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(Rural travel · Revitalization) Chongren, Jiangxi: "Winter leisure field" turned into "wealth field"

Zhongxin. com, Chongren, Jiangxi, October 12, by wire: Chongren, Jiangxi: "Winter leisure field" turned into "wealth field"

Author Wu Fayang Yang Wenhui

In the golden autumn, when we entered Qifen Village, Liujiaqiao Township, Chongren County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, the farmers were busy in the rice fields after harvest. They were taking the time to transplant broccoli into the fields. The field presented a busy scene of winter planting, and the "winter fallow field" was again dressed in green, giving people new hope to increase their income and become rich.

"In the past, most of the fields were idle after the rice harvest. Now, driven by the villagers, villagers use autumn and winter to plant broccoli, which will not affect the rice planting in the next year, but also increase the winter income in that year, which is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone." Zhou Yuanming, secretary of the Party branch of Qifen Village, said.

The picture shows farmers in Qifen Village, Liujiaqiao Township, Chongren County are transplanting broccoli. Photographed by Yang Wenhui

It was Deng Huixiang who drove the villagers to plant broccoli. Looking at the growing broccoli in the base, he said happily, "Last year we tried to plant broccoli successfully. Now we have signed contracts with the market and farmers to adopt a new mode of order production. If these benefits are good, we will continue to expand the planting area in the future."

The implementation of the broccoli planting project not only makes full use of the "winter fallow fields", but also provides good opportunities for local farmers to increase their income and become rich. "I invested 1.8 million yuan and transferred 520 mu of farmland to plant cymbidium, hoping to be listed during the Spring Festival and sold to Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai." Planter Xu Changfu was full of confidence.

Luo Aiming, a villager, has also tasted the benefits of growing broccoli. In the previous winter leisure period, she was "idle" at home and had little income. "Now we plant broccoli in the village, and we can work here, and the daily salary is 135 yuan." Luo Aiming said to the reporter with a smile.

Qifen Village is not an example of using "winter fallow fields" to grow vegetables. In the field of Sanchuanqiao Village, Xufang Township, farmers are busy transplanting rape. This year, Sanchuanqiao Village planted nearly 50 mu of rape on trial, and invited agricultural technicians to give guidance, providing a solid guarantee for making full use of land resources and promoting farmers to increase production and income.

The picture shows farmers in Sanchuanqiao Village, Xufang Township, Chongren County transplanting vegetable seedlings. Photographed by Yang Wenhui

It is understood that Chongren County, Jiangxi Province actively promotes vegetable rice rotation in autumn and winter, and has planted various efficient crops according to local conditions, making the "winter fallow fields" become the "wealth fields" for people to work nearby, attracting more villagers to return home to develop industries, and promoting the vigorous development of rural revitalization.

In recent years, Chongren County has focused on the cause of people's livelihood, implemented the action of "rejuvenating thousands of villages with thousands of enterprises", actively guided leading enterprises and local talents to develop and utilize "winter fallow fields" by land transfer mode, so that these abandoned lands can be turned into grain reserves again, so that "sleeping assets" can glow new vitality, and create new opportunities for people to increase income and become rich.

In the next step, the United Front Department of Chongren County Party Committee will actively create the model of "Villagers+", give full play to the relevant advantages of "extensive connections, rich resources, and intensive intelligence" of the Villagers, guide the talented people in other villages to use their own technology, capital, contacts and other resources to return to their hometown for investment and entrepreneurship, and form a multi-party joint force through pooling the wisdom, gathering the power, using the power, and voice of the Villagers, Effectively boost the prosperity of rural industries and help farmers increase income and become rich. (End)


key word: Winter fallow fields To become rich

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