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 Psychological consultant Han Meiling
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Are you your child's playmate?

(2014-10-14 17:15:14)



psychological counseling

Psychological consultation teacher


Reading guide: How many marriages, how many emotions, how many parent-child relationships, all remember their own good, whether it was good, or take it for granted, anyway, I am good to you, you must give me the good feedback I want.

Last May Day, during our son's many quarrels, we went to the dog farm to buy a Teddy dog. The dog we just bought was small enough to fit into a tea cup, and we named it "Little Little".


When my son comes home from school every day, he will take a look at Pettitte first, take him out for a walk, feed him something to eat, take a bath every five days, and gently dry his hair with a hair dryer. As soon as he heard his son's voice, he jumped and cried with excitement. When he saw him, he rushed to him. When his son picked it up, he kept licking on his hands and face. My son often puts the little dots in his clothes, does his homework, and goes out to play. It seems that he can't leave them for a moment. The little one grew up in his son's arms day by day.


After six months at home, Xiaobudian has grown up a lot and can no longer take him out to play in clothes. His son's affection for dogs has gradually faded. He began to play with Xiaobudian every other time, and he likes to do some mischievous things. Some of these things are not interested in Xiaobudian, but more are making Xiaobudian uncomfortable and barking.


Last night, my son took the dog to the bed and wanted to sleep with him. However, the dog always tried to jump out of the bed and find the door. The son refused, so he must sleep with it, hold it in his arms, and pull the quilt to cover it. The dog was forced to cry in the quilt and struggled to death, so his son had to let it go. The dog soon got out of the quilt, jumped out of the bed, stood at the door and watched his son barking "woof, woof, woof". The son had to open the door for fear that he might disturb the neighbors. Xiao Piao ran to my room, jumped into bed, found a place to lie down between my husband and me, and safely closed his eyes. It pressed my leg, and I said that it was small, and it pressed me, so I got up and moved. He looked at me and got up to move. The son looked at him with more eyes, and took him away again. Soon, he heard the cry of Xiaobitian in his son's room, which was very upset and depressed. The son had to let Xiaobitian out again. Xiaopeidian ran to our bed in a hurry, got into the bed, and remained motionless inside. My son was a little angry. He came to me and said that he was my father. I was so good to him, and now he doesn't play with me or sleep with me. Open the quilt to catch the little dot. The little dot immediately jumped out of the bed, got under the bed, and still didn't come out according to his son. I was afraid that Xiaobudian would get covered with dust under the bed, so I called him. At first, he didn't respond. I said Xiaobudian, if you don't come out again, I will beat you. Pee Wee immediately came out of the room and jumped onto the bed. My son is very wronged. You are my dog. If you were not me, you would not come to my house. I played with you when you were young, but now you ignore me. Why, why?


I asked my son, why don't you play with your father? He said that my father always talked to me with a straight face. He always saw what I did badly and always picked on me. Most importantly, he never plays with me what I like. I asked him, how long has it been since you played with Pettitte? Do you want to play with Xiaopeidian? Don't give him something he likes? Just like your father, he thinks that he loves you and criticizes you for your own good, but you don't accept this sentiment. If he plays with you, he will give you something you like to eat, drink and play, and do something you are interested in, and what's your problem, he will let you do something he wants you to do …… Before I finished, my son said, if so, what does such a good father want me to do, what does he think I do badly, and why not scold me.


I said you should think about how to get along with the puppy. My son said, I will not play with it, and let it go to you. I immediately pushed my husband. Listen, don't you also say so. I don't care about my son. You can do whatever you like. How come your son's words are the same as yours? What is the intention?


How many marriages, how many emotions, how many parent-child relationships, all remember their own good, whether it was good, or take it for granted, anyway, I am good to you, you must give me the good feedback I want. If not, I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone.


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