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Three people lost contact in the landslide of Yulin Mountain in Guangxi have all been found without vital signs

China News Network, Nanning, September 13 (Reporter Huang Yanmei and Yang Zhixiong) The reporter of China News Network learned from the relevant departments of Yulin City, Guangxi on the evening of September 12 that all three people who lost contact in the local landslide event were found in the afternoon of September 12. The medical staff confirmed that the three lost persons had no vital signs.

Affected by the residual vortex of typhoon "Haikui" and the monsoon, there were heavy rains in many places of Yulin from September 10 to 11. Affected by this, several landslides occurred in Yulin, resulting in 7 deaths and 3 loss of communication.

According to local media in Guangxi, the three people who lost contact were one family, including two people aged about 60 and a child over one year old. Their house is located halfway up the mountain and has six rooms. According to the local people, the three people took a rest in their rooms when a landslide occurred.

After the incident, Yulin Emergency Management Department, Fire Rescue Detachment and Yulin Detachment of Guangxi Armed Police Corps rushed to the scene immediately to clean and search all rooms. At 17:30 on the 12th, the whole search and rescue work was completed. The medical staff confirmed that the three people who lost contact had no vital signs.


Yulin Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters issued a notice on the 12th, saying that according to the latest meteorological information, the "sea anemone" vortex continued to move westward, and its impact on Yulin City was weakened. It is estimated that in the next 24 hours, there will be heavy rain to rainstorm, local heavy rainstorm, lightning and 6-7 gusts in the north of Yuzhou District, Fumian District, the north of Xingye County, Bobai County, the south of Beiliu City, the south of Rongxian County and the south of Luchuan County. (End)

key word: out of contact Mountain landslide sea anemone sign medical staff

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