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The 24th Tangshan China Ceramic Expo was opened, and the high-quality ceramics from 16 countries and regions gathered together

Chinanews. com, Tangshan, September 16 (Baiyun River and Mengchao River) On September 16, the 24th Tangshan China Ceramic Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "Ceramic Expo") was opened in Tangshan, Hebei Province, the "Northern Ceramic Capital". More than 300 domestic and international brands from 16 countries and regions, including China, the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Russia, participated.

On September 16, the 24th Tangshan China Ceramic Expo was opened at the Nanhu International Convention and Exhibition Center in Tangshan, Hebei Province. Photographed by Zhao Liang

This ceramic expo is hosted by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, China Light Industry Federation, China Building Materials Federation, Hebei Provincial People's Government, co organized by China Ceramic Industry Association, China Building Sanitary Ceramics Association, Hebei Provincial Department of Commerce, and co hosted by Tangshan Municipal People's Government and Hebei Provincial Trade Promotion Commission.

On September 16, the 24th Tangshan China Ceramic Expo opened in Tangshan, Hebei Province. The picture shows a corner of the exhibition hall. Photographed by Zhao Liang

It is understood that this ceramic expo mainly displays domestic and foreign daily ceramics, building and sanitary ceramics, fine art ceramics, ceramic raw materials, ceramic production equipment and components, as well as scientific and technological achievements of ceramic research and development institutions, covering the entire ceramic industry chain.

At the exhibition, there are 4 offline exhibition halls and 1 online exhibition platform for ceramic boutique exhibition, ceramic industry exhibition, ceramic science and technology exhibition, and China ceramics masterpieces appraisal exhibition. Among them, the offline exhibition hall covers an area of 15000 square meters and has invited more than 300 domestic and international brands and more than 900 buyers from 16 countries and regions, including China, the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany. "Online Ceramics Expo" serves ceramic suppliers, purchasers and industrial chain enterprises around the world through online cloud exhibition, cloud viewing, etc. After the completion of the offline exhibition of the Ceramics Expo, the online cloud exhibition service will also be run in a 365 day normal form.

On September 16, the 24th Tangshan China Ceramic Expo opened in Tangshan, Hebei Province. The picture shows a corner of the exhibition hall. Photographed by Zhao Liang

This ceramic expo will last until September 20, during which activities such as investment promotion and project and trade signing ceremony will also be held. (End)


key word: Ceramic Expo Northern Capital of Porcelain Building sanitary ceramics Zhao Liang Art ceramics

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