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Building a National Unified Market from Point to Area

Recently, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and other provinces jointly signed the Agreement on Deepening the Business Development Cooperation of Market Integration in the Yangtze River Delta Region in Beijing, which is of great significance for relevant regions to jointly promote the opening up, promote the circulation, form a big market, and then help the construction of a unified big market nationwide.

Under the new situation, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have put forward new tasks and requirements for accelerating the construction of a unified national market. The resource endowments and development levels of different regions in China are not consistent. Building a unified market requires systematic coordination and steady progress. Taking the lead in realizing regional market integration is an inevitable requirement and an important way to build a unified national market.

On the one hand, key regional markets are an important part of the national unified market. The total GDP of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, Chengdu Chongqing Double City Economic Circle and other regions is close to half of the country. These key regions take the lead in achieving market integration, which can better promote the construction of a unified national market. On the other hand, the market in key regions has obvious radiation and driving effect, with obvious advantages in transportation facilities, open platforms, major exhibitions, important markets, key enterprises, etc., and prominent radiation effect in logistics, people flow, capital flow, information flow, etc., which can better promote the formation of a unified market in surrounding regions. At the same time, key regions play a prominent role in leading innovation. The Yangtze River Delta is one of the regions with the most active economic development, the highest degree of openness, and the strongest innovation ability in China, and has formed many innovative demonstration measures in the process of building a unified market.

In recent years, China has introduced a number of measures to strengthen the market, smooth circulation, promote openness and optimize the environment, and constantly accelerate the construction of a unified national market.

The construction of key areas has been continuously strengthened. Since this year, the Ministry of Commerce has organized a series of activities of "Year of Consumption Boost". In the first seven months of this year, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 7.3% year on year. At the same time, we will accelerate the upgrading of e-commerce, accelerate the release of cross-border e-commerce potential, orderly develop new models and new formats such as live broadcast e-commerce, and promote the construction of a unified market through e-commerce development.

The integrated development of urban and rural areas has been constantly improved. Promote the high-quality development of urban commerce. Accelerate the cultivation and construction of international consumption center cities, carry out transformation and upgrading pilot work in 23 pedestrian streets such as Wangfujing in Beijing, determine 12 national demonstration smart business districts, 16 national demonstration smart stores, guide 80 cities to build a quarter hour convenient life circle, and build an urban business pattern led by pedestrian streets, supported by smart business districts, and based on convenient life circle. Establish and improve the county commercial network centering on the county seat, focusing on towns and villages, and based on villages.

According to the cooperation agreement signed this time, the three provinces and one city will focus on six aspects of cooperation, namely, promoting the common market rules and systems, the joint connection of commercial infrastructure, the sharing of commercial circulation system, the win-win cooperation of agricultural products production and marketing, the joint promotion of supply chain regional cooperation, and the joint construction of market consumption environment. Next, China will further promote the deepening of regional business collaboration, the smooth flow of elements, the improvement of circulation quality and efficiency, economic transformation and upgrading, and promote the construction of a unified national market from point to area by promoting the integration of regional markets such as the Yangtze River Delta. (Source: Economic Daily Author: Jin Guanping)

key word: Big market unified build region

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