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How to buy a "degree room" when the down payment ratio is reduced?

Recently, Guangzhou reduced the down payment ratio for house purchase, and the threshold for house purchase was lowered. Due to the close relationship between real estate and educational resources, many citizens now question how to buy "degree housing"? How to strive for better educational resources for children through home ownership? In addition, some citizens worry that if "one child is hard to find" in primary and secondary schools in the future, will the "degree room" still be valuable? The reporters of Yangcheng Evening News combed the information of all parties and made a comprehensive analysis of the hot spots concerned by the citizens.

First suite: first set

In recent years, most administrative regions in Guangzhou have issued a degree early warning policy. Schools with tight degrees generally adopt the policy of first come, first served to determine admission qualifications according to the purchase time. Therefore, it is the "best insurance" to prepare for screening as soon as possible and buy a house as soon as possible.

The primary school degree is closely related to the real estate, but the purchase of the degree house should not only focus on the primary school, but also consider the enrollment needs of the primary school, junior high school and even high school. From the perspective of "junior high school entrance", some districts (such as Yuexiu District) are divided into districts and many to many lottery numbers, while some districts (such as Tianhe District) are directly promoted to the corresponding junior high schools.

The district where the academic degree room is bought also has a bearing on whether the high school entrance exam can "pull the wool" - use the quota to allocate "low scores to high schools".

To put it simply, "quota allocation" means that high quality high schools randomly and evenly allocate 50% of the enrollment quota to junior high schools in the city, so that candidates can be admitted with the average admission score of the school reduced by 40 points in the past three years. For example, in this year's Guangzhou High School Entrance Examination, a student from Guangdong Huaqiao Middle School scored 664 points. Through quota allocation, he was admitted to Guangzhou No. 7 Middle School with an admission score of 710 points. According to statistics, of the 3.62 students taking the Guangzhou High School Entrance Examination this year, one entered high school through quota allocation.

The reporter combed the open data of this year's Guangzhou High School Entrance Examination and found that the distribution rate of 11 districts in Guangzhou from high to low was: Panyu District 35.8%, Liwan District 34.5%, Conghua District 31.9%, Yuexiu District 29.8, Huadu District 26.9%, Baiyun District 26.8%, Haizhu District 25.4%, Tianhe District 25.3%, Zengcheng District 25.0%, Huangpu District 19.5%, Nansha District 16.9%. With the average quota rate of 27.6% as the reference, Panyu, Liwan, Conghua, Yuexiu and other districts are higher than the average of the city, while Baiyun, Haizhu, Tianhe, Zengcheng, Huangpu, Nansha and other districts are lower than the average of the city. In particular, Huangpu District and Nansha District have a low probability of going to Pugao by quota allocation. Therefore, parents should carefully choose the area to buy a house.

The reporter also learned from various sources that parents need to have a broader understanding of the "degree room". In addition to the degree, they should also consider off campus education resources.

"Living in Panyu District, children's art classes and mathematical thinking classes are held in Yuexiu District, while English speaking, fencing and baseball classes are held in Haizhu District." A parent told a reporter that he had to spend more time and energy to take children to more distant institutions because of the poor quality of teaching in educational institutions near his home.

Of course, you should also take a long-term consideration when choosing a region to buy a house. The educational layout of Guangzhou is changing. With high-quality educational resources such as the Bay Area School of Tsinghua Attached Middle School, Zhixin Middle School, and South China Normal University Affiliated Middle School successively distributed in Tianhe District and Huangpu District, the eastern education highland of Guangzhou is rising. However, some traditional education areas are weakening their educational advantages with the change of industry and population structure.

The vitality of the economic engine area comes from innovative talents. If you want to retain talents, you must retain talents and provide quality education. Therefore, the choice of which region to purchase the degree room should also take into account the development prospects and talent gathering trend. It is recommended not to rely on stereotypes, but to make a decision after a detailed understanding of regional changes.

Second suite: "double insurance" for further education

For families considering buying a second house or having more than one house, the real estate is distributed in different areas, which may increase their children's chances of going to school. Because according to the existing policy, the household registration and school registration can be separated, and the property located in different administrative regions is equivalent to a "double insurance" for children to go to school.

If the household registration and the school registration are not in the same district, you can choose to enter junior high school or senior high school in the school registration district or the household registration district as needed.

