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New exploration on the formal opening of Fangting Shuiyuan Section of G318 Huqingping Highway into an integrated highway

It is open to traffic, connecting functional clusters such as the "water town living room" square hall water hospital, creative engine, science and innovation park, providing important support for the construction of the core area of the water town living room.

"Water Town Living Room" is located at the junction of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. It is a functional model area jointly built by two provinces and one city (Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province and Shanghai City) relying on the origin of the Yangtze River Delta, and it is also the "core" of the Yangtze River Delta ecological green integration development demonstration area.

The Fangting Shuiyuan Section of G318 Huqingping Highway was officially opened to traffic, crossing the origin of the Yangtze River Delta where lakes crisscross and forests coexist. (Drawings provided by urban investment highway)

G318 Huqingping Highway runs through Qingpu, connects Wujiang directly, and adjoins Jiashan. It is a trunk highway included in the "Comprehensive Transportation Special Plan for Ecological and Green Integrated Development Demonstration Area in the Yangtze River Delta". The investor and constructor Shanghai Urban Investment Highway Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Urban Investment Highway") introduced that the project is located in the core area of the "Water Town Living Room", starting from the Jiangsu provincial boundary in Shanghai in the west, and connecting to the existing G318 highway in the west of Xinyang Road in the east. It adopts a two-way four fast and two slow scale. The road is a Class I highway (collector distributor type), and the design speed is 60 km/h, A new Yuandang Bridge is built across the Xueluoyang River, which is an important part of the road network system in the "six horizontal and eight vertical" area of the waterside living room, and also an important carrier to show the overall style and texture of the waterside living room in the south of the Yangtze River.

It is understood that the Fangting Shuiyuan Section of G318 Huqingping Highway is located at the provincial boundary, which is a necessary road for a large number of traffic out of the province (city). It passes through the origin of the Yangtze River Delta, where lakes and forests coexist, and is immersed in "Jiangnan flavor, international style, water charm and pastoral style".

In terms of urban investment highway, the company points out that in the construction, it pays attention to the harmony between man and nature, takes green low-carbon cycle as the main principle, realizes protection in development and development in protection, and explores and forms a series of high-quality integrated practices that can be copied and promoted. The urban investment highway will make full use of and analyze the existing ecological environment capacity and resource carrying capacity, transform the originally unusable environmental resources into usable resources, realize green waste free construction, and reduce resource waste. For example, in the construction process, the construction company adopts the method of local solidification in the pond, uses the curing agent to make the in-situ soil meet the use requirements directly, realizes the resource recycling, and realizes the zero outward transportation of engineering waste soil.

In the interview, the reporter learned that the project starts from Shanghai in the west to the boundary of Jiangsu Province, and is connected to the Wujiang section of G318 Highway in Jiangsu Province. How to do a good job in government enterprise coordination, cross-border communication, and jointly draw a "blueprint" is particularly critical. In terms of cross regional cooperation, under the overall coordination of the Executive Committee of the Ecological and Green Integrated Development Demonstration Zone in the Yangtze River Delta, the urban investment highway has carried out preliminary work synchronously through overall planning and coordinated promotion. The construction party adheres to collaborative innovation drive, vigorously promotes concept innovation, technological innovation, management innovation and institutional innovation, breaks through the institutional and institutional barriers of trans provincial transportation infrastructure construction, and explores a new mode of cross regional coordinated promotion of high-grade highways in demonstration areas.

The project has made a preliminary exploration to form a fast, sustainable and scalable standard process for the Yangtze River Delta integrated project. It is a new attempt of integrated highway construction, and has an important enlightenment role in improving the efficiency and quality of major projects in the Yangtze River Delta integrated demonstration area. (End)


key word: Changjiang delta Urban investment Ecological environment capacity Abandoned soil a living room

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