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2023 Guangdong Tourism Expo ends, showing the recovery momentum of cultural tourism market

China News Network, Guangzhou, September 17 (Reporter Cheng Jingwei) The 2023 Guangdong International Tourism Industry Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "Travel Expo") ended on September 17 in the Guangzhou Canton Fair pavilion. According to the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province, this Guangdong Tourism Expo, as a landmark in the cultural and tourism industry, shows a strong momentum of recovery in the cultural and tourism market.

2023 Guangdong Tourism Expo has a high popularity. Picture provided by Guangzhilv

A total of 15 travel agencies and OTAs (online travel agencies) participated in this Guangdong Travel Expo, providing about 100000 preferential places for tourism, with a profit margin of more than 100 million yuan. At the same time, during the Travel Expo, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province organized the third round of cultural and tourism consumption subsidies this year, and issued cultural and tourism coupons totaling 5 million yuan, which is expected to directly boost tourism consumption by more than 25 million yuan.

In the three days of the exhibition, the on-site sales of the participating travel agency Guangzhilv exceeded 20 million yuan, and the sales of line products such as Maple Appreciation in Benxi, Liaodong, and Populus euphratica in Jinqiu, Ejina Banner, Inner Mongolia, were outstanding. "The subsidies for cultural tourism consumption and people's benefit have significantly driven the on-site sales of the Travel Expo," said Zhao Wenzhi, president of Guangdong Travel Agency Industry Association, chairman and president of Guangzhilv.

The total exhibition area of this Guangdong Tourism Expo is about 30000 square meters, with 1500 standard booths, three theme pavilions including international cultural tourism pavilion, cultural tourism integration pavilion and cultural tourism consumption experience pavilion, and about 3000 exhibitors participating in the Expo. In the three days of the exhibition, more than 10 industry associations from inside and outside Guangdong Province, nearly 1000 professional buyers visited the exhibition and held more than 30 theme activities. According to preliminary statistics, nearly 40000 people were attracted to the exhibition.

This Guangdong Tourism Expo will set up Guangdong theme image pavilion, Guangdong cultural tourism consumption new business type new scene theme exhibition area, Guangdong rural tourism and cultural innovation achievements exhibition area and other characteristic exhibition areas. 17 enterprises in the hot scenes of new business types in the province participated in the exhibition, displaying the cultural and creative product projects of "watching the big show" series, more than 400 rural cultural and creative products and other contents. (End)


key word: Travel Expo Guangzhi Tour Travel agency industry Ejina Banner, Inner Mongolia Margin

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