From the perspective of primary school to junior high school, if you choose to go to school with household registration, you only need to apply for returning to the district according to the process. Every April or so, the education bureaus of each district will issue specific operation guidelines, and parents can handle the procedures as required.

From the perspective of junior high school to senior high school, there is a big difference between choosing to go to school in the household registration area or the school registration area. Because different constituencies mean that the selection range of general high schools that can apply for the exam is different, and the difficulty of getting accepted by better schools with the same score is also different, and there are differences in the probability of being accepted.

For example, if Candidate A has a school registration in Yuexiu District and a household registration in Baiyun District, he or she can choose to go to school in Yuexiu District, or Baiyun District, or he or she can choose to go to school in Baiyun District as an inter district student.

If student A chooses to study in Yuexiu District, he can apply for the provincial and municipal general high school and the general high school in the old three districts (Yuexiu, Haizhu and Liwan), because Yuexiu, Haizhu and Liwan are regarded as the same districts for admission. The old three districts belong to a large number of general high schools with rich levels, including about 20 high schools, such as No. 7 Middle School, No. 16 Middle School, Peizheng Middle School, No. 3 Middle School, Yucai Middle School, Provincial Shiyuexiu Middle School, No. 17 Middle School, No. 5 Middle School, Nanwu High School, Haizhu Experimental High School, No. 97 Middle School, No. 41 Middle School, Zhenguang High School, Xiwai High School, Nanhai High School, etc.

If student A chooses to study in Baiyun District, he can apply for the provincial and municipal general high schools and Baiyun District general high schools, namely Datong Middle School, Baiyun Middle School, Pengjiamu Memorial Middle School, Guangdong Foreign Language and Foreign Trade Experimental Middle School, Guangzhou Airport Experimental Middle School and other about 10 high schools. In comparison, there is less choice.

In addition, the degree of difficulty for students from different administrative regions to enter the general high school is also different, and whether they cross different regions depends on individual scores. If the score is stable above 710 points (the first gradient pitch control line last year), the goal is provincial and municipal schools. When choosing, you can see which district's leading school the child wants to go to. If the score is below 650, and the goal is to enter the general high school, then the risk of choosing the old three districts for admission is relatively high. Because the admission score of the old three districts is relatively high, it is recommended to take Baiyun District as the entrance area.

"One child is hard to find", is the degree room still worth money?

At present, some kindergartens are hard to find a child. Some parents worry that in a few years' time, primary and secondary schools may also be "hard to find a child". Will the degree room be worth money then?

The reporter learned that parents should first analyze what kind of kindergartens or schools "one child is hard to find"? In the case of oversupply of goods and fierce competition among sellers, kindergartens with poor environment, weak teaching, poor reputation, inconvenient transportation and low cost performance are naturally uninhabited. Kindergartens with good reputation, beautiful environment and high-quality teaching are still "hard to find".

In the same way, even if the number of students in primary and secondary schools decreases in the future, the ones eliminated will also be inferior schools, and high-quality schools will still be sought after, and their admission qualifications will remain a scarce resource.

Secondly, high quality is relative, only better, no best. Without absolute average education, higher quality education resources will always exist and will always be pursued by some parents. Therefore, the "degree room" that can enjoy high-quality educational resources is always a scarce resource, regardless of the number of students.

In addition, the total number of children has decreased, and more attention should be paid to "reading good books". Chen Wu, the principal of Guangzhou Longkou West Primary School, said that in the past ten years, Tianhe District has been in a state of shortage of educational resources, and the number of students has been increasing. Many schools have transformed music, art, laboratories and other functional rooms and special rooms into classrooms, first to meet the children's demand for "reading with books". If the number of students decreases in the future, they can gradually restore the previously occupied functional rooms and special rooms, Provide better educational conditions for children.

It is reported that the teacher-student ratio of primary schools in Guangzhou is 19:1 at present, and the class size of primary schools is 45. In the future, we can reduce the number of students in small classes, optimize the ratio of teachers to students, 30 or even 20 students in a class, so that each student can get more attention from teachers, truly realize personalized education, and highlight the excellent educational philosophy, advanced teaching methods, and high-level teacher quality of famous schools.

key word: Baiyun District Pugao academic degree Yuexiu District

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