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How do office workers eat a balanced diet and celebrate the New Year healthily.

(2018-01-23 20:00:28)

Miscellaneous talk

The post-80s and 90s generation have become the backbone of the society. The office workers work hard and create unlimited value for the society. However, unhealthy living and eating habits have become the inducement of sub-health, and their physical health is becoming increasingly worrying. As the Spring Festival holiday is approaching, we are facing various problems such as chaotic work and rest. The health of office workers during the Spring Festival deserves our special attention.

 How do office workers eat a balanced diet and celebrate the New Year healthily.

During the Spring Festival, what nutrition and health problems are likely to occur in the diet of office workers?

one , brunch merger

When the Spring Festival holiday comes, the work and rest time will be disrupted. If you don't sleep at night and get up in the morning, three meals a day will become two meals. Breakfast and lunch will be combined, and dinner will be too rich. After a few days, the gastrointestinal burden will increase, and the spleen and stomach will be weak, which will easily lead to digestive system diseases, as well as decreased resistance and immunity.

two Excessive drinking

During the Spring Festival, welcome and see off, drinking is indispensable. Excessive drinking has great damage to the central nervous system, liver, heart and cerebral vessels.

three , overeating

During the Spring Festival, the table is very rich, coupled with irregular eating, it is particularly easy to be hungry and full. In case of excessive hunger, the speed of eating will be accelerated. In case of large food intake, overeating will occur, which will increase the burden on the stomach, damage the gastrointestinal health, and lead to indigestion, obesity, fatty liver and other diseases.

four . The meal is unreasonable

During the Spring Festival, we should not only focus on large fish and large meat, but also diversify our diet. Meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits and cereals should be eaten together with meat and vegetables, which are rich in nutrition and meet all kinds of nutrients needed by the human body.

The above are the common Spring Festival food problems of office workers. If these conditions are not avoided, they are likely to lead to post festival syndrome, digestive disorders, dizziness, anxiety, neurasthenia and other symptoms, which make it impossible to enter the working state after the festival, and the efficiency is low.

 How do office workers eat a balanced diet and celebrate the New Year healthily.

So, how do office workers eat a balanced diet and celebrate the New Year healthily?

First of all, it is recommended to eat three meals a day on time, pay attention to the balanced mix of meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits and cereals, and control the amount of food eaten, try to achieve 7-80% full for each meal, reduce the burden on the stomach and facilitate digestion and absorption.

Secondly, choose healthy cooking methods, eat less fried and barbecue food, try to choose quick frying, steaming, cooking, cold dressing and other cooking methods, control the total amount of oil intake, and retain the nutrition of food ingredients as much as possible.

Finally, the choice of cooking oil is also crucial, because cooking oil provides us with fatty acids, one of the three nutrients needed by the human body, not only to improve the flavor of cooking.

 How do office workers eat a balanced diet and celebrate the New Year healthily.

Many office workers seldom cook by themselves. They also eat a barrel of edible oil for a long time. In addition, they like to eat a single vegetable oil, resulting in a single intake of fatty acids. The composition and nutrition of oil are different. Long term use of a single oil will lead to unbalanced fatty acid intake, which is easy to lead to disease. In fact, the truth is very simple. We know that the diet should be diversified in order to achieve balanced nutrition. The same is true for eating oil. We should not eat a single type of oil. Everyone should eat three kinds of fatty acids every day and should not prefer any kind of oil. In this way, blended oil is an ideal choice. I recommend the golden dragon fish that advocates balanced fatty acids 1:1:1 Blended oil, which advocates the balanced intake of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, has won the Chinese invention patent. Eight kinds of vegetable oils can be obtained in one bottle, which is both nutritious and convenient!

 Golden arowana 1:1:1 ™ Golden ratio edible blended oil

I am Amma, the national senior public nutritionist. I recommend the golden arowana 1:1:1, which advocates the balance of fatty acids The golden ratio of edible blended oil makes nutrition balanced and healthier!

Click to read the original text and buy a healthy oil!


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