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(The 20th East China Expo) Director of the National Bureau of Statistics of China: willing to work with ASEAN to strengthen data and statistical capacity building

China news agency, Nanning, September 16 (Zhang Guangquan) -- Kang Yi, director of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, said in Nanning, Guangxi, on September 16 that he was willing to work with statistical institutions of ASEAN governments to constantly strengthen data and statistical capacity building and better serve the development of the digital economy.

The 9th China ASEAN Statistical Forum opened in Nanning on the same day. Kang Yi attended the meeting and made the above statement.

Digital economy has a profound impact on all aspects of human life, and the development of digital economy has become the consensus of all countries. Kang Yi said that in today's world, the digital economy has become a new engine to promote economic development and improve human welfare. It is an important task for government statistical organizations to accurately grasp the development law of the digital economy, objectively reflect the scale and level of the digital economy, and better serve regional economic development.

"Only when data flows can more possibilities and greater productivity be generated." Kang Yi proposed that government statistical agencies of China ASEAN countries should strengthen the interconnection of statistical data, improve the data information sharing and application mechanism, consolidate the results of China ASEAN statistical yearbook, and jointly explore new ways and models for the open sharing, development and utilization of official statistical data.


Kang Yi pointed out that the government statistics institutions of China ASEAN countries should focus on the issues of statistical accounting and monitoring of the digital economy, strengthen discussion and exchange in the aspects of system design, accounting methods, technical means, etc., gather wisdom and cohesion, create more scientific, standardized and technologically comparable research results, and contribute statistical wisdom to promoting the development of the digital economy.

In addition, Kangyi hopes that the government statistical institutions of China ASEAN countries will actively explore new paths for international statistical exchanges and cooperation, consolidate and expand international statistical discussion and other exchange platforms, deepen the construction of the China ASEAN Institute of Statistics, strengthen monitoring and analysis of economic operations, and provide high-quality statistical services to promote the economic and social development of China and ASEAN countries. (End)

key word: ASEAN Digital economy Government statistics Gather people Statistical services

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