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Shining Taipao Blue | Yuan Xinyue Serves as the First Stick of the Asian Games Torch Relay in Ningbo

On the morning of September 12, 2023, the Ningbo Station of the Asian Games torch relay was officially opened. Yuan Xinyue, a member of the "Taipao Blue Team" and the captain of the Chinese women's volleyball team, served as the first leg of the torch relay.

(The picture is derived from the live broadcast picture of CCTV)

Ningbo is the fifth stop of the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games. With the theme of "Coastal Ningbo, Sailing the World", the total length of the relay route is 12.7 kilometers, starting from the China Port Museum, and finally arriving at the container terminal of Meishan Port District, Zhoushan Port, Ningbo for closure. 170 torchbearers relay the whole journey.

Before the torch relay began, the scene was filled with enthusiastic spectators. When Yuan Xinyue took the torch, the enthusiasm of the audience ignited immediately. In their cheers, Yuan Xinyue held the torch high, ran and waved to the enthusiastic audience, and finally completed the handover steadily with the "model of the times" Qian Haijun.

Yuan Xinyue is honored to be the first torchbearer of the Ningbo leg of the Hangzhou Asian Games torch relay this time, and also knows that it is a great responsibility. She sincerely hopes that through the torch relay, she will convey to more people the Hangzhou Asian Games' ideal of "blending intentions, mutual tolerance, unity, progress and close embrace, conveying self-confidence, optimism, fearing challenges, and embracing good expectations together", as well as the Chinese women's volleyball spirit of "national supremacy, unity and cooperation, tenacious struggle, and never giving up", and arouse the attention and enthusiasm of the whole people for the Asian Games.

In addition to the team leader of the women's volleyball team, Yuan Xinyue is also a member of the "Taipo Blue Team". Since China's Taipo became the official partner of the Asian Games, the Chinese women's volleyball team led by Yuan Xinyue has joined hands with China's Taipo to serve the Asian Games, participate in the Asian Games and spread the Asian Games around the theme of "Taipo services escort the Asian Games", and has received good results.

In September 2022, the online activity of "Chinese Women's Volleyball Team Calls for You to Be the Torchbearer" has played a positive role in promoting the Asian Games.

In May 2023, to welcome the Asian Games, "Too Love Running" fired shots at the "Big Lotus" in the stadium of Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center. Chinese women's volleyball players Yuan Xinyue, Li Yingying and Wang Yuanyuan jointly launched the China Pacific Asian Games torch relay escort operation, and ran with more than 3000 "Too Love Running" athletes, expressing their expectations for the Asian Games.

The life field is guarded by Taibao. Yuan Xinyue, as a new generation leader of the Chinese women's volleyball team, has been on the field for many years. This time, Yuan Xinyue, as an athlete and a member of the "Taipao Blue Team", carried out the torch relay mission of the Asian Games. Taipao Blue and firewood red complement each other and shine throughout the field. Yuan Xinyue went to the Asian Games with the torch in her hand. The Chinese Taipo always guarded behind them and tried her best to escort them.

key word: China volleyball CPIC asian games Hangzhou

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