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Hangzhou Asian Games torch relay route in Zhoushan today is about 10.9 kilometers long

Today, the torch relay of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou comes to Zhoushan Station. The total length of the relay route of Zhoushan Station is about 10.9 kilometers. The starting point is the International Aquatic City in the fishing port of Shenjiamen. It successively passes Binhai Avenue, Tiyu Road, Haitian Avenue, Qiandao Road, Zhoushan Marine Culture and Art Center, and the end point is the Citizen Square.

The torchbearers will start from the "century old fishing port" Shenjiamen fishing port, run on the beautiful coastal coastline of Zhoushan, show the moving scene of moving from "century old fishing port" to "modern marine city", and closely echo the theme slogan of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou "heart to heart, love to the future".

In terms of torchbearers, the Zhoushan Station torch relay was carried by 170 torchbearers, the youngest being 20 years old and the oldest being 68 years old. These torchbearers come from all walks of life, including representatives of sports workers such as outstanding athletes and coaches, advanced workers who have won the honors of "National Model Worker", "National Excellent Teacher" and other honors, and grassroots front-line workers from all walks of life. They vividly display the Olympic spirit and give us a kind of upward and enterprising example.

(Head Office reporter Wang Xuan, Zhang Hongquan, Zhoushan TV Station)

key word: Advanced workers Centennial fishing port Jiamen Fishing Port Outstanding athletes Civic Plaza

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