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Two passengers on the flight from Lijiang to Chongqing suffered from sudden illness and returned for rescue

China News Network, Kunming, September 17 (Ai Xinyu) The reporter learned from Hainan Airlines Group's Yunnan Lucky Air Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Lucky Air") on September 17 that on the 16th, two passengers on the flight 8L9817 from Lijiang to Chongqing had sudden emergencies and lost consciousness. The crew quickly started emergency medical treatment procedures, and the crew resolutely chose to return to Lijiang for medical assistance, The passenger finally turned the corner.

At 7:1, Flight 8L9817 took off from Lijiang Airport normally. Nine minutes later, a passenger suddenly had physical convulsions, foaming at the mouth, and was unconscious. The steward learned about the passenger's medical history from the accompanying passengers and immediately reported it to the purser. The crew immediately started the onboard emergency medical treatment procedure, searched for the doctor through the onboard broadcast, and reported the cabin situation to the captain.

The picture shows that passengers with sudden illness were transferred to an ambulance for further treatment. Drawings provided by Yunnan Xiangpeng Aviation Co., Ltd

As there is no medical staff in the cabin, the emergency situation is urgent. The crew, in combination with the professional medical emergency knowledge of the post, helps the passengers by gently tapping and calling again after confirming that the passengers' breathing and pulse are normal. They continue to breathe oxygen and pay attention to the passengers' conditions. At 7:23, the passenger got better and was able to respond. At 7:30, the passenger's physical condition was stable.

At the same time, the call for help sounded again in the cabin, and another passenger suddenly had epilepsy, his body twitched, and his consciousness was not clear. In case of emergency, the crew again raced against the clock to carry out first aid measures. After 3 minutes, the consciousness of sick passengers gradually recovered. At 7:35, the passenger became better and was able to express his will.

After emergency rescue, the two passengers have regained consciousness, but considering the poor physical condition of the passengers, the crew decided to return to Lijiang, apply for direct flight as far as possible, give priority to landing, coordinate their seats in advance, and prepare resources such as ambulances in order to gain valuable time for curing passengers, based on the principle of fearing life and the coordination and comprehensive research of the crew and the operation control center.

At 7:59, the plane landed at Lijiang Airport smoothly. The flight crew and ground personnel actively cooperated with the airport emergency personnel to get on the plane to diagnose and treat the passengers. When the passengers' condition stabilized, two passengers got off the plane and were transferred to the ambulance for further treatment. After that, the two sick passengers were in stable physical condition.

After replenishing the first-aid equipment and other materials on board and meeting the release conditions, flight 8L9817 took off again from Lijiang at 8:58 and arrived in Chongqing at 10:18. (End)

key word: passenger crew cabin crew Convulsion Aviation Co., Ltd

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