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Beijing started influenza vaccination on September 15

BEIJING, Sept. 13 (China News Network) In order to effectively prevent the threat of influenza and reduce the impact of disease on people's health, this year, Beijing's influenza vaccination work will be officially launched on September 15, targeting different groups of people in batches and orderly.

Since 2007, Beijing has continued to implement the policy of influenza vaccination for the benefit of the people, providing free vaccination to eligible people, and encouraging other people to voluntarily vaccinate at their own expense. This year's influenza vaccination will be officially launched on September 15, and will be carried out in batches for different populations:

The first batch of Beijing citizens aged 60 years and above were first provided with vaccination services, and the primary and secondary schools, secondary professional schools and technical colleges and universities were simultaneously launched to mobilize students for vaccination publicity.

The second batch is mainly for students from primary and secondary schools, secondary vocational schools and technical colleges, and the self funded vaccination of influenza vaccine for the whole society has been launched at the same time.


The third group is mainly for the first-line emergency support personnel in the city, and the first two groups of personnel are found missing and replanted.

The actual work will be dynamically adjusted according to the specific situation. It is expected that the free vaccination work will be completed by the end of November, and the self funded vaccination work will continue until the end of February 2024.

This year, Beijing will continue to carry out influenza vaccination by unified organization and appointment in advance. The people who receive free vaccination can be organized by the relevant responsible unit, and the vaccination can be scheduled in batches and periods. Primary and secondary school students shall be organized by the school and vaccinated uniformly with the consent of their parents; Beijing residents over 60 years old in Beijing can be organized by the village/neighborhood committee to go to the influenza vaccination clinic for vaccination at the agreed time with their valid ID cards or social security cards. The self funded vaccination population needs to make an appointment with the vaccination clinic in advance, and can complete the appointment through the Capital Vaccine Service APP, telephone, on-site registration, WeChat official account and other appointment methods.

The health department in Beijing said that each district will set up free and self funded flu vaccination spots reasonably according to the needs of residents for vaccination, and citizens can choose to make an appointment for vaccination nearby. After September 15, if you need to query the address of vaccination clinics, you can log on to the website of Beijing Municipal Commission of Health or Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Beijing registered elderly who have not been vaccinated with 23 valent pneumococcal vaccine can receive one dose of pneumococcal vaccine free of charge as long as they are over 65 years old, make appointment registration at the vaccination clinic, and have no vaccination taboos. Both vaccines can prevent both influenza and pneumococcal diseases.

The health department in Beijing suggested that the monitoring data in previous years showed that the influenza epidemic peak in Beijing mostly occurred around New Year's Day, and vaccination 14 days before the arrival of the epidemic peak could produce effective immune protection. Please arrange the vaccination time reasonably according to your own needs and the unified arrangement of the city to avoid mass vaccination. In addition, keeping good personal hygiene habits is also an important means to prevent respiratory infectious diseases such as influenza. When vaccinating against influenza, it is necessary to "wash hands frequently, wear masks, drink more water, exercise frequently, meet less and keep ventilated". (End)

key word: influenza vaccine Leakage detection and replanting 23 valent pneumococcal vaccine Primary and secondary schools Secondary professional school

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