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It's about the health of a child's life. You can't be careless

(2017-12-20 02:50:08)

Miscellaneous talk

​         The health of children is the most important concern of parents. How to make children at the growth stage eat more nutritionally and scientifically has become a growing concern of parents. When children start to eat their first meal, every ingredient, seasoning and cooking method they eat is related to their healthy growth.

      Today, I would like to make a science popularization for the edible oil that children can't live without.

When is it appropriate to add edible oil to your baby?

      Oil is one of the indispensable nutrients for the human body, and it is indispensable for the development of children's body, brain and nerves.

      In fact, babies have been exposed to oil since they were born. About 50% of breast milk is oil, which is the main source of energy and nutrients for babies aged 0-6 months. After 6 months, the nutritional components in the milk can no longer fully meet the nutritional needs of the baby. At this time, complementary foods need to be added, which should contain an appropriate amount of high-quality fatty acids. Therefore, it is time to gradually add edible oil to the baby.

What kind of oil is good for children?


        According to the infant feeding guidelines of the Women's Branch of the Chinese Nutrition Society, the recommended daily amount of edible oil for infants aged 6-12 months is 5-10g; The recommended daily amount of edible oil for 1-3 year olds is 20-25g. Here, mothers need to make it clear that the recommended amount does not mean that babies at this age must reach the corresponding amount, but that they will gradually reach the corresponding amount in this stage.

        In the selection of edible oil for children, it is recommended that everyone choose nutritionally balanced blended oil, so as to ensure that every meal can receive balanced nutrients from edible oil. The reason why blended oil is recommended is that the nutrition of a single oil is fixed. If it is taken for a long time, it is easy to cause uneven nutrition intake. Especially for children who are in rapid growth and development, the nutrients required in blended oil should be more comprehensive. Therefore, blended oil is very helpful to cultivate children's healthy eating outlook both now and in the future.


How to choose a high-quality blend oil for children?

At present, there are many kinds of blended oils on the market, so we should carefully choose the oils that are more suitable for children's growth. First, we should pay attention to whether the fatty acids contained in the blended oils are balanced. The balanced ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids is 1:1:1, which helps to achieve balanced diet and nutrition; Secondly, attention should be paid to the brand qualification of blended oil, and it is better to have such hard standards as the recommendation of national authority or patent certification; Finally, we need to see whether the ingredient list contains at least 3 kinds of oils required for the growth and development of children.

soybean oil It is beneficial for young children to enhance their memory and keep their blood unblocked.

Peanut oil It can promote the growth and development of children and enhance their immunity.

Sesame oil The sesame oil also contains rich vitamin E and linoleic acid, which can be easily absorbed by the human body.

Walnut oil It can promote the intellectual development of young children.

Flax seed oil (sesame oil) It can increase the DHA content in the brain and help to improve children's IQ.


Children need multiple nutrients to grow up. There is a way to eat oil. It is about the nutrition of children's life. You can't be careless any more!


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