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Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: The harvest of winter jujube is busy, and it is sold to the whole country

Chinanews. com, Alar, Xinjiang, September 17 (Jin Fusheng, Pan Xu) - Ten companies in 11 Tuanhuaqiao Town, Alar, the first division of Xinjiang production and construction, have been known as "winter jujube town". In September, the company began to pick nearly 4000 mu of winter jujube. In the past two days, from the jujube garden to the processing plant, there was a busy scene everywhere, picking, selection, packaging, transportation, winter jujube was in short supply as soon as it was listed, and it was sold all over the country.

When we entered the winter jujube planting base, crisp dates were hung all over the branches in greenhouses. This year is the eighth year for these jujube trees to grow, and they have entered the high production period. Now, there are nearly a thousand workers picking winter jujube trees every day, and they can pick nearly 80 tons of winter jujube trees every day.

The workers are busy picking winter dates. Photographed by Pan Xu

"The quality and output of winter jujube this year are very good. Each mu of land can produce more than 1 ton. The price of winter jujube this year is also good. After picking, it is directly pulled to the processing plant for sorting and packaging." Tan Mingxiang, a staff member of the 10th company, has planted 25 mu of winter jujube. The income in the past two years is good, and the gross profit will reach 300000 yuan in rough calculation this year.

Liandongzao base is the business model of "base+company+staff" developed by 11 Tuanhuaqiao Town to introduce relevant enterprises in the form of attracting investment. According to the growth habits of jujube trees, all plots are planted in cold sheds. Although this year has experienced the double effects of low temperature and high temperature, the yield of winter jujube still exceeds that of last year.

Aerial view of winter jujube base. Photographed by Zhang Kai

The winter jujube garden is busy picking, and the machine in the processing workshop sounds. When we entered the processing plant, four modern sorting equipment were running at full speed. Machine sorting and manual packing made us very busy.

There are not only jujube farmers, but also pickers all over the country. Every year, the peak season of employment attracts Shaanxi, Shanxi and company leisure workers, with an average daily employment of more than 3000 people.

Tian Naying has become a frequent visitor here. Every August, she works here as scheduled, which can increase her family's income by more than 10000 yuan in two months. Tian Naying said, "The winter jujube processing factory is near my home. I came here to work for two months during the slack season. I can earn 5000 to 6000 yuan a month to supplement my family. It's very good."

In the processing workshop, the workers are busy. Photographed by Pan Xu

In the past two days, with the maturity of winter jujube in a large area, orders from all over the country continued. The products processed every day were sent to all parts of the country after a short period of cold storage.

Gao Jie, the director of the winter jujube processing plant of Taklima Fruit Industry Co., Ltd. in Aral, told reporters that the current sales orders are basically from Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other first tier cities. In order to ensure the freshness of the fruit, they use cold chain transportation throughout the whole process, from the picking place to the supply point, basically for three to four days.

According to statistics, in the past four years, the average sales price of winter jujube of Taklima Fruit Industry Co., Ltd. in Alar City was 22 yuan per kilogram, the production of commodity fruit per mu was more than 1000 kg, and the output value per mu was more than 20000 yuan, which truly enriched the people with industry. (End)

key word: winter jujube Taklima pick Alar City Sorting

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