.

   Yunnan merchants

   Ruili Zihao Jewelry Firm:

   Although difficult, never leave

As the saying goes, "three years without opening, three years without opening", our pressure is quite great.

I saw that some of my peers had changed their careers and some stores could not be opened. I wanted to close them once if I could not support them.

However, there is also reluctance. The market adjustment is regular, and it is uncertain that the market will move up after the trough.

In this year's Stone Expo, our business transactions are not as good as those in previous years. I think this is caused by the weak economic climate in the whole country. Even so, the jadeite industry is still encouraging.

Myanmar has closed the jadeite mine in the Pagang area, so we have to go to the second-hand market to buy wool, but it is estimated that it will really rise. In that case, the cost will be high, and I really don't know how to do it well.

   Guangdong merchants

   Guangdong Lvyunxuan Zhang Qiming:

   Yunnan as a brand will make the jadeite market strong

We were shocked by the news of the recent closure of the jadeite mine in Myanmar, but then we took it easy. It was just as if the resources were exhausted. This day will come sooner or later, not just one person making preparations, but an industry responding. So wait and see.

However, I feel that the biggest market of jadeite is still in China, and everyone loves to buy jade in Yunnan. This market determines the value of jadeite, so it is estimated that Yunnan will still have the opportunity to import jadeite raw materials from Myanmar. See, everything is just a guess. If Yunnan has the opportunity, we will invest in Yunnan.

Planner: Our reporter Li Dong

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