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The Golden Week of the Mid Autumn Festival National Day will open, and a quick overview of the hot spots of railway travel during the holiday

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 15 (Reporter Fan Xi, Zhou Yuan, Han Jianuo) On the 15th, train tickets for the Mid Autumn National Day Golden Week began to be sold. This year, the Mid Autumn Festival National Day holiday will be integrated, and passengers will travel strongly. The flow of family visits and tourism will be intertwined, and the railway passenger flow will show a strong growth trend.

How can the railway department ensure the transport capacity for holiday travel? Ticket buying is hot, how to improve the success rate of ticket grabbing The reporter sorted out and answered the hot spots of railway travel during the holiday.

How does the railway department arrange transport capacity?

This year, the Mid Autumn Festival National Day holiday is a combination of 8 days. The railway transportation of the Golden Week of the Mid Autumn Festival National Day lasts 12 days from September 27 to October 8, and is extended for 2 days before and after the holiday. The transportation period exceeds the golden week of previous years.

"In 12 days, the national railway is expected to send 190 million passengers." The head of the passenger transport department of China National Railway Group Corporation said that from the trend of passenger flow, the holiday will be dominated by long-distance passenger flow at both ends, and there will be a peak of passenger flow. The middle will be dominated by short distance passenger flow, and the passenger flow will always remain high.

In the face of peak passenger flow during the holiday, the railway department will scientifically allocate transport capacity resources and increase the investment of transport capacity. The national railway will implement the peak operation chart, and the daily average passenger seating capacity is expected to increase by 18.5% compared with the same period in 2019.

The railway department will increase the number of passenger seats in popular directions by means of multiple unit operation and adding carriages to ordinary speed passenger trains. In principle, full axle or full marshalling operation will be carried out in the direction of entering Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Each railway bureau group company will flexibly increase the number of passenger trains under its management according to the ticket sales data of railway 12306.

In consideration of the possible sudden large passenger flow, the railway department has reserved hot standby EMUs, ordinary speed passenger train vehicles and crews at major hub nodes in the country. "The number is no less than the" May Day "holiday. Once there is a sudden passenger flow, it can be put into operation at any time to meet the travel needs of passengers," said the head of the passenger transport department of China Railway Group.

With centralized ticket purchase, can railway 12306 cope with the huge traffic?

Shan Xinghua, deputy director of the Railway 12306 Science and Technology Innovation Center, said that in order to cope with the ticket sales peak of the Mid Autumn Festival National Day Golden Week this year, the technical team had made various technical preparations in advance, strengthened ticket sales monitoring and routine patrol inspection, and organized key technical forces to be on duty to ensure the safe and stable operation of the ticketing system.

"In order to cope with the huge number of visitors during the peak period of ticket sales, the 12306 technical team took targeted preparation measures, focusing on public cloud applications, network bandwidth expansion, prevention of malicious ticket grabbing and other aspects, to ensure the stable and efficient operation of the ticket sales system," she said.

In addition, the 12306 technical team has established a relatively complete operation and maintenance and emergency support system. Avoid "single point of failure" through simultaneous operation of multiple data centers. In case of failure, the technical team will launch the emergency plan as soon as possible to minimize the scope of failure and shorten the time of failure.

Why does the phenomenon of "second light" appear on some popular train tickets?

The railway department predicts that during the Golden Week, Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Xi'an and other cities will become popular places for passengers to start and arrive. In addition, Hangzhou will hold the Asian Games during the Golden Week and become a popular destination for high-speed rail travel.

Shan Xinghua said that the travel demand of passengers during the Golden Week was "piling up", resulting in tight transport capacity in some areas and periods. Especially on some popular routes, the departure and arrival times of some trains are more appropriate. The train with shorter travel time is the preferred travel scheme for many passengers.

"When these train tickets are sold, passengers' friends will use 12306 network ticket buying, mobile APP, station window and other ticket selling channels to quickly 'grab tickets', which may cause' second light 'phenomenon," said Shan Xinghua.

How to improve the success rate of ticket purchase?

Shan Xinghua said that the railway department will dynamically adjust the ticket allocation strategy according to the railway 12306 ticket pre-sale, backup ticket purchase big data and passenger flow law, taking into account the travel demand of long-distance and short distance passengers, and timely put the ticket amount to stations with large passenger flow demand, so as to maximize the travel demand of tourists.

Standby ticket purchase is a special way of train ticket purchase. It is reported that at present, the 12306 standby ticketing function of the railway is running stably, and the success rate of standby redemption has reached more than 75%.

Shan Xinghua suggested that passengers could increase the success rate of waiting by submitting multiple waiting orders combined with "date, train number and seat" and extending the waiting time.

In addition, in view of the situation that some passengers can't buy direct tickets during the peak passenger flow, Wang Hongye, director of the Product Design Department of the Railway 12306 Science and Technology Innovation Center, said that relevant passengers can purchase connecting tickets to meet their travel needs by taking the bus in sections. 12306 will intelligently recommend a transfer scheme with surplus tickets for passengers to choose based on their travel needs and surplus tickets.

It is reported that in order to facilitate the transfer of passengers, the railway department has set up convenient channels in 100 major stations to arrange station staff to provide guidance services, so that passengers can enter the waiting room without leaving the station, effectively shortening the transfer time.

key word: Mid Autumn National Day vacation golden week

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