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In the first half of the year, AsiaInfo Security still lost 1.22 billion yuan when it went public in 2022

Beijing, September 11, China Economic Network News The semi annual report of 2023 recently disclosed by AsiaInfo Security (688225. SH) shows that the company's operating income in the first half of the year was 563 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 5.01%; Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was - 171 million yuan, compared with - 171 million yuan in the same period last year; Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non recurring profit and loss - 192 million yuan; The net cash flow from operating activities was - 396 million yuan.

In 2022, the security business income of AsiaInfo will be 1.721 billion yuan, up 3.21% year on year; The net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 98.5508 million yuan, down 44.85% year on year; The net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non recurring profits and losses was 7.6474 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 91.95%; The net cash flow from operating activities was - 261 million yuan, down 281.49% year on year.

AsiaInfo Security was listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of Shanghai Stock Exchange on February 9, 2022, with 40.01 million shares publicly issued at a price of 30.51 yuan per share. On the day of listing, AsiaInfo Security set the highest price of 41.55 yuan, the highest price since the listing of the stock, and closed the day at 38.91 yuan, up 27.53%. Since then, the stock price has fluctuated and declined.

The total amount of funds raised by CICA's safe listing was 1.221 billion yuan, and the net amount of funds raised was 1.123 billion yuan. The net amount of the final raised funds of AsiaInfo Security is 85059100 yuan less than the original plan. The company disclosed its prospectus on January 28, 2022, which shows that the company plans to raise 1.208 billion yuan, respectively for cloud security operation service construction projects, intelligent linkage security product construction projects, marketing network and service system expansion projects, 5G cloud network security product construction projects, and zero trust architecture product construction projects.

The recommendation institution (lead underwriter) of CICA's safe listing is China International Finance Co., Ltd., and the recommendation representatives are Jiang Tao and Xu Shiyan; The total issuance expenses were 98.1992 million yuan, including 73.2423 million yuan of recommendation and underwriting expenses for China International Finance Co., Ltd.

key word: CICA Security

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