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Ping An Insurance's premium income in the first eight months was 576.649 billion yuan, up 6.2% year on year

Beijing, China Economic Network, September 13 - Ping An (601318. SH) announced the premium income this evening. During the period from January 1, 2023 to August 31, 2023, Ping An has accumulated 576.649 billion yuan of original insurance premium income, up 6.2% year on year.

Among them, from January to August 2023, Ping An Property Insurance, Ping An Life Insurance, Ping An Pension and Ping An Health, the subsidiary of Ping An, realized original insurance premium income of 200343 million yuan, 352388 million yuan, 13131 million yuan and 10787 million yuan respectively, with year-on-year growth rates of 2.6%, 8.8%, - 6.4% and 12.1% respectively.

key word: Ping An, China

